||Makoto|| Walking

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Makoto x ill!reader

"I-I can't do it, Makoto... I just can't!" (Y/n) says falling back down into the wheelchair. Makoto just smiles softly at her and crouches down to be eye to eye.

"(Y/n), you are the strongest person I know. You don't need to be scared, I'm right here and I'll be with you every step of the way." Makoto takes her hands, slowly standing up with his girlfriend.

(Y/n) bits her lip as she tried to put her weight onto her weak legs. Once she was standing up all the way, she looks up at him with a huge grin on her (s/n) face.

She was so focused on her excitement that she didn't realized that she had just let go Makoto's hands. Not even ten seconds later, her frail body was falling toward the hard ground.

Makoto caught her before she hurt herself. He looked down at her with worry, "Are you okay? You didn't hurt anything, right?" He scanned her body to see if he saw any cuts or bruises. Smiling when he found nothing, until he realized she was out of breath. He slowly led her back to the chair on wheels.

He was worried because (y/n) was covering her face with her (h/c) hair. "Hey, its okay. Like I said you are the stron-"

He was cut off by (y/n) looking up with the biggest grin on her face. He smiled just seeing her happy. "I did it Makoto! I did it! I got off my ass and stood up!" She squealed with happiness, flailing her arms. Makoto chuckled at her reaction and softly kisses her, putting his hands on her waist. "I love you so much." He kisses her again.

"EWWWWW!" Ren and Ran yell at their older brother.

"How did you guys get here?! You're supposed to be at school!"





"Makoto you're phone is ringing~~" Nagisa yells at the male in the pool. He rolls his eyes when Makoto ignores him and decides to answer it for him.

"Yello!~" Nagisa says happily as he dries his hair.

A female's voice was on the other side, her voice was soft and sounded around thirty or so. "Yes, is this Tachibana Makoto?"

Nagisa lowers his voice and responds, "Yes, that is me. I'm Tachibana Makoto." He quietly giggles to himself at his small prank.

His eyes widened and he drops the phone, the impact breaking it into two pieces. The sound caused Makoto to look over at him.

"Nagisa? What's the matter?" Makoto asks, climbing out of the pool.


That's all he had to say before Makoto sprinted to the hospital.

He runs past the reception desk and straight to her hospital room, barging in.


The young girl looks over her shoulder at her boyfriend with years in her eyes.

"(Y/n)..." He whispers as he takes a step toward her.

She slowly turns around and places one foot after the other. Stopping to catch her balance ever few feet. She kept doing this until Makoto was right in front of her. She looks up at him, with the eyes of a child who just tied their shoes for the first time. Makoto was shocked, yet excited. He picks her up and spins her around. "You are a miracle!"

Once he sets her back down, making sure his hand was on the small of her back to keep her steady, a tall nurse with her brown hair in a bun walks in. "Ah, Mr. Tachibana. I had called you earlier, but I guess we were cut off?" She shakes the thought away. "Any who, (y/n) has been recovering pretty fast since we did the survey to get rid of the bonr cancer in her femurs. She will be able to leave in two weeks, but will still need a lot if rest and don't work her very hard."

Makoto nods, mentally cursing Nagisa for broth scaring him and breaking his phone.

(Y/n) hugs him tightly,  "I can't wait to leave and go back home." She buries her face breathing in his scent.

He softly kisses the top of her head, "I can't wait to have you back."

I'm sorry this was so short!!

Other Account:







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