Chapter 26 : : Baby?

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~Alejandra's POV~

20 minutes have passed by and she still hasn't returned. I keep getting whiffs of blood but I'm not sure who's it is because I'm too worried. I look down at my belly, debating whether or not I should shift and go help or stay here like they said. My belly is starting to have a little bump, but isn't it way too soon? Oh wait, werewolves are only pregnant for a month. I forgot about that. Anyways, I don't think it's a good idea to go out and help because of the baby. So I trudge back into the house, not liking the idea of me not helping my mate and my pack.

"So you're pregnant now? My, have you grown." I hear a distant voice. I think it came from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I am. And who are you?" I snarl, slowly making my way to the kitchen.

"You don't remember me? Well my dear, that's quite rude." I hear the man snicker.

"Well if I can't see your face, how am I supposed to remember you? By the way, how did you get in here?" I snap, as I quickly turn the corner, fists up and legs evenly parted in case I needed to roundhouse kick him. Then, when I see who it is, my hands drop and so does my mouth.

"Hello Alejandra, missed me?" He smirked. I swear if I wasn't pregnant I would rip out his intestines and choke him with it.

"King B. Long time no see. I thought I killed you back at the laboratory. You're lucky I'm pregnant , or I would be ripping every part of your body apart and then setting it ablaze. What are you doing here?"  I snap, holding my stomach because if he try's to kick me or punch me, I'm protecting this baby first.

"Yes deary, you 'thought' you killed me. And you're still very violent aren't you? I'm here to get revenge on you for killing all of the bosses work. Aka mutants. But now I see that you're pregnant. So I'll just say this was the wrong location, but trust me, this won't be the last time you see me."  He starts walking off towards the front door.

"I thought you were the ruthless type? You're not going to hurt me or kill me because I'm pregnant?" I ask very confused.

"Well, yes. You see, I'm not all that mean. But once that baby is born, I'm going to tear you to shreds and feed you to a mutant. The baby doesn't deserve that, after all, it did nothing to me or the boss. So ta ta Alejandra, see you soon." He walks out and vanishes into the dark, thick woods. My heart is beating a million miles a minute. He's going to kill me as soon as I have my baby. Since I'm going to just have the baby, I'm going to be weak. Damn it! My thoughts get interrupted as I hear footsteps come through the back door.

"Babe! Are you and the baby okay??" Vincent's voice fills my ear. I instantly go running towards him.

"Yes I'm fine! But better question, are you okay!? What happened out there and why are you bleeding?" I begin to panic as his blood drips from his biceps to the floor.

"I'm glad you're okay my love. And yes I will be fine. They're just cuts. They'll eventually heal." He takes off his shirt and ties it around his cut. "Oh and we ran into some sort of mutant creatures. They were very hairy and not very good at hand to hand combat. But they do good in groups." Right when he said that, memories of Mia come flooding back. Mutants, laboratory, Saving Mia. It all just came rushing back. And frankly, so did the tears.

I instantly drop to my knees and cry my eyes out. I was too late to save my precious little angel Mia, what if I can't save my child? My flesh and blood. My first child. The pup of my soul mate. What if I'll be too late or too weak to save them? I know King B is lying about sparing my child's life. So I have to do everything in my power to keep my child safe.

"My love! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Vincent starts panicking as I begin to bawl even more.

"Y-yes I'm okay. I-I just need to l-lay down." I say in between breaths. So he picks me up bridal style, and takes me to our bedroom. He lays me gently down on my side of the bed and tucks me in. "Darling, is there something I can do to help? Is there something you want me to know?" He asks, worry and pain in his eyes. I have to tell him.

"Babe, there's something you don't know about me. Before I came to this pack, I had a little pack of my own. It was Colt, Kylie, Nikky, Gaze, Jacob, Mia, Rufus, and me. It was us against the world. Then, Mia, the little 7 year old angel, had gotten kidnapped by scientists. We had lived in Texas at the time. So we had about week or twos journey to New York, here, to try and find her. We eventually did, but we found her at this Laboratory institute building. She was being held captive for experiments. We tried to save her but we were too...late...she died in my arms due to the loss of blood and DNA...I couldn't believe it. She was my everything. Then she was ripped from my life, just like that. I don't want the same to happen to our child. So please, help me protect our child. Because once they are born, I might not be here to help raise them." Tears begin to stream down my face again. I lay there on the bed feeling so helpless and unhopeful.

"My love, I am so sorry for your loss. But you know I will protect you and our child, with my life. You guys mean the world to me and I would not let a single person or thing harm you. I love you both with my heart and soul to death."
He says, tears streaming down his face as well, clutching my hand in his.

"I love you too darling." I say drifting off into a slumber.

*Month Later. Day of the birth*

"BABE!!! I NEED YOU NOW!!" I scream from our bedroom. Vincent comes running down the hall and practically breaks the door down.

"What is it my love?!" He frantically says.

"Our child is here! Get me to the pack hospital now!" I yell holding my huge belly. It's funny how a month ago I was so tiny, now I'm as big as a blimp. I haven't found out the gender because I wanted it to be a surprise for when it came.

Vincent picks me up bridal style and runs ever so gently to the pack hospital. He busts in the door with his foot and starts yelling for a doctor.

"I NEED A DOCTOR NOW! OUR LUNA IS IN LABOR!" He yells, desperately looking for a doctor. Then one comes rushing in with a wheel chair and tells him to put me on it so they can go immediately into labor. Vincent growls.

"You're not touching my wife. Especially not my child." He snarls.

"Babe, it's alright. He's not going to hurt me. He's going to help me deliver our child. Now set me down!" I yell. He nods and let's me down as gently as he possibly could. He gives the doctor a 'I'm going to kill you if you harm a single hair on her head' kind of look. He nods as well and runs me into the delivery room.

~1 Hour Later~

~Vincent's POV~

I pace the hall for what feels like a lifetime, waiting ever so anxiously for the doctor. Then I smell him. I quickly turn around with him and a clip board.

"Can I see my child now?" I ask impatiently.

"Yes, right this way Alpha." He hand motions me to follow him. I run after him down many halls and into a room with the numbers 815 plastered next to it. I quickly open up the door. I haven't seen such a beautiful sight in my life. My wife and new born child.

"My love are you okay? How's the baby?" I quickly walk over to them, laying in bed. Alex is holding them ever so gently. She's humming a song to them. It sounds like This Little Light of Mine. I remember when my mother sang that song to me every night when I was kid. I still miss her angel voice.

"Yes babe, I'm fine. The baby is healthy too. Would you finally like to know what the gender is?" Alejandra asks with a smirk on her face.

"Yes my love, you've been making me wait u til the day they were born." I say anxiously waiting.

"Well, our baby is a..."


Enjoy the chapter? I hope so. Again, sorry for the late update. No one is reading anymore and it's discouraging. Plus, I have so many things to do in the real world. I have exams coming up and projects that are due soon. Thanks for your support though! Have a great day and see you next time!


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