Chapter 20

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"What happened?" I asked Carol after handing her a cup of water. She gulped it down quickly and I winced. It's my fault she was out there, I should have stayed with her.

She was sitting on her bed and I sat on the floor infront of her. Daryl was standing in the door way with his arms crossed just watching.

"I got lost. I was in the tombs and th-" She started but the we heard gun shots. I stood quickly and started walking.

"Stay with Carol." I told Daryl, he stopped my walking as glared at me.

"What?" I asked, but he just continued to glare.

"I'm just going to what's going on." I said, furrowing my eyebrows. He still said nothing to me and I huffed.

"Stay with Carol, please." I mumbled and he let go of me with a nod. I chuckled at me a quickly kissed him on the cheek before running towards the gun shots.

I ran out side to see Rick caring a dark skinned women and a sword towards me. Carl was carrying a red basket and Beth held the baby.

"What happened?" I yelled as they got closer.

"She just showed up with this basket and injured." Rick huffed out and I quickly opened the door for them.

"Carl get a blanket. April water and a towel." Rick demanded and I ran to grab a bottle of water. Rick laid her down on the blanket Carl laid out.

"She's not coming in the cell block." Rick said as he took the bottle from me saying thank you. He sprinkled the water on her chest trying to get her to wake up. She was breathing heavily and she started blinking.

"It's alright." Rick repeated as she started panicking.

"Who are you?" Rick asked quietly and she reached out for her sword. I quickly grabbed it and moved back.

"We're not going to hurt you unless you try something stupid first, alright?" Rick asked and the woman just started at him.

"Rick." Daryl said as he walked in the room. He looked at me then the sword and raised an eyebrow.

"It's her's." I said and he nodded.

"Who the hell is she?" He asked and I shrugged.

Rick turned back to the woman, "you wanna tell us your name?" she didn't say anything so he asked again but she still said nothing.

"Y'all come on in here." Daryl said and I remember Carol.

"Everything alright?" Rick asked and I smiled.

"Your gonna want to see this." I said and Rick gave me a weird look. I turned and walked into the cell block, not before kissing Daryl's cheek.

I set the sword down on the walkway Daryl and I sleep on. Beth and Hershel walked In quickly followed by Carl with the basket. He set it down on the ground and I noticed it had baby formula.

Rick and Daryl walked in and I stood in front of Carol's cell. Rick looked at me weirdly before he saw Carol and immediately hugged her. Daryl stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I grabbed his arms and leaned into him.

Carol hugged Hershel then say the baby and gasped. She smiled and turned to Rick who looked down and stared to cry. She caught on and started to cry, whispering 'I'm sorry' to Rick.

I noticed Carl was crying and I reached out and rubbed his shoulder. He sniffled and walked over to me and hugged me. I rubbed the kids back and felt one of Daryl arms leave me and saw him ruffle Carl's hair.

Carol took the baby from Beth and I smiled. Daryl found her, she's safe and Rick's sane and once Glenn and Maggie get back well all be together.

This is good.



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