||Yukio|| Trying to Help

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So apparently there's a second season of blue exorcist AND NO ONE TOLD ME!! Ugh I'm so triggered! Anyways... I just started the first episode of that season before I got inspired and paused it to write this chapter! Of course I'll put my own spark in it though, so I hope you enjoy!

Yukio x girlfriend!Reader

"Rin-Chan!!" I wave at the twin as I place my foot on the final step of the latter which leads to the roof.

Rin looks up at me, confused and irritated. "You knew I was here too?!"

Shura, whobwas standing next to Rin, smiles at me and waves back.

I jump over the ledge of the roof to get to my friends, "Duh, I know you are 'secret training' here! I've been watching you for a while now!" I exclaim cheerfully as I sit on my knees in front of him.

Rin's eyes widen and he opens his mouth as if to say something, when Shura gets a call and we stay quiet and look at her. She converses with the person for a short time before hanging up and grabbing Rin's collar and dragging him back to the latter.

"H-Hey! Let go if me!" Rin yells trying to pull away.

A grin appears on my face as I jump up to follow the two with my hands behind my head. "So where are we going?"

Shura stops right next to the later, her back facing me, she drops Rin with a 'thud' and she looks at me. "You're not coming." She simply states, getting ready to go down the latter. Rin gets up, looking between me and Shura sadly.

I drop my arms, "What? Why!"

Shura had already started going down the latter, to where I was only able to see her head. "This is an exorcist's job, You'll get hurt if you come." She says, with a carefree look.  She then mumbles under her breath, "Plus, Yukio told me not to let you come..."

I pretend I didn't hear her and crossed my arms, "Fine."

She goes down and Rin follows mouthing 'Sorry.' I smile to let him know it was fine.

Once I was sure they were completely gone, an evil smirk falls into my face, "So Yukie thinks I'm too weak to help him, huh?" I go to the other side of the roof. I steady myself and start sprinting towards the edge of the roof. "I'LL SHOW HIM!" I yell as I jump off the edge.


I jump roof to roof, following to two exorcists that will lead me to my oh so loving boyfriend.

I stop when I notice them walking through a huge crowd. I tilt my head in confusion, but jump down anyways. I push my way through the crowd and notice that everyone was being blocked off by a 'keep out' tape. Exorcists where lined up along the tape to jeep everyone out as well. Behind them were injured civilians and exorcists that were getting taken care of. Yukio, Rin, and Shura were all talking to an older looking exorsist that hand a bandage on his right cheek.

I feel my cheeks heat up when I see Yukio's concentrated face. Shaking it away, I raises my arm up and I wave with a huge grin on my face, "Yukio!!" I yell out. My three friends turn around with a look of surprise. I smile bigger and run under the tape before any of the blockers could stop me. I run up to Yukio and wrap my arms around him, hidding my face. Yukio sighs and hugs me back, he looks over at Shura, "I thought I said not to bring (y/n)."

She shrugs, "I didn't, I guess she followed us."

I pull away and look up at him, "I wanted to help out!" And show you I'm not weak... I think.

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