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Luke waited for the com to go through, as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.


He looked up to see his sister standing there looking at him confused.

"Leia........I have terrible news." Luke was straining to keep his voice from cracking.

"No....." Leia whispered.

"I......I'm sorry."

"You promised me!" Leia sobbed, tears swelling in her eyes.

"What about Han? Can't he do something?" She offered, hopefully.

"He already tried. Ben will not listen to reason. I'm sorry Leia, but I fear that its too late. I've been informed that.........that Ben........has a new master." He couldn't keep his voice from cracking at the end, and he couldn't bring himself to look at his sister.

"It cannot be......." Leia sobbed.

She suddenly became angry. "I did not want to keep it from him. The truth was his to know. But you!" She pointed a finger at him. "You were the one who said it would do more harm than good!"


"I trusted you! How could you?!" She screamed, tears running down her face.

Luke kept his eyes on the floor. "I'm sorry."

"Wait, Luke, I didn't-"

He ended the communication, and sat back, sighing heavily. He had to leave.


"Land here, and wait for me." Ben ordered the pilot as he gathered his things.

When the ship touched the ground, he opened the doors, and walked down the ramp. He looked up at the dark temple, his heart suddenly racing.

He made it to the entrence, and took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind. He took out his P12 light, but no matter how far in he was, there was no light. He was starting to fear that there was no one there.

Then, he heard a deep, graveling chuckle from behind, and Ben spun on his heels, and put his P12 light out in front of him. He spotted the hooded figure kneeling on the ground, and Ben swallowed.

"You were right." Ben told him sadly.

Glowing eyes peered up at him from under the dark hood.

"Come." He said, offering a hand out to him.

Ben hesitated, but then set his stuff down, and came to kneel in front of him.

"I can take away your pain, and make you stronger." Snoke said, still holding out his hand.

Ben looked at it, not able to hold back the tears any longer.

"Just........I......" He paused, taking his hand back and looking at the old, disfigured man.

"I.......want you to teach me.......about the dark side." Ben whispered, his voice shaky.

Snoke pulled back his hood, a lopsided smile forming on his face. He stared at Ben, not saying anything.

"I.....I don't want to be lied to anymore. I want to.......to finish.......what my grandfather started. I want to bring peace to the galaxy."

Snoke nodded. "And you will. With my power, you will become the strongest Sith in the galaxy. And together, we shall bring peace. Now, pledge yourself to me."

Sweat broke out on Ben's forehead, as every fiber in his being told him to leave right then, and never come back. Ben resisted though, looking at Snoke confidently.

"I swear fealty to you. I will do whatever it is that you ask of me from this moment on........my Master." Ben whispered the last part, looking down.

Snoke chuckled darkly. "Good. Now, give me your hand, so I may take away your suffering."

Ben hesitated again, staring at the old withered hand.

"Together, we can save Rey." Snoke murmured.

Ben's eyes shot up to his, his heart racing, then he reached out and took Snoke's.

Immediately, a surge of energy shot through him, his body going ridged as he felt the electricity shake him. He felt something else, something......invading his mind. It was a dark presence that settled over his subconscious. He slowly felt the pain and sadness being pushed away, and soon they were completely gone.

Snoke released him, and Ben fell forward on his hands and knees, panting.


He looked up at the old man.

"Yes, my Master?"

"Go to Korriban, in the Horuset system. There, you will find my first in command."

"What do you want me to do?" Ben frowned at him.

"I want you to kill him." Snoke said simply.

Ben gasped, and sat back on his heels. "I thought we were suppose to bring peace to the galaxy?"

Snoke nodded. "Yes. We are. But first, you must prove your loyalty to me. Kill my apprentice, and become my pupil, or die."

Ben swallowed. "I have no weapon."

"You need none. My first in command is not gifted with the Force like you are."

"So you want me to use the Force to kill him?"

"Whatever is necessary." Snoke bade quietly.

Ben paused, then bowed his head. "As you wish, my Master."

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