Farlander (Enderman X Reader)

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                    The sky darkened as you achieved one more block of wood. You stared at the horizon as the sun slowly drifted into the darkness. You turned towards the mountain land behind you, you could see mobs already beginning to spawn in. You readied your stone sword, you'd been lucky to craft it during the first day of survival. You stared at the zombies plotting themselves on the land, standing next to them were armed skeletons, spiders, and a certain explosive mob you surely didn't care for. You backed up warily, heading for the tree you'd set up next to the beach. It had a torch planted onto its bark and a small hole with a chest containing your items inside. Sadly, you didn't have a bed, you had no shears and didn't feel like killing a poor sheep. As you backed up you bumped into something. Someone. You turned around only to see a tall lanky figure standing before you. 

                    You diverted your eyes from the enderman. Something was different about this one though. He had green eyes and the particles spaces around him weren't purple, they were black. You used your hands to cover your eyes. The snarl of a zombie scowled near you. You gasped as you stepped back from the enderman. You pulled your eyes upwards in search for the zombie, but you coudnt find any dead visitors of the night. You glanced over in the enderman's direction. He opened his mouth revealing his many fangs and screeched at you. You jumped a little at the noise before sprinting off towards the tree of shelter. You could hear the mob teleporting around behind you. You continued to run past fellow mobs and around the few trees leading towards the last one located near the peak of the sand. The tall monster teleported in front of you, sending you backwards and onto the ground. You slashed your sword at him, and he stumbled backwards as it hit his torso. He let out a mangled screech before teleporting away. You took the last few spaces parting you from safety before hurdling into your shelter. You sat down inside your small house. Well, you wouldn't call it a house, more like an underground shack. You heard the unsettling noises of the endermen outside. There were more than one now. You peered out. Two others had joined the one from before, except they actually looked normal, having purple eyes, complete with purple particles. The unique one chimed something to the others. One of them screeched back and the one standing next to him shoved the different one. He said something in return to the others violence before the other one pushed him to the ground and socked him a good one in the mouth. Your eyes widened. You ducked back into your shelter, snatching your sword from your chest and rushing outside. He may have been a mob who had previously tried to kill you, but you weren't going to allow this. You were their enemy. And you thought people were mean. You threw yourself at the one who had tackled the one with glossy green eyes. You stabbed him repeatedly with were sword. You hit him four times before he teleported away, then you proceeded to attack the other. Once they left, the special one stared at you with pure curiosity. "Hi?" you said questionably. You extended your hand for him to take. He gripped his rough hand around yours, his fingers intertwining with yours and his claws brushing over your skin.

                    You had made the gesture to help him up. You didn't know if he knew that, or if he thought this was funny. He just sort of stared at your small hands, his fingers coiled around them. You blushed slightly. You pulled him up and he stood taller than you, staring down on you. He didn't get mad when you looked up at him, he just stared. "Follow me." you said nudging your head towards your house. He seemed to understand. "Can I call you Endy?" you asked him as you cleared a blocks worth of your ceiling so he could enter. He shook his head. "Why not?" you stopped and looked at him. He coughed a few times, a raspy noise that had a hint of a cackle in it. "I am not an Enderman." he stated sternly. His voice was so smooth, but so rough. It was clear, but it buzzed with the many odd noises of an enderman. "But you look like one, you-" he cut you off. "I am a Farlander." he told you. "Well what shall I call you?" you asked, astonished by what was happening. "Simple. Call me Farlander." he chimed quietly. You nodded your head. "Okay, Farlander." you said as you cleared the last few blocks. "Come on in." you uttered, and he stepped on in. "Magnificent, I have never had a home before, I am a bit of a roamer." He said, looking around the small area curiously. You shrugged. "Well, your not going to stay, are you?" you questioned. "Why?" he sounded hurt, "Do you want me gone?" he asked. "No! No." you said too quickly, "Its fine." you said, stepping forward. You wanted to hug him, but he was so tall. He hugged you instead. He crouched down and pulled your into a surprisingly cold hug. He was so cold. You kind of liked it. When he released you, his hand drifted to yours, and he held it subconsciously. You accepted it. "What next?" he asked. "Survival, I suppose." you shrugged once more. What an odd day.

(A/n): I know this sounds like I made some dumb Gary Sue Enderman OC, but I promise you, I did not. If you look into the original forums, Endermen were originally called farlanders and had green eyes and black particles. Look it up! They aren't as cool as present day endearmen, I must admit, but cool nonetheless.

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