||Kuroko|| Different Talents

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Taking a deep breath, I sit down on the bench, looking down at the black and white keys in front of me. 'I got this. I'm gonna do good. Yeah... All I have to do is lay my fingers on the keys and let my heart take over..... That's it..'

I lay my shaking hands on the pure white keys. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. In and out. In and out. Looking straight in front of me I let my heart take over. My fingers swiftly pressing the keys in a rhythm to make a song. As I played the music, I let my body sway side to side.

Little did (y/n) know, that a boy with blue hair was right outside the door, listening to the beautiful music she played.

Kuroko opens the door quietly as the song slowly comes to an end. Once the last note was finally played, (y/n) jumps at the sudden noise of kuroko clapping. She looks up to see her classmate,only to look down blushing.

"That was beautiful, I didn't know you played piano (y/n)-Chan." Kuroko says as he sits on the bench next to his friend.

"I haven't p-played in six years..." She says looking to the side, hoping she didn't sound to terrible.

"Wow. Why'd you stop?" Kuroko asks, his face blank from any emotion as always.

"Well, I learned how to play when I was six, but when I was ten I had a recital and I pasted out on stage. Since then I haven't touched a piano..." She says looking at her talented hands.

Kuroko sits there, looking at the (h/c) haired girl next to him. "Why don't you teach me how to play, (y/n)-Chan?" He asks her.

(Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck, "Uhh, I guess t wouldn't hurt to try... Do you really want to learn how to play?"

Kuroko answers with a simple nod and they spend the day on the piano. (Y/n) showing him some simple one hoping he'll understand before moving to the harder ones. Once they decided it was getting late and that they should go home kuroko gets an idea.

"(Y/n), meet me in the gym after school tomorrow, okay?" He picks up his bag and heads out the door before she could answer.

(Y/n) tilt her head in confusion but ended up mentally agreeing to meet him there. She packs up the room and heads home as well.

She knew he was on the basketball team, but didn't think much about it. The next day, once the school day ended, (y/n) put her books in her backpack and headed to the gym. Not noticing the posters on the wall saying in bold letters about a basketball game coming up.

The (h/c) haired girl pushes the large heavy doors open and walk into the gym, almost getting hit in the face with a ball while doing so. Around her the basketball team were practicing and it was getting pretty intense. Hugging the wall she goes over to the bleachers and sits down, scanning the court for a certain bluenette.

"Hey (y/n)-Chan."

"YAHHHH!" (Y/n) jumps in surprise and looks over to see kuroko. She playfully pushes his shoulder. "Don't do that to me..." She pouts.

"Sorry." He says looking at her.


"Sorry, that's Riko. I'll be right back."

The rest of the day was filled with (y/n) watching their practice and kuroko's team winning in the end. Once everyone else cleared out, she gets up about to leave as well when she felt something on her hand. She looks down to see kuroko holding her hand.

"Did you like it?" He asks


"My talent." He say with no emotion.

She was so flushed about him holding her hand that she completely forgot. "O-oh! Yeah! It's really cool!" She says smiling warmly at him.

The corner of his mouth goes up a little. "Maybe I can teach you, someday? I'll go to your recitals and you can go to my games, we can be each others lucky charms. (*insert cereal joke here*) "

(Y/n)'s face turns red, "Recital? I don't think I can do a recital. What if I pass out? What if I trip and fall of stage? What if I mess up? What if-" her rambling was cut off by kuroko putting his lips on hers.

"You'll do great." He reassures. She nods, her face still red.

He kisses her again but more passionate and she kisses back.

I'm sorry if it sucked! I've never seen the anime yet and my friend asked me to write it for her! Hopefully it's okay!

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