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Ben pulled his arm out from underneath Reys sleeping figure, then pulled the blankets over top of her. For the past two nights, she had invaded his bed, but he didn't mind. He didn't sleep anyways. He was afraid to close his eyes, even more so than he was before. The knowledge that everything he saw would come true terrified him. All his visions seemed to be replaying over and over, his mind flooded with images of dead students, and broken, burned planets.

He stood, and walked to the window, feeling the cool breeze brush over the bare skin of his chest. He contemplated grabbing a shirt, but shrugged inwardly, and walked towards his door. There was a small garden like area outback of the Guardian rooms, making a peaceful, and quite place for him to think. He didn't meditate anymore because that seemed to only be plagued with visions of Rey. He had had these visisions his whole life, but never this frequent. In the past months leading up til then, it was like they increased slowly, happening more often, and now, it was every time he shut his eyes.

The sky started to brighten as the sun peeked up over the horizon. This was starting to become his favorite time of day. So calm, so relaxing, so light.........he could feel the small sun rays piercing the skin of his chest, and making their way to his heart. He closed his eyes, and breathed in deeply.

"Do you ever sleep?"

Ben smiled slightly, but he didn't open his eyes. "No."

Bestar came up behind him, and Ben could sense his worry.

"You know, I've been to many different planets, in different galaxies, but none of the other sun rises compare to the ones here. They are always colorful, and there are no clouds to cover it up." Bestar marveled.

On Corusant, the soil in hard, and underneath there are waterways that supply water from underneath to all the plants, so it never rains.

"I have to leave, Bestar." Ben said suddenly.

Bestar sighed. "I figured you would soon."

Ben looked over at him, knowing that Bestar could see the pain on Ben's face.

"I have to stop my visions from happening. I won't loose her." His throat strained as he tried to keep from crying.

Bestar turned his body to face Ben's. "I know. And you won't."

They watched the sunset a moment longer, then Ben made his way back to the room. Rey's eyes flickered open when he shut the door, and then she yawned. He walked over to the bed, and collapsed down next to her.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She whined.

He brushed the hair from her face. "You looked too peaceful, so I decided to leave you alone."

She reached up, almost without thinking about it, and started to run her fingers over his face. He closed his eyes, not moving.

"Rey." He said finally, grabbing her wrists gently.

She looked up at him.

"I have to go." He whispered.

"Now?" She asked, almost panicked.

He nodded. "But don't worry. I promised to come back. Remember?"

Tears formed in her eyes, and quickly spilled over. He reached his arm over her, and pulled her against his chest, hugging her as she cried.

"I'm sorry, Rey. I wish it didn't have to be like this." He whispered, his voice cracking.

She sobbed, trying to choke back the tears. "You promise you won't get hurt?"

He made her look at him, putting both his hands on either side of her face. "You're forcing me to make a lot of promises." He said, trying to lighten her spirit, but it didn't work.

Another giant tear fell down her cheek, and her lips pouted. "Please."

The sight of her tears made some form in his eyes as well, and he swallowed hard. "I promise. Anything you ask of me. I promise."

She seemed to think about this a moment. "Will you ever marry me?" She asked, her tiny voice squeaking.

He was taken aback by her question, and didn't really know what to say. "I...........I guess that's a question I can ask you when you're older."


Ben laughed lightly. "I promise."


Ben had said his goodbyes to Bestar and Quara. His goodbye with Rey had taken a little longer, and there were many more tears shed before he could finally peel her off of him.

He made his was back to the landing station in his transporter, dreading the idea of searching for a pilot. He was on his way over to a Solar Sailor, when he caught sight if something out of the corner of his eye. A white Corellian freighter.


He turned, and thought that he was in another dream. Han Solo, his father stood at the edge of the docking bay of the Millenium Falcon. Ben stared at him, but said nothing.

"Ah, its um.......its been a while hasn't it." His father said ackwardly, rocking back on his heels.

Ben still didn't say anything.

Han squinted his eyes, looking behind Ben. "Listen, um.........your uncle told me-"

"Told you what?" Ben snapped.

Han put his hands up. "He told me what happened."

Ben scowled at him. "So you do believe what people tell you. Has he mentioned that he lied to me?"

"We didn't want you knowing the truth-"

"That's not your descion!" Ben yelled, taking a step in his direction.

"I'm not going to stand here and take a lecture from a man that was twisted and manipulated by an old man who only wants me for my power." Ben snarled.

"Ben, that's not-" His father began, but Ben cut him off.

"Further more, and no less, from a dirty smuggler with no sense of responsibility, or dignity-"

Ben blinked as his head snapped the side, the repercussion of the smack reverberating through skull. Ben stared at the ground in shock, then slowly turned his head back up to look at his father. A smile broke out across his face, mockingly.

"Silence me now, but one day, you will listen. But I suppose it is not today. Goodbye........Han Solo." With that, Ben turned and made his way towards the Solar Sailor. He tossed the pilot a heafty amount of credits that he had received from Bestar and Quara.

"We leave now." Ben ordered, then walked up the ramp.


Jorg made his way towards Master Skywalker's cabin, swallowing nervously. He knocked, but when no one replied, he opened the door. He was surprised to find Luke sitting in a dark room on the floor, his legs crossed under him. His eyes were closed when Jorg walked in, but when he cleared his throat, Luke's eyes flickered open.

"Master Skywalker." Jorg bowed, trying to show as much respect as possible. "I have some news for you."

Luke narrowed his eyes. "What news?"

"I-I....I believe Ben Solo might have taken a new master." Sweat broke out on his forehead, as Luke's eyes narrowed even further.

"How did you know this?"

"On Umbara, sir. I tuned into Ben's com several times after the first night........and I heard someone else with him."

Luke stayed silent.

"And when we went to leave, I could hear Ben running from the temple, and he was shouting that we needed to leave, and he sounded afraid." Jorg waited for Luke to react but he didn't.

"Im sorry, I did not mean to trouble you with this." Jorg apologized.

Luke shook his head. "No. Do not be sorry. Thank you. You may go."

Jorg hesitated, then walked out of the room.

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