Angel! Vincecho X Reader

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Disclaimer: Vincecho is my character :) if you follow my artbooks you should know who he is- if you don't go check him out he's pretty great. 

        You stared through the heavy rain at the corpse of your old friend. She'd betrayed you for the last time. But now that she was gone, and your secret was out- not to mention you just committed murder- what was the point? You held up the blade to look over it. A thick, red liquid dripped from it, the rain that fell in heavy droplets washing it away as it went. 

        "Heh. Guess I found the end of the line, huh?" you chirped out with a soft grin. The voices that had haunted you for as long as you could possibly remember rang out in a symphony of laughter. You chuckled along with them, though the noise was full of grief. 

        "Well, goodbye guys! Nice knowing ya.." you cracked a smile as the distorted words fell out into the windy rain. They all began to say their goodbyes, their voices like the crowd at the dock, bidding farewell to the passengers on the Titanic. You smiled before plunging the knife into your chest, quickly losing balance and tumbling onto your back. You gagged on your blood as it came up and spat out your mouth, running down your chin. Sloppy mud gushed from under you and the rain continued to fall on your bleeding body. A beautiful crimson glazed the blades of grass that waved in the wind around you. You simply smiled, thankful it was over, looking up at the dull, grey sky. 

        "Goodbye." you muttered again, through the taste of copper, as the world fell into a black abyss. 

        I opened my eyes. The numbing pain of the stab wound teasing at you like the remains of a dream dancing in memories just beyond access. Rain still hit your face as you squinted up at the stormy clouds. A tall, odd figure stood over you, causing you to blink a few time to focus. 

        "Hello?" a voice rang out to me, kind of husky, but soft like velvet.  

        "H-hello?" you responded. Though you were a little shaken, you weren't very worried about anyone finding you, dying, next to your dead friend. As weird as that may be. 

        "Oh! Hello, love. I didn't think you'd be waking up so soon." the voice sounded again. Your eyes focused through the rain to see a male of dull lilac skin and dark and rich purple hair that stuck out in all directions, staring down at you with perfectly golden eyes. He reached his hand out to help you up. Of course, you took his hand. His skin was a little rough and he had a tight grip, helping you to your feet. The numbing pain in my chest shot through you for a second, and you looked down to see that blade still sticking from your flesh. His hand left yours, reaching over to jerk the knife out and toss it to the ground. You winced a little, though it hadn't hurt. He was a lot taller than you, and as he loomed over you, you realized something else- he had wings. Giant, black wings that stuck out from his back and twisted around from behind them. He folded one over you to sheild you from the rain. You studied them for a moment, unsure of what was going on. You glanced up at his face, now. He seemed to be studying you just as closely. 

        "Well....unless you've something to say I'll....I'll be going, now.." you mumbled under your breath, wondering if he'd heard you at all. He was still lapsed in silence when you turned and nearly stumbled over a dead duplicate of yourself. You looked down at it in utter confusion.

        "W-Where-" you muttered, keeping your eyes trained on your corpse, but you were cut off when the strange male grabbed you by the wrist and spun you around to face him again. You nearly gasped from how swiftly he'd turned you.

        He narrowed his eyes in the slightest, raising an eyebrow, observing you a second before smirking and ducking his head a bit, "Welcome to the in-between." he shot you a crooked smile as he tilted his head, a streak of lightning piercing the sky behind him as the words left his mouth. Thunder boomed to life all around you and your heart skipped a beat from the shock. You looked at him in confusion and an oddly pleasant hint of fear, now shivering in the rain. He yanked you closer to him and folded his wings around you once more, looking at you quietly, that devious smirk still playing on his lips. 

        "Thanks, but....why am I here..?" you questioned him, looking him in the eyes. He pulled an arm around you and held your body against his softly. 

        "I know just as well as you, but you're the first to come in a long while," he responded, looking back down at you. He had a halo, crafted of nothing but barbed wire, its edges sticking out and twining around each other raggedly. It hovered just above your head, and like you had with his wings, you caught yourself staring. 

        "Ya know- it's quite rude to stare," he stated with a maddening grin, a joking tone to his voice, clearly amused. He kneeled to your height, still covering your small form with his large, feathery wings. Two of his six hands drew upward and rested themselves on your shoulders. You looked to one of his hands before looking back to his eyes. He was looking at you rather seriously, now. Almost intimidatingly. 

        "Promise not to leave me," he spoke, monotone. His face gave no expression or emotion, but it was almost as if a blaze was burning behind those golden eyes of his. 

       "Well....Uh, I'd be pretty lonely without you, so...." you mumbled quietly with a forced, but nervous, smile. 

        "I can tell you're lying." he nearly whispered in response. Heavy rain almost drowned out his words. 

        "I'm sorry......I barely know you- for heaven's sake I don't even know your name!" you declared, unmoving as you stared at him. He nearly gasped.

        "Well damn- where are my manners?" he tilted his head a bit, clucking his tongue disapprovingly. "Vincecho." he looked you in the eyes, confidence in his tone as he repeated himself, "my name's Vincecho," he concluded. Two more of his many hands found yours, taking them in his. His eyes dropped from yours and gazed down at your hands, which were incredibly small compared to his. 

        "What an.....interesting.. name....I'm (Y/n)." you uttered, looking down at your hands as well, but focusing more on the ones that twined around them. After a longing moment of silence, he lifted one of your hands slowly to his mouth, kissing your knuckles softly.  A light pink hue dusted your cheeks in response. 

        "You've got an interesting name yourself, (Y/n). It's wonderful to meet you," he stated with a smirk, looking back to your eyes. You quickly looked to his gaze, hesitantly pulling your hand away from him, slowly and carefully. His eyes flickered to your hand in an alarming, instinctual fashion, but they flew right back to your eyes in a second. He drew his hands up and cupped your cheeks in his palms, his thumbs rubbing your skin gently. 

        "What're you doing..?" you murmured to him, coiling your fingers around his wrists with slight caution. 

        "It's just been so long since I've seen someone..." he responded quietly, looking into your eyes with interested golden ones. There was some sort of edge to his voice. As if he were hiding something from you. One of his hands left your face and the other moved under your chin, holding it there quietly. You watched him silently as he slowly drew closer, his face so close you could feel his warm breath tickling your lips. He looked at you curiously. You returned the glance.

        "May I?" he inquired in a whisper.

        "....what?" you responded, looking at him now through squinting eyes, nearly wincing away from him with caution. 

        "May I kiss you?" he questioned, a light blush dusting his lilac skin perfectly, creating a beautiful red-violet hue. You nodded hesitantly, and as you did, his perfect lips molded softly with yours. You squeezed your eyes shut and your heart rate picked up a little, holding his wrist a bit tighter. Your cheeks heated up just a little as you were overcome with a feeling of vulnerability and nervousness, but there was something about it that enticed you, and you craved more. 

        He held the kiss for a moment longer, pulling away after a few seconds to look you in the eyes again.

        "Thank you." he spoke carefully, passion in his voice, "I needed it.." he slowly pulled his hand away from under your chin, and he studied you closely for a moment more before standing straight again, looking out into the hazy distance. You could still feel the slight blush on your cheeks as you looked forward quietly. 

        Perhaps life on the in-between wasn't as bad it seemed. 

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