Chapter 22

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Hours later it was dark and I was standing in a guard tower keeping watch. The rest were inside probably eating dinner.

Nothing much was happening, few walkers we'll take care of in the morning. A squirrel had jumped on the railing right next to me, scaring me half to death. Crickets were loud as hell tonight to.

"April!" I hear Beth yell. I turned towards the prison to see her running up to the guard tower I was in.

"What's wrong!" I screamed, immediately becoming worried about what was happening. The walkers from the tombs could have gotten into the cell block.

"We got some survivors that came through the tombs. Carol took another guard tower, you need to come inside." She yelled and I sighed, still on edge.

"Alright I'm coming." I called and started making my way down.

Walking into the guard room there were three new faces and a dead body. Her arm told me she was bit but her head didn't look touched.

"Before we discuss anything, we need to kill the brain." I said and they just look at me.

"Who are you people?" A woman asked and I took the sniper rifle I had from watch and pointed it at the dead body.

"Hey! We take care of our own." A man with a beanie said.

"Then hurry up." I snapped, not moving my gun. A man with a beard and a teenager were just sobbing. I gave Beth and Carl, who was also pointing a gun at the dead body, a nod to get in the cell block.

They started and I slowly walked behind them. Once inside I quickly closed and locked the gate.

"Hey! What are you doing?" The woman asked as I pulled the key out of the lock.

"Did you just lock us in here?"

"Open the door!"

"The room is secure. You'll be safe." I Said, trying to calm them down. As I can tell the don't have guns, so if the get angry they can't kill us. But we can kill them.

"You have food and water." Carl added, and I nodded.

The woman walked up and lightly tugged on the gate. "open this door."

"Nope. Especially not till the dead one is put down." I snapped and went to walk away.

"Come on, lady. We're not animals. Don't do this." She begged and I shook my head.

"Hey! You can't just leave us in here! Open the door! Now!" She screamed, banging on the gate.

I quickly took her tank top and pulled her right up against the gate, "I find myself to be a fairly decent person. Even reasonable. But the man in charge is not back and until then you will sit your ass in there. Any more banging or screaming and I will not hesitate to kill, cause I have a gun you don't. Understand?"

The woman slowly nodded and I let go of her and walked away. I heard the other man, which I think is her brother, say that they don't want trouble. I didn't say anything to that and just walked into the cell Judith was in.


Morning came around, Made ramen noodles for breakfast. Hershel was fixing up one of the news guys leg and Carl guarded the cell block door. Carol was still on watch, Carl said he'd take watch next so I could sit with our guest.

We learned their names, the woman is Sasha, her brother is Tyrees, the other two are Ben and Allen, father and son.

Hershel finished stitching Allen up, telling him about the stitching he used when Beth came in with Judith. The little angel slept all night , thank god. Sasha and the others seemed shook by the little one.

"How old is the baby?" Sasha asked, standing up from her seat and walking towards Beth. I started to stand but Hershel grabbed my arm and kindly shook his head. I sighed and sat back down, still watching Sasha like a hawk.

"Barely a week." Hershel said, Beth was trying to fix herself a bowl of ramen. I quickly stood, dodging Hershel this time, and got the food for her. She gave me a nod and I smiled.

"To be honest, we never thought we'd see another baby." Sasha continued.

"Yeah well, here's one." I chuckled and so did Beth.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and I turned to see she was looking at Beth. Her eyes widened, "she's not mine." Sasha turned to me and I quickly shook my head.

"Where's the mother?" She asked and it got dead quiet. I sat the bowl down on a table for Beth and she sat and switched between eating and feeding Judith.

"I'm sorry."

"We can make sure your friend has a proper burial." I said,changing the topic. I made my way towards the gate, Carl unlocked it for me.

"Do you have an idea if we'll be able to stay?" Tyrees asked and I looked at him.



Sorry this took so long!

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