Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to a good friend of mine who helped make this chapter awesome: DragonWolfIce. He also writes some pretty cool things! Check him out ^.^

Chapter 11

"Thats the first time you said it back, " he said wholly awestruck , his face lighting up with joy as the biggest smile I had ever seen spread across his face. And for just a moment, I wished time would come to a halt and let me enjoy his smile for a little while longer. 'Man every day I seem to fall more and more in love with this great guy,' I couldn't help but think to myself as he leaned in to kiss me deeply being a little rough, I could feel him getting excited as it poked me in the leg. I started to blush and pushed at his chest lightly ,"J-Jonathan," I moaned, "we can't do this right now, its almost time for me to go to school." He kissed me one more time and sighed, "Ok ok I'm sorry but you just made me so happy and then seeing you in this uniform is kind of hot too, ya know?" Giggling a bit, I moved away from him and twirled, swaying my hips before leaning over a bit and blowing him a kiss. "Now you just are being unfair!" He huffed pushing down on his erection and groaning as he tilted his head back, I just blushed scarlet; he is so hot, he drives me wild. "Well when you look like that it's not fair," I tried playing off what I was thinking, damn it.. He really just is making me wish I didn't have to go to school tonight. I can't put off school forever though, they would teach me things I needed to know and answer questions that lingered on the edges of my mind. 

At that exact moment, Julius walked in and saw me in my new uniform. Jonathan quickly turned around looking out the window turning kind of red, thanks to me he had a little problem I'm sure he didn't want Julius to see it. That would be ultimately embarrassing for me and Jonathan; Julius just stared at me ,"Julius, what are you doing out of bed? You are supposed to be resting," I said worried, walking over to him. He snapped back to reality and hastily responded with a flustered smile, "I'm doing a lot better so I'm accompanying you to school as well. Plus it's time for us to be heading out, school will be getting started shortly." I glanced back at Jonathan who just nodded in reply, letting me know that it was indeed ok for him to be out of bed. I let out a relieved sigh and spun back around, smiling at Julius before walking to the door. "Well come on! Let's go, I'm starting to get anxious." I stated with a half hearted smile, Julius nodded and Jonathan just told us both to give him a minute which made me softly chuckle. I walked out the door with Julius at my flank, hurrying down the hall, down the stairs and out the front door which was already open. Outside there was a black car waiting in the driveway, Julius reached the door before I could and opened it just smiling at me. I huffed and sighed frowning a little, I wish he'd realize he doesn't have to do that even if I am a princess, I just want him to treat me like another person. 

The sky was beautiful tonight, the moon brightly lighting up the night as the stars that surrounded it sparkled. It kind of sucked that I'd be inside on such a beautiful night but it couldn't be helped school was a must-do thing since the big change. I slid inside, followed by Jonathan, who had just came out of the house, then Julius who closed the door after he got in. The driver called out to us to make sure we were all ready before driving out of the driveway and out onto the road.

We were in the car for 30 minutes and still not quite there yet, being in a moving vehicle for too long had used to make me feel like my stomach was housing a roller coaster which would turn and twist around making me feel like I would get sick. However, ever since being awakened I no longer got the sick feeling or massive headaches as the landscape zoomed by the passenger window. Just another perk of being undead I guess. I gazed out the window, admiring the scenery happily when I felt eyes dig holes into my body; Julius and Jonathan both sat on the opposite side of the cabin on the seats opposite of mine staring at me on and off. I looked over to them and smiled a bit, it felt so foreign catching other peoples gaze. Before any of this even happened, I glided through life with ease only being noticed by my close friends and my family. For me that was good enough, I had no need to demand or desire the undivided attention of others. This was just another part of life I'd have to adjust to, among other things. Finally we pulled through the iron gates of the Forever Night Academy, the school I was to attend starting tonight. Anxiety began to flood through my veins gradually making me uneasy, I couldn't let it get the best of me though.. So I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to get my wits about me. Julius opened the door getting out to hold it open for us. Immediately as I stepped out some surrounding students stopped and stared at me with curious eyes. I began to notice some of their eyes were different colors which kind of confused me at first, but the orange and light yellowish green eyes of the students continued to look at me. Suddenly I felt a warm familiar embrace, Jonathan had wrapped his arms around me, "Annette its ok, I know this is all new but you'll be ok, just lean on me if you need too." I blushed and turned my head a little to look at him, "Jonathan their eyes, they are so different from ours.. why is that?" He chuckled a little and said reassuringly, "Normal Pureblood vampires are the ones with the piercing orange eyes while your normal everyday average vampires are the ones with the light-yellowish green eyes." "Ohh.. I get it, it is kind of a way to tell who is what type of vampire, but why are our eyes different? We are purebloods too." "Well Annette, you and I are royal purebloods, not just your everyday pure blood. We have heightened senses and other talents." I could still feel their eyes intensely burning on me as we talked, "Oh I see.." I said finally walking forward, followed closely by Jonathan and Julius. I smiled at all of the students around me and just waved a bit, saying hi which caused them to smile back at me. I heard one of them say, "That must be our new Princess, she is so beautiful." I blushed as I heard and turned to where the voice was coming from, laying my eyes on the person who said it. She was an average looking girl with long wavy hair, she caught me looking back at her and froze. Poor girl she looked so scared, I let out a warm smile which made her seem to relax a little and return a tiny wave. Jonathan pulled my attention back by saying we needed to go and get my class schedule, I just nodded and followed him as he walked down the hallways of the school. 

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