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Ben sat on the grass looking up at the stars, wondering what it would be like to go to another planet.

"Can I come with you one day when you leave dad?" He asked, looking over at the slightly grayed man laying in the grass next to him.

"Maybe someday." He replied.

Ben rolled on his side, facing him. "Do you promise?"

His dad frowned, then rolled over as well, reaching his hand out to brush Ben's cheek.

"I promise." He whispered.

Ben smiled, and so did his dad.


Ben sat up, sweat sticking to his adolescent body, as he shook his head. To anyone else, that dream wouldn't have seemed like a nightmare, but to him, it was.

He slid his feet over the side of his small bed, and padded over to the balcony to look out over the vast trees of Corellia, dads home planet. His mom was visiting his grandparents while his dad was away. Ben hadn't seen his father in years, but his mother told him that he was doing something important.

"Your father is a good man Ben. He's just busy, that's all."

But the look on her face when she said it, told him that she wasn't quite sure if she meant it.

Ben was sixteen years old now. He hadn't seen much of his father in the past 7 years, and he made excuses every time he had to leave, saying he would take Ben with him next time.

"The universe is a scary place, Ben. I just want to wait til you're ready." He explained.

"But I am ready!" 13 year old Ben protested, grabbing his fathers sleeve.

His dad knelt down in front of him, grabbing Ben's arms.

"No you're not. Don't worry, kid, your mom will take good care of you." He said gently.

Tears slid down Ben's face. "I don't want you to go."

His father hugged him tightly. "I know."

Then he let go, and turned to walk up the ramp of the Malenium Falcon.

"Dad! Wait!" He called, running forward.

"Han!" Leia called, running forward to grab Ben.

His father ignored them both, and the ship came to life, and soared into the sky.

"Dad........please come back." Ben whispered, tears staining his cheeks.

"He will, Ben." His mom's voice shook, and he turned to see tears brimming her eyes.

Ben shook the memory away.

"You should be sleeping. It's early in the morning."

"I'm sorry, Master. I couldn't sleep."

Ben hadn't been much for acting his age. He learned very young how to be a man, seeing as how he had no other choice. His mothers brother, and Ben's uncle, Luke, had taken him and hundreds of other kids in other star systems under his wing, training them in the ways of the Force. Luke said Ben was special, and that he could make a difference in the galaxy. Ben believed him most days. But on days like this, he doubted everything.

"If you want, there is a place here that I go to meditate. It helps to clear my thoughts." Luke said, coming up beside him.

Ben was taller than him now, by several inches. He had long outgrown his mother, considering she wasn't very tall to begin with. Ben respected his uncle, and listened to his teachings diligently.

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