Vincent X reader (slight lemon U///U)

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      You slammed your phone down on the countertop after having hung up on your mother. You had gotten into another argument. You ran your hand through your hair in an angry, nervous manner, sighing as you did so. You stood up from your chair and slipped your coat on, walking towards the door. Your shoes weren't a problem since you hadn't taken them off when you got home from work. You snatched a toboggan and a pair of mittens as you walked through the door. Slipping the accessories on, you shut the door behind you, looking up at the starry night sky. You sighed again, your breath coming out as a small white cloud in front of you, drifting out into the wind. It was freezing out. Maybe BELOW freezing. You started walking down your driveway and began to make your way down the sidewalk.

        You arrived at the park. It was empty, street lights illuminated the area dimly. It wasn't like a park for little kids, there wasn't a swing set in sight, but it was more like a relaxing preserve in the middle of the bustling city, and it was even more peaceful at night. Especially on a cold night such as tonight. Not a single person around.

        "Useless." you muttered under your breath, repeating the words your mother had called you without hesitation. Even though the word barely made a sound, it sent another flurry of white air into the sky. You shivered slightly, wandering down the dirt pathway that led throughout the park.

        You pulled one of your gloves off, looking at your hand. Your fingertips were a bright pink compared to your frigidly pale hands. You put the glove back on. It wasn't helping much. You kept walking, not caring whether the wind was biting at your nose, or that you could no longer feel the tips of your ears. You just kept walking, thinking about how much of a mistake you were, how right your mother was when she called you the things she did. Bitch. Idiot. Whore. Failure. Waste of time. You were determined not to cry, though your eyes began to water. Wether it was from your thoughts and memories or if it was because of the cold, you were't sure. You just kept your eyes on your path, on your scenery. Thats when you saw someone else walking up the path. Your eyes widened slightly, not wanting to come into contact with anyone. As you walked down the path, your pace getting slower to avoid the person walking in your direction, you could tell he was looking down at the ground, probably couldn't even tell you were there. He had his hands in the pockets of his coat, a black trench coat that went down to his knees, and folded carefully around his mouth. Plus he was wearing earmuffs, the cute fluffy kind that you wished you could wear more often. 'Intriguing' you thought simply. You continued to walk, your pace steadying out a little as you watched the other individual.

        You continue walking nervously up until the other person passed you, bumping his shoulder into yours as he strode past quickly. You were thrown back just a little, letting out a rigid gasp into the silence of the night. The other person stopped and turned, looking up at you. You stared back, trembling from the cold. That's when you noticed his eyes. His white, soulless eyes.

        "I..I'm sorry." you managed, almost speechless. You couldn't really see him, the street lamp was positioned behind him, leaving his facial expression a mystery, but his eyes, his intriguingly strange eyes seemed to give a faint white glow. But the outline the light was giving him made him appear...purple.

        "No. It's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm sorry." he returned, his voice was low and raspy, seductively sensual without any intention. It sent a shiver up your spine.

        "No, seriously, it was my fault." you retorted, determined to convince this stranger that it was you who should be blamed. Maybe it was the thoughts your mom had put into your head, made you feel guilty for everything that went wrong. You were determined to convince him that it was indeed, your fault.

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