Zacharie X Reader //semi-lemon//(Requested by Holyfuckingmaple)

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        "C'mon, (Y/n), we need to get moving." the Batter said, monotone. You looked back up at him and skittered over to his side, standing just slightly farther away than Alpha, Omega, and Epsilon. The whole lot of you were walking back through the Zones in search for any items you'd missed to beat the Queen without havnig to purchase anything from Zacharie. So far, it wasn't looking good. The Zones were inhabited by...different spectres. They were honestly more horrifying than any of the others you'd come across. The Zones seemed so dead after he'd purified them. Anyways, you honestly wouldn't mind going back to get things from the merchant, in fact, last time you had seen him, you really hit it off! You hadn't told the Batter, but you and Zacharie were dating. The Batter seemed to be a little possesive over you and due to that, it was a bit of a secret among the two of you. As you returned to Zone 2, you though about the shop that Zacharie ususally stayed at. 

        "Hey, um, Batter?" you looked over in his direction, his Add On's floating around in their normal formation behind him. He glances back at you, his eyes dark and hidden in the shadow of the bill of his baseball cap. "Can I um...go? I promise I'll be back soon!" You said, sort of waving him off. He thought about it a moment, contemplating the pro's and con's of letting you wander off. 

        After a moment of thinking, he let off and allowed you to go. He turned back to the problem at hand as you wandered off through the abandon library, approaching the store once you found your way around. You looked up at the building, curiosity building up inside you. It had been a while since you'd seen Zacharie, you wondered if he would even be there, considering all the Zones, including this one, were void of anything or anyone except the mutant looking adversaries. You took a deep sigh before walking in. 

        Everything had a thick coat of dust casted over it like a blanket. The building had taken on a dull look and the boxes in the corner looked crumpled. 

        "Zacharie?" you called out into the dark, musty room. No reponse. You looked around, walking over to the desk, looking it over. "Zacharie...?" you chimes, quieter this time, a little more out of luck. You ran your hand along the desk, your fingers leaving streaks in the dust that caked the entire room. You looked at your hand, now covered in a layer of dust particles, and wiped it on your jeans. "Huh." you muttered to yourself, turning to walk out. 

        Before you could get out the door, something grabbed at you wrist, fingers coiling around your radiocarpal joint. (Oooh, science!) You gasped and turned your head, only to see two wide black eyes carved into an all too familiar cat mask staring back. 

        "Zacharie!" You chirped in happiness. He tugged your wrist slightly, pulling you closer.

        "Buenos dias, amiga! C'mon!" he said, his words a bit slurred, blended together in a rush. You cocked an eyesbrow as he pulled you carefully over the desk, ducking down and dragging you with him. 

        "Couldn't think of any better greeting?" you teased, "What are you still doing here, anyways?" you questioned him.

        He chuckled that low laugh of his. "I had a funny feeling you'd come back here, sugar." he responded, the mask he wore leaving him looking as happy as always, as happy as ever. You never quite understood why he always called you sugar, it seemed to remind him of someone. He never told you why he wore a mask, or why he didn't really like the batter unless he was buying something, he never really told you anything. He nudged his mask up over the bridge of his nose, and because of past experiences, you knew where this was leading. 

        He leaned in and kissed you, and all of your thoughts fled your mind. You allowed him to do whatever he wanted and his hands held your shoulders as his lips pressed against yours. 

        He pulled away just seconds in. "I'm happy to see you too, Zacharie." you mumbled with a snicker to follow up.

        "No, (Y/n), you're going to destroy the queen, correct?" he asked you and you nodded, confused. "I may never see you again after this, and I'm going to make it worth our while." a smiled formed on his lips, his perfect, soft lips. (U//v//U) You just smiled in return as he leaned back in to kiss you again. 

        This time, he didn't pull away. His hand trailed to the small of your back, and you shivered inwards, pressing yourself farther into him. You reached up and pulled his mask up over his head, dropping it to the floor. You could see his eyes, once in a lifetime thing, you guessed. They were blue, shimmering and handsome as he looked down at you. He had two scratches running parallel to each other and trailing through his eye, not scarring his eye but dissapearing and reappearing on his eyelids. His lips pressing against yours. Softly at first, then a little rougher, a little more forcefully, but still with passion. He looked at you half lidded, smirking under the kiss. You pulled away to take a breath but he pushed your head back forward, taking the oppurtunity to force his tongue in and roam your mouth. You honestly didn't quite know how to take what was happening, you just surrendered yourself to you pleasures and allowed what was happening. His hands, having just pushed your head back into his, gripped your hair in knots and he pushed you over onto the floor, covering the two of you in dust. He pulled himself up over you and pulled away to look at you, the tip of his tongue still visible and begging for more as you looked up at him. You perched yourself up on your elbows and he loomed over you, forcing you to push yourself up to kiss him. You did. He pushed you back down, pinning your hands and leaning forward again. You closed you eyes and moments later you could feel his tongue on your neck. He started biting and you bit your bottom lip. His hands left yours and he grabbed your collar to push you against the desk. Making things easier. His hands shifted up under your shirt as he continued kissing you, his tongue tangling with yours. His hands massaged your sides and it felt so good, it sent waves of pleasure through your body. He brought his hands back down, his fingertips just beggining to press under the hem of your pants when the silence around you was broken.

"(Y/N)!!!" the Batter shouted, and you opened your eyes to see the Batter looming over the counter, staring down at the two of you. You looked up at Zacharie in worry, but he just looked at you calmly. He grabbed his mask, pulling it back over his face, getting up off you and glancing at the Batter. 

"Batter." Zacharie said simply, continuing to stare. The Batter scolwed and you looked at him cautiously. 

"C'mon (Y/n)," his voice was low and aggrivated, "We're leaving." you got up and he grabbed your wrist, like Zacharie, only much harsher, and he jerked you over the counter. You turned and looked at Zacharie, waving simply before you left with the Batter. Maybe the last time you'd ever see him. He made it worth your while.

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