Knights of Ren

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Ben's ship hovered above the planet, his mind in several different places.

"Its going to cost you another 2,000 credits to land here." The pilot informed him.

"You'll have your money. Now land." Ben snapped impatiently, then headed towards the back of the ship. The planet looked dead, and desert like. Off in the distance, he could see structures, and statues, and he headed off in that direction.

"What about my money?!" The captain called.

"You'll get it when I get back."

Ben continued walking despite the man's temper tantrum from behind.

Ben trekked for about three miles til he finally reached the temple like area he had spotted earlier. The place looked old, very old, and Ben was starting to wonder if anyone still lived in it.

"Stop right there."

Ben heard the charge of a blaster, and he looked over his shoulder to see a man in a mask standing behind him. He had a strange black mask on that distorted his voice, and Ben turned slowly. The man in the mask was in scavenger like clothes, with nothing but a blaster, which was aimed at Ben.

"I am Ben S-" He began, but was cut off.

"We know who you are. Supreme Leader told us you were coming." The man in the mask snarled.

"Us?" Ben inquired, looking around them.

Suddenly, Seven other similarly dressed men walked out from the shadows, only one wasn't wearing a mask.

"Who are you?" Ben asked calmly, trying to clear his mind and focus.

"I am Kylo. And these," He pointed to the other seven men. "Are my Knights."

Ben looked at them all, trying to look as if he wasn't interested.

"Supreme Leader must be very disappointed." Ben taunted.

Kylo's grip on the blaster tightened, and he took a few steps towards Ben.

"What did you say?" Kylo snarled through his mask.

Ben took a step forward as well, the blaster only an inch away from his chest.

"You heard me." Ben mused, a small smile creeping up on his lips.

"And what makes you say that?" Kylo sounded livid.

"The fact that you are cowering here, while the galaxy is in ruin."

"You listen-"

Ben smacked his gun aside, and reached his hand out, concentrating on his throat. Ben easily threw Kylo against a nearby pillar, and his back smacked into it hard.

The others murmured, stepping away.

"A Sith." One whispered, but Ben ignored them, making his way towards Kylo.

The man pulled his mask off, gasping for air. The man underneath had sandy blonde hair, and dark blue eyes, freckles spotting his face. He had two day old stubble on his cheeks, and a thin scar that went along the left side of his jaw.

Ben's hand shot out in front of him again, and he pulled Kylo to his feet, and pinned him against the stone.

"You are weak." Ben said quietly, mockingly.

Kylo's eyes went wide as his air supply began to cut off again.

"You are not worthy." Ben whispered, now standing directly in front of him.

"Please......" He begged, gasping.

With a flick of Ben's wrist, Kylo's head snapped to the side, his neck making a gutteral cracking noise, and Ben released him, his lifeless body falling to the ground.

Ben stared down at Kylo's dead body, feeling utterly cold. He had never taken a life before, but that's not what shocked him..........Ben didn't feel anything. No remorse, no sadness........he was devoid if emotion.

He turned, and faced the others, prepared to defend himself.


Ben looked to the side as a large hologram of Snoke appeared before him. Ben kneeled down, almost touching his face to his knee.

"You have done well, my new apprentice." Snoke's larger than life voice echoing all around Ben.

"Behold, your new master.......Kylo......Ren........Master of the Knights of Ren. Together, we shall be known as the First Order."

Ben looked up at him, swallowing. "Thank you, Supreme Leader."

"Take what is yours. We have much work to do."

Understanding, Ben stood, walking over to where Kylo's body lay. He  picked up his mask, and slowly pulled it over his head. It locked in place, fitting to the neck of his dark clothes, and he turned as Kylo Ren.

"You know what must be done now, don't you?" Snoke asked him.

Kylo Ren nodded slowly.

"Go. All of you, to the academies. We must erase the Jedi before they have a chance to that we may finally bring balance to the Force."

"Yes......Supreme Leader." They all said in unison.

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