I Am The Cure (SCP-049 X Reader)

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                    You approached the elevator, slowly and sleepily. You had just barely escaped the grasp of SCP-173. You sat in the elevator for a while before proceeding to a lower floor. You triumphantly regained your balance upon standing and thumped the palm of your hand on the elevator's button. The elevator rumbled to life, descending you down to the lower floor. You sighed as it came to a rest. You poked your head outside the door cautiously. It was a lot like the maintenance tunnels, but a bit different. 'Why the heck not?' you thought, remembering 'the statue', as its files called it. You walked out of the elevator, the door closing precariously. You walked through the tunnels upon tunnels, avoiding SCP-106 when necessary until you stumbled upon another containment area. "Hmm...what do we have here?" you asked yourself aloud, reading the informational panel. 'Secure. Contain. Protect.' it read at the top, as usual. 'SCP-049 Object class: Euclid' you sneered. 'Euclid' was never good. SCP-173 was an object class Euclid. While its still not Keter, it seemed bad enough. 'Sentient and violent', you continued reading. "Gosh couldn't get any worse," You complained "Unless it was like, an object class Keter. Then i'd be screwed!" you peered into the containment area. Didn't look like any files were inside, thus you could honestly care less upon entering. You decided to anyways, as maybe something good could come out of it. 

                    You walked in casually, strolling over and spinning around the corner. You stopped as you turned, a dead body was sitting up against the wall, his stomach had been penetrated. You stared for a moment, not much in fear but more in wonder. Considering the whole containment breach, it was normal. While you still weren't ready to face death, death itself seemed so fascinating. You continued to look at the corpse until you eventually got bored and turned to leave, but before you could even get your foot out the doorframe, you came face to face with SCP-049. "Greetings." his voice was velvet soft, soothing if you may. "uhhh," you had no idea how to respond, he was an SCP "h-hi?". He snickered, but his melodic laugh was cut short as another corpse, reanimated now, approached the two of you. It wasn't much farther away from you as SCP-049, its arm brushed across his shoulder and it extended its arm out and reached for you. SCP-049 raised his  hand and touched the zombie like person. As soon as his hand made contact with it, it dropped to the floor dead, for good this time. "Sorry about that, good doctor. The victims of the disease are not very well with other human organisms."  his voice calmed you, even after the incident you'd just witnesses. You stared at the dead creature. "Y-your touch is deadly." the words barely slipped from your mouth as you glanced back up at the humanoid creature. He just glared back at you in response. You backed away slowly, never pulling your eyes away from him, as if he were SCP-173. "Oh good doctor, I don't know your reasoning behind being so fearful, as you are not infected, thus operating on you would be a mistake." his low tranquilizing voice rang. You didn't know very well how to react upon his presence. "D-doctor? I think your mistaking I'm not anything but a simple class D personnel!" you argued. "Well I don't sense the pestilence in you, dear. You must be something of higher class." He straightened himself a bit, tilting his head in a curious manor. "I..uh..assure you, I'm nothing more than a simple class D, in fact my personnel designation is D-9341." you told him this in order to convince him you were nothing special, but maybe it was best you didn't argue, as he seemed to be a pacifist around what he thought was a doctor. He raised his hand. You shuddered as you backed into a wall, there was no where to run now, you began to shrivel a little, pulling yourself to the floor. He just continued to come closer to you, his hand now inches from you. He paused a second, staring at you, you were sure you met his gaze. He then proceeded to touch you, his hand brushing across your cheek. You stopped breathing for a second, his thumb pulled a strand of your hair away from you face. You let out a sigh of relief, pulling yourself back up and melting into his touch. He wore gloves, they were soft but exceptionally rough. It was so comforting, you leaned your head against his hand. He pulled away, your frowned in return. While everyone in this dumb facility thought that his face was the bird like mask he wore, due to the fact his skin is made of the same material, as microscopic and genetic tests show, but it was now clear to you that it was just a mask, as he began to pulled it off.

                    His face looked a bit like what you'd expect from an SCP, unusual. Human, surprisingly, but unusual nonetheless. One of his eyes had a dull blue pupil, looking almost grey, but still had a tint of blue to it. His other eye, however, was white. It had no pupil, under that eye his skin was dark, one could easily assume he was extremely sleep deprived, but his other eye proved otherwise. The darkness under his left eye seemed to bleed down his cheek in two areas, as if you could wipe it off like paint. His hair was ruffled, as if he had hibernated for three weeks and didn't brush his hair afterwards, but it still had that cute look to it. But those things barely meant anything to you once you saw his face, because the thing you noticed the most was the three scars that ran across his face, starting under his left eyebrow and stopping just above his chin on the other side of his face. You stared up at him in amazement. "Are you.....okay?" you asked, as he didn't smile, but a bit of a half frown was present. You reached up and ran your index finger across the gashes. He winced a bit upon you touching it, but immediately he lapsed back to the expression he wore before. You pulled your hand away, fearing you might be hurting him. He brought his hands back up to your face and pulled you a bit closer. You knew what was about to happen, and as bad as it was, you didn't want to stop him. He was human enough for you. 

                    He pulled you into the kiss, it was so pleasant, and his lips seemed to have the same texture as his gloves. Pleasingly soft, but rough at the same time. His lips molded into yours and you were overwhelmed with excitement and fear. The agents in this place were going to kill you, no doubt. You proceeded to kiss him for a minute or so before pulling away. "You....have a name?" You asked ,as you felt it would be rude to call him SCP-049, it was a fake name, given to him by people who probably hardly knew him for the person you knew him as. "Im disappointed to say no, but I don't. Just call me doctor." he said with a soft smile, which faded away as he put the mask back on. You nodded. You wondered if he did this often, you could honestly care less though. You could care less about being stuck in some dumb facility with so many containment breaches happening at the time, the doctor being one of them. You'd rather just stay with him in this corrupted world. So something good did come out of walking in. 

(A/n): I rreeeeaaaalllllllllllyyyyy like SCP-049 'The Plague Doctor'. I did a bunch of research on him in order to make this oneshot correct! Im thinking about writing a full fanfic on him, most of which will somewhat resemble this oneshot, but will have its quirks. Anyways, i can't promise I will, but if it pops up on my page, thats where it came from I guess, haha! Sometime, when I figure out how to post a picture, as I find the whole URL thing confusing, Ill post a pic of his face, or maybe i'll use it as a cover :3.Thanks for reading! Comment if you like this sweet doctor just as much as I do, or maybe you just enjoyed the story! Tootles my fantabulous readers! 

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