||Kakashi||Don't Go

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Kakashi x pregnant!Reader

I walk into the living room, with my hand on my pregnant belly. It was nine months ago last week and now it was just a waiting game for me and my husband, Kakashi. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him all day. He's normally sitting in the living room reading his pervert book, but there it was. The book was lying on the side table right next to the couch.

"Where the hell is that perv-" My sentence gets cut off by the sound of a car locking.

I hurry over to the window and see the masked man walking toward the door, with a book in his hand?

Quickly, I sit on the couch and turn on the TV so it looked like I wasn't just spying on Kakashi.

The door opens and the masked man walks in, strangely hiding the book behind his back and he sits down on the couch next to me, putting his arm around me. Pulling, me into his chest.

"How are my two girls?" He asks.

I look up at him and responds, "What's the book?"

I visually see him swallow, "What book?"

"The book you're trying to hide."

Kakashi sighs before reaching behind him and hands me the book. As I look at it, he stares straight in front of him, with a small blush peeking out.

"How to be a Father?" I laugh as I read the title. "Why the hell would you buy this book?" I ask in between laughs.

"I just want to be the best dad I can..." He mumbles under his breath.

I wrap my arms around him, "That's so adorable... Don't worry, you're already the best da-" I get cut off as I feel something wet between my legs.

Kakashi looks at my worried expression, "(y/n)? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I look up at him, "I-I think the baby's coming..."

His eyes widen as he runs around the room before picking me up and going to the car, driving way over the speed limit to the hospital.


Its been six hours of this hell, which is basically me pushing my guts out and kakashi telling me to breath.

"Okay, okay just like that. Oh my god! I can see the head! I can see her head! Just a little more!" He yells out holding my hand.

A few more pushes later, and a baby's crying fills the room. Kakashi quickly cuts the cord that's connecting her to me and the midwife wraps up the baby, handing it to me.

I could hear the midwife mumble something to herself, i just ignored it since I was out of breath and couldn't see properly. "K-Kakas-shi, can y-you hold her?" I ask him, he quickly nods and takes her out of my arms.

Everything was so blurry and was getting darker, the only thing I could hear was a loud pitch ringing. When I lost my sight, I started the panic. "KAKASHI?!"

3rd person POV:

"KAKASHI?!" I hear (y/n) yell. I look away from our daughter only to see my wife with her eyes wide open and her arms washing around crazily. I go to her side and tell her I'm here, but I gurss she couldn't hear me since she kept yelling my name until she just stopped all together. (y/n) stopped moving, talking, and breathing.

"(Y/N)?!" I yell, holding my baby in one arm as I shake (y/n) with the other one. Doctors and nurses quickly rush in.

The doctor asks the midwife what was going on, her response was, "The pain got into her head, it was too much for her. She's also losing a lot of blood, her body is shutting down." The doctors nods as the nurses surround (y/n), pushing me away.

"W-Wait! What's going on?!" I yell, trying to push my way back into the room. The nurse kept pushing me back, "Sir, you have to wait in the waiting room." She said as another nurse comes by and takes my daughter out of my arm, and take her down the hallway.

Kakashi was freaking out and confused, he didn't know if he wanted to go after his daughter or stay and find out what was going on with his wife. Eventually, it became to much.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" He screams knocking the nurse, who was pushing him back, down. Kakashi runs to his wife, pushing some doctors in the process. As soon as he sees (y/n) his heart drops. Her (s/c) skin was a deathly pale, her eyes were closed and her eyelids were a purple. He reaches down and grabs (y/n) hand, it was so cold. Kakashi looks up at the heart monitor. It was slow but steady, he sighs of relief and lays his head on the crook of her neck.

"(Y/n)? Babe, it's okay... I'm here. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." Kakashi whispers softly into her ear, ignoring the doctors rushing around him, injecting different meds into (y/n).

God knows how long he stayed there, whispering into her ear. Until, a doctor gently tapped his shoulder.

"Sir, I'm afraid you will have to wait outside. Just outside the door will be fine." She said quietly, as if not to upset him.

Kakashi looks at the heart monitor, it was steady. He nods and gets up, heading to the door. He was about to open it before a high pitch noise hit his ears.

Kakashi quickly turns around, "(Y/N)!!" Her line went flat.

Pt. 2?

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