Chapter 5

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"Not bad." Daryl said and T dumped a bunch of stuff on the table.

Today we're going more into the prison to find the cafeteria and Infirmary. So T-dog went around, grabbing the armor off of walkers. As well as the batons they carried and shields.

"Flashbangs, CS triple-chasers. Not sure how they work on a walker, but we'll take 'em." Rick said and I nodded.

I picked up a helmet and a bunch of slime came out of it. Gross.

"I'm not wearing this shit." I said and made a disgusted face. "Me neither." Daryl said.

"We could boil 'em." T suggested as he held up a glove that had even more shit pouring out of it. That so gross. I gagged and stepped back.

"Ain't enough firewood in the whole forest. No. They're makin' April sick." Daryl defended.

"I'm fine." I grunted, swallowing the puke that wanted to come out. Not that much would anyway. "Besides, we got this far without them."

Daryl picked up one of the batons and started to swing it around. I rolled my eyes and stared at the gross pile of stuff. Then, the baton was inches from my face. I didn't flinch and looked at Daryl.

"Hershel." I heard Carol call. I looked over and saw her standing in the doorway of our cellblock.

"Is everything alright?" Rick asked as Hershel made his way towards Carol.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about." She reassured him and they both left.

I hope everything's ok.

Later I wait, sharpening my machete, for everyone go get ready. T-dog was getting some armor on with Ricks help, Daryl was getting his crossbow ready, Maggie Glenn and Beth were putting armor on Hershel.

Rick said that Hershel knew best about Infirmary's and needed to come along.

"You don't need that." Rick said. I looked behind me to see Carl holding a helmet. Carl looked up at his father confused. "Need you to stay put."

"You're kidding." Carl huffed and I turned around not wanting to eavesdrop. Last thing I need is to get caught up in the Grimes drama, even though I kinda am thanks to Shane. Stupid Shane.

"Let's go." I heard Rick say and I was out the door. Or gate? I don't know I was outta there.


Daryl unlocked the gate to the tombs once we got there and we all quickly rounded the corner. We each got a flash light and Glenn has spray paint to mark where we are so we don't get lost.

We walked further and saw skeletons on the ground with dry blood staining the floor around them. The ceiling was dripping what we hope is water.

I heard Glenn's spray can and held my machete tighter, the can was loud. He stopped after a second but then Maggie shrieked and we all turned to see that she bumped into Glenn.

I chuckled and we moved forward. The further we got, the more body's we saw. Glenn spray painted again and I looked around.

We turned another corner and I kept an eye on the body's that weren't skeletons. This place seemed empty of moving corpses or actual life.

We went to turn another corner and there was a huge group of walkers. Spoke to soon.

"Go back! Go back!" Rick ordered and we all pushed our way back. Away from the mini heard. Of course they follow though.

"This way!" Daryl yelled as he took the lead, Rick hot on his tail. We zigzaged through this maze, dodging walkers left and right.

I was in the back with Glenn and Maggie behind me. As we were running the fucking heard caught us and we had to go into a storage closet. The group was now split.

"Shit." I huffed once the door was shut. Maggie was breathing heavily and Glenn was listening to see if we were clear.

He turned and nodded at us and we pushed out. "Rick?" Glenn called. "Dad?" Maggie whispered. "Daryl?" I said, walking forward a bit.

"Daddy?" Maggie tried again following me. That when a scream ripped through the air. Shit!

I ran toward the source to see Hershel on the ground with a dead walker next to him and a chunck out of his legs. He was bit.

Everyone was screaming and scrambling to get him help. I froze for a moment, shaking my head.

We've done good. We haven't lost anyone in 8 months. No.

I snapped out of it when Daryl called my name. I looked at him and he nodded at me, asking if I was ok. I nodded back.

"This way." I yelled going back down the hallway I came from. Rick and Glenn pick Hershel up and carried him in my direction.

At the end of the hall was a double door that was locked by hand cuffs. I quickly brought my machete down and broke them.

We stumbled in, Rick Glenn and Maggie quickly attending to Hershel as T-dog and Daryl held the doors as walkers pounded on them.

I looked at them, trying to figure out what to do. "Rick, take your belt off and tie it around his thy." I said quickly, whipping blood off my machete from killing walkers.

He did as asked and Daryl came over to hold Hershel down and I walked over. "Only one way to keep you alive." I said before bringing my machete down on Hershel's leg.

I did it a few more times till it was clean off and I was covered in blood. "God." Rick said, slightly pale. I saw that Hershel passed out.

"He's bleeding out." I said and tried to find something to cover the stump. I looked up at Daryl in front of me but he was looking at something else.

"Duck." He whispered and I quickly got down as he got up pointing his crossbow at something.

I turned to see 5 prisoners standing behind a gate staring at us. "Holy shit." One said.

Holy shit is right.


New chapter.

Remember when I said I was gonna organize this. Yeah that not working well.

Well hope you liked it.

New chapter soon.

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