Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    When finally  I had gotten all unpacked and settled in it was around 11:30 p.m. and I felt like trying out the new bathtub, who can blame me though. Even for a vampire, unpacking a whole household worth of possessions is physically and mentally exhausting. I got my sweet scented candles, my iPod touch and my scented rose petals and started to run the bath water. I set up the iPod's dock station and put on my relaxing playlist, lit the candles and placed them around the edges of the bathtub before pouring the petals into the water. I stripped off my clothes making sure to fold them neatly onto the counter, grabbed a towel and my robe and hung them up right by the tub. At last, I stepped into the steaming bath and sighed as I felt my problems wash away. The hot water flowed around my body taking away all the tension I had worked up from unpacking. I slowly closed my eyes and let the music carry me away from the world I was in and into another world. 

   A couple moments later, I smelled something rather odd and familiar. I snapped my eyes open to discover him.. The mysterious and statuesque man who had brought upon this change and confusion. I automatically out of instinct went to the opposite of the tub trying to get farther from him. I couldn't help but cry softly as fear rose up within me. Then his seductive voice rang out, cutting through my music. "Annette.. my love, please stop crying."   My eyes grew wider and I cried even harder. How could he do what he did and expect me to not cry and be terrified. Bitter sweet feelings swelled up as he started to walk closer to me, my heart beat accelerated the closer he got.  "Stop!..  Who are you? Please tell me.. All sorts of questions are racing through my mind and I just want answers."   "Annette, go ahead and get out of the bath and we will talk." he said walking forward and grabbing my robe, holding it out for me to get into. He turned his head away..which puzzled me. He had already seen all of me yet he turns his head so I can get out of the tub?  This man who was standing in front of me was completely different from the man that had done those things to me..."You dont have to look away. There is truly no point. You've already seen everything there is to see.." I said sighing, finally gaining my composure and avoiding his fiery gaze, only glancing at him from the corner of my eye. "O-oh ok" he stuttered. I slipped into the robe hastily and walked to my room with him following me . I was so nervous and everything was confusing but considering what my mother told me, I had to get this fear out of my system. I grabbed my brush then went to go sit on my bed and began to brush my hair. I could feel his gaze running up and down my body almost hungrily, sending chills of mixed excitement up and down my spine.  "Annette, you are gorgeous.." he said breathlessly.  "Just start talking. First, start with your name" I mumbled softly trying to keep him on the subject at hand. 

  "My name is Jonathan Accardio. I am a pureblood vampire prince." he began, "Being a pureblood prince is very lonely at times. I had a vision of a woman who would give birth to my princess, so I went to see this woman. This woman was your mother.. She was very sick and in exchange for health to conceive you, you would become my pureblood bride. So she agreed and thanked me for being so generous and let me do what I had to do to make her healthy.. I gave her some of my blood which made her strong enough to give birth to you but my blood also insured that you would be a vampire too. But a dormant vampire until the time to awaken you was as hand, to awaken your vampire side. The side of forbidden desires. I watched you grow up, waiting patiently all the while admiring the person you were growing up to be. You were adored by many and all and you always helped others around you. You were gorgeous even before you were a vampire.  I felt lucky to have such a kind, sweet-hearted girl as my bride to be." 

  Things finally made some sense.. The things he said when he proceeded to claim me..  Although I was still a little distressed as to the whole situation and the after effect. "So.. when you.. ya know.. you fed off of me and stole my virginity, it was how to awaken me?.."  "Y-Yes Annette. It was the only way. I had to claim you and your body as mine. Vampires get visions to who their mate is and then they stick with that person for eternity"  Suddenly all the dreams I had when I was younger made sense.. "Jonathan..  Throughout my life I would have dreams of a man who looked like you. He would watch over me and take my hand, leading me to a place unknown where beautiful mysterious things resided " I said as looked down at the bed dazed. Jonathan put his hand to my face and made me look into his eyes as he said, " Annette, I know this must be hard for you to get a handle on, I understand it completely."  As I looked into his lonely eyes, I felt a feeling of uncanny fondness and placed a hand to his cheek. Suddenly, I felt a bizarre desire surge through my body. He pulled away and said with a assuaging tone, "You must be thirsty, my dear. How could you not be? Its been a month since that had happened." He tilted his head a little to the side and pressed my body to his and said, "Here.." I could feel his heart beat and it lured me closer to him. I licked his neck and breathed in his scent, it smelled amazing. I plunged my teeth into his neck and he let out a groan . "Yes.." he pulled me even closer to him and I couldn't help myself, I lapped up his sweet blood eagerly with a feeling of completeness. I was filled with a sense of power and I couldn't get myself to stop. Finally he tenderly pulled me away from his body and made me look into his eyes.  "Oh Annette, you are infact gorgeous" With this, he laid me down opening my robe, and my heart began to beat even faster , my breath catching in my throat for a second. He began to kiss my naked body making me relax, running his hands over me, leaving me to fade into pleasurable oblivion.  Sweet, sweet oblivion.

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