Chapter 10

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"Move the cars to the upper yard." I heard Rick say as him and the others walked behind me. "Point them facing out."

"Out of the way but ready to go." I called. Glenn ran by me to open the gate. 

"We'll give the prisoners a weeks worth of supplies." Rick said and I tilted my head back and rolled my eyes.

I tuned out the rest of the conversation about the prisoners. We've already had one anyway, its getting old.

I hopped into the Hyundai and started it up. I waited for Rick to pull out in the truck, then I drove through the gate giving Glenn a wave.


"There's enough food in there to last you guys a week." I told the prisoners as Glenn relocked the gate. "Cut you loose when we get back."

Glenn finished locking the gate and we turned around to walk away, "thank you." Axel said.

"Sit tight." Glenn sighed before we continued our journey.


Carol, T, Maggie, I are now parking the cars in the correct area. Daryl, Glenn, and Rick are out side the fence, gathering wood.

I hopped out of the Hyundai and looked at the rest of the group coming out of the Prison.

The thing that caught my attention was Hershel. Wobbling on his crutches, trying to figure out how to move with only one leg.

"All right Hershel!" I heard Glenn yell. I turned and gave the guys a big smile. Hershel's walking again.

"Ready to race Hershel?" I asked, smiling brightly.

"Give me another day. I'll take you on." He replied and I chuckled.

We all stood there, smiling at peace for once in this walker filled world. Thing is, if its a walker filled world, the walkers have to show up.

"Walker!" Carl yelled, looking behind him.

I turned around and sure enough, walkers were surrounding us. Coming from all different directions.



Short chapter I know, but I wanted all the action and death to be in one chapter.

Any way hope you liked it!

Please check out my new story "Real Magic"

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