Chapter 29

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As the sun started to set, Andrea said she needed to get back. Rick sent me to get me to get a Car for her and I rolled up just as they all walked out. I hopped out, leaving the door open for Andrea. She wrapped her arms around me say thanks. I wrapped my arms around her and sighed in relief.

I still can't believe she's alive.

"Can you spare it?" She asked, pulling away from me and looking at Rick who just nodded.

Andrea looked around at everyone, eyes lingering on Michonne. "Well, take care."

Rick stopped her once she closed the car door after getting in, handing her a pocket knife and a hand gun. They both nodded at each other and she drove off, Merle opening the gate for her.

"So, Andreas alive." I said turning to Rick, crossing my arms.

"I forgot to tell you after everything that happened. After Daryl leaving." He defended himself and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'll take watch." I grunted and walked off towards the new watch area.

What the fuck? Andreas alive and no one tells me. How fucking kind of them. I help that man when he was hearing and seeing things and he has the audacity to-

"April." I heard a very familiar voice say from behind me, stopping my train of thought.

"What Merle?" I snapped, not turning to look at him.

"Look, I get your pissed about Daryl leaving with me." He started and I took in a sharp breath.

"But, the entire time we were out there. He was leading me back here, and when I asked him what was so important here, he said your name. He even ditched me but I ended up following him." He chuckled and I cracked my knuckles to keep me from crying.

"You might think he chose me over you. He didn't, he came back for you." He said and I heard him start walking away.

"He came back for you to. In Atlanta." I called out and he stopped and sighed.

"That's just who he is." He laughed and continued walking away. I quickly wiped the tear that fell and picked up one of the two riffles that are out here.


"I can take watch." I heard Carl say as he walked up from behind me. It's dark now, maybe ten at night. Never know what time it is any more.

"I'm good." I answered looking through the boards at all the walkers.

"Can I take watch with you then?" He huffed and I looked at him. He seemed annoyed at me.


"Because I don't want to be in there." He hissed as to not be to loud.

"I guess." I shrugged and he nodded picking up the other riffle.

It was quiet for awhile, both of us doing our job to keep this place safe. I thought about Andrea and how she's at Woodbury right now, so close to the Governor. She could end this.

"Thank you." Carl whispered randomly, throwing me completely off guard. I looked over at him and wasn't looking at me, it was almost like he didn't say it.

"For what?"

"For helping when I got shot, for helping my mom during the winter, for being with my dad after my mom died." He rattled off and smiled.

"Don't need to thank me."

"Why do you help my dad so much?" He asked ignoring my statement.

"He had every reason not to take me in. He didn't know me, but he let me stay. I'm alive because of him." I said watching for Carl's reaction. He didn't have one. He just nodded at my words and it went back to silent. No one saying anything else.


April had a conversation with Merle omg

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Look at me getting chapters out fast!

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