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With my fingers rested on the door handle that led to the outside world, I looked at my father with puppy eyes.

He ushered me out with his hands and I sigh, "You'll be fine, (y/n). You'll make new friends and with people of your status." He smiles.

I roll my eyes and opened the door stepping out. I never enjoyed being around others with a lot of money, they were cocky and snobby. I would of rather liked to go to the public school instead of this stupid private one. These uniforms are way to tight around the torso and dresses are not my thing, but it was what my dad wanted and I knew that was no changing his mind. I brush my (h/c) out of my face as I walk into the giant school.


I look down at my schedule again. Seriously? Where the hell is this biology class?! I look around to see no one left in the halls. Ugh, im probably late... And on my first day! Why didn't they give me a map or something?

I stuff my schedule back in my bag and heard someone talking. I look up to find two girls walking down the hall towards me. Both wearing the uniforms, one had short cherry red hair with large earrings and the other girl was taller with bleach blonde hair. Get back was covered with giant diamonds. Even though they weren't the type of person I'd hang out with, let alone talk to, I don't want to die here.

I wave my hand at them, "hey! Um, I'm new here an-" I stop mid sentence when they completely ignore me and walk into a room a couple meters away from me. I sigh and rub my temples. It's not like I needed their help or anything.

Instead of walking down these halls waiting for a vampire to appear and be like 'mmm you look delicious', I decided to go into the room they went into.

I walked up to the door and pushed it open. Why the hell is this for so heavy?! I took a step inside to have something land on top of my head. Reaching up I looked at it. A rose petal? God this school is weird.

"Welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club!"

I look up to see six guys and a girl in a boys unifo- wait she looks familiar...

A boy with bright blonde hair and unnatural purple eyes struts up to me.

I feel like I've seen her before... Seriously memory? I knew you were bad but I didn't think you sucked this bad...

He smiles down at me and takes my hand, "Hello, Prin-"

"Haruhi Fujioka!"

I run towards the girl holding a tray with cups full of coffee, leaving Tamaki to stand there froze. "I was rejected..."

Haruhi turn around and her eyes widen when she see me and sets down the tray on a nearby table.

I stop in front of her and grab her hands, "Is it really you?!"

"Me? Is it really you? What are you doing going to this school? I thought you hated rich people." She asks.

"I do, but my dad's business went up and he ended up getting a lot is money and here I am." I smile at her.

"He made you come didn't he?"

I shrug but nod, "I can't say no."

((Im getting carried away, okay TIME FOR SOME KAORU LOVIN'))

Kyoya walks over to Tamaki, who was now in the corner growing mushrooms. He pushes up his glasses, "Tamaki, you have clients waiting on you."

"But mommy... She rejected me..." He said looking over his shoulder.

Kaoru taps Kyoya on the shoulder before he has a chance to respond to Tamaki. "Hey do you know that girl?"

He raised his eyebrow, "The one talking to Haruhi?" Kaoru nods and he opens his notebook. "Her name is (y/n) (l/n), father is (father's name) the owner of a computer company. That's all I know."

He looks over at the (h/c) haired girl and seeing her smile and laugh made his heart drop and he smiles.

"Oooooh~ does Kaoru like (y/n)-Chan??" Honey asks on Mori's shoulder.

Kaoru blushes, "What! I don't even know her!"

Hikaru pops up behind him with a terrifying grin, "you do like her."

"Wha-HEY!" Hikaru was pushing his brother toward the new girl. Once he was closer enough hikaru pushed him into her, cause Kaoru to bump into her side. "S-sorry." He says scratching the back of his neck.

I smile at him, "it's okay!"

Hikaru walked to Haruhi and whispered something into her ear causing her to smirk slightly.

"So I haven't seen you here before." Kaoru says.

"That's tacky." I respond blowing my bangs out of my face.

"Huh? What is?"

"The way you're trying to start a  conversation. But yes, I'm new here."

Haruhi swiftly grabs a cup full of coffee and 'accidentally' spills out on me. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! There's a bathroom over there." She points toward the bathroom and i nod and head that way.

"Kaoru you should go help her!" Hikaru pushes his brother the direction I was going.

He glares at his brother over his shoulder, "stop pushing me." He says before running to me.


"You're breaking the law." I say as Kaoru daps a wet cloth on the coffee stain, strangely centered in between my boobs. I look down at him from the counter.

"What do you mean?" He asks, concentrated on not getting a nosebleed.

"In Japan, it's illegal to go into the other genders bathroom. You're in the girls bathroom."

"This is a unisex bathroom. Therefore I'm fine." He stands up with a blush, "okay, I got it out it's just a little wet but it'll dr- are you okay?" He asks putting his hand on my forehead. "Are you sick? Your face is red."

I feel heat going to my cheeks as he leans closer to me, "I could ask you the same thing." I say looking away.

He gently grabs my chin and has me face him. He looks deep into my (e/c) eyes. "God...." He leans forward and puts his lips on mine.

When he pulls away and I open my eyes, he's gone. I smile and shake my head, "Baka, that was my first kiss."

I like coffee.☕

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