Chapter 4

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"Ready." Rick stated more than asked. Our plan was to kill the walkers in the section I chained closed yesterday.

During those 8 months we got a group to do the killing. It was all of us if necessary but when it was a small herd, we had a formation.

It was a circle going with Rick in front, T-dog on his right, Daryl on T's right, I was his right and Maggie mine in the back, then Glenn.

We killed them one by one without leaving the circle. Well, till T-dog did. He grabbed a shield type thing, maybe from the guards that were here.

He got back and we continued to move. "Almost there." Rick said.

We walked up to a door and Rick opened it slightly before stopping and looking beyond the wall the door was connected to. He quickly bulled back and pressed against the wall. We all quickly followed suit.

Then, some walkers dressed in armor came out from behind a dumpster further away from us. Then out of no where more armor walkers came out from behind the wall. Daryl slowly walked up and shot an arrow at it but it just bounced off.

What, what did we think was going to happen? The arrow go through a helmet? Well science call to tell me no its not. Oh, and common sense is disappointed in you.

The group slipt off to continue with there smart plan of continually hitting the helmets. I rolled my eyes.

I turned to see Maggie and Glenn struggling with them as Rick, T, and Daryl closed that gate.

I ran up and tilted the head forward then shoved my machete through the underside of the helmet, killing the walker.

I looked at Glenn and T who started at me while holding an armor walker be before looking at each other and killing it the same way but through the front.

Something grabbed my arms tightly and there was a helmet on my neck. Then it was off me as soon as it was there. I turned to see Daryl and nodded to him. He did the say "Good thing for the helmet." I said. "Ya."

Once all of the walkers were killed, besides the gated off ones, Glenn made a run for the rest of the group to let them in. "Stop." Rick said and Glenn turned to face him.

"It looks secure." Glenn stated as we all look around. There's a walkway over our heads, and doors everywhere same with gates.

"Not from the look of that courtyard over there." Daryl pointed to the section we closed that was filled with walkers. He then pointed to a walker that didn't have a prison uniform on, "That a civilian."

"So the interior could be overrun with walkers from out side the prison." I sighed and Rick nodded.

"Well if there's walls down, what are we gonna do? We can't rebuild this whole place." Glenn said. Its true, we don't have the equipment never mind that we don't have the strength.

"We can risk a blind spot. We have to push in." Rick said and walked over to a door way in.

The door way had a gate shield type thing around it. That's good, actually. We got to the door and Rick stood back as Daryl went to open it. We all got it a ready stance and Daryl opened the door.

Rick slowly walked in followed by Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, Me then T-Dog. Once we were all in T shut the door and I saw Rick open a gate for us to get in.

It was kinda dark other than the light from the windows. There was garbage everywhere and water was dripping from somewhere.

There was stairs that led down to a open space with two tables. The was a wall that had a gated section, maybe for our weapons. There was a guard post and a walkway above. It was nice, liveable.

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