Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

       The way my mom had looked at me after that was sorrowful and surprised.. She fell to her knees and just exhaled deeply then said the most obscure thing..

       " I knew this was going to happen one day.. But why did he chose to do it at this time?", she sighed with her head in her hands.  What was she talking about? How did she know this was going to happen???? This made no sense to me.. If she knew this was going to happen, why didn't she stop it from happening? I had so many questions and I just wanted answers. 

       "Mom, what do you mean?? Please explain. All of this is so confusing to me.. I mumbled, then rushed over to here and gently shaking her shoulders. "Please mom, how did you know this was going to happen???"    "Annette", she said looking at me, " sit down and I'll explain".  So I sat down and waited eagerly for her to spill her guts. " Sweetie, this was destined to happen. When I was pregnant with you.. I was very sick and I would have lost you if I didn't do what I did. I hoped for a miracle and one night.. I was visited by this mysterious guy who said he could help me but I would have to do one thing for him."    "What was it mom? What did he ask of you?" I looked at her desperately. "Well, he asked me to promise you to him to be his bride. And in exchange for you, he would make me healthy and more capable to conceive you without any complications. I saw him as a blessing, an answer to my prayers, a way to be able to have the baby girl I had always dreamed of. When you were born, you were my little dream come true, I was so happy that I honestly forgot him.." 

      I didn't know what to say.. I understood the reason she did it. If I was a mother, I probably would have done the same thing. My mom started to cry softly and say she was sorry. I crawled closer and wrapped my arms around her, trying to calm her cries and comfort her pushing back the urge of blood. " Its ok mom, I hold nothing against you. You had a good reason for doing what you did. I love you mommy. I always will" I stated tenderly.  She looked up at me, wiped away her tears and cozied up into my arms. " I love you too sweetie. You are even more beautiful than you were before. Your so forgiving and  understanding. I'm glad I can call you my daughter." 

      After my mother was finally calm and back to her usual graceful composed self, I sat on my bed and let myself get lost in thought. I was even more curious as to who this vampire was. I had dreams of his mysterious figure ever since I was a little girl. His face was burned into my brain and his eyes continued to gaze into my soul. Those deep and lonely ember eyes of his.  He was a gorgeous man.. I snapped back to reality reminding myself of all that happened. My mom came to my room an hour later as I was drawing and set down dinner declaring the fact that we had to move now. People would be able to tell all the new changes, and start to ask questions. My heart sank.. I would have to say goodbye to all my friends. Everybody that were there for me through thick and thin. My mom put her arm around my shoulders and told me that I still would be able to talk to them and eventually I'd be able to see them. I just shrugged and nodded my head. I knew for sure things would be different. Things like the urge for blood and to kill ...  "Mom, I have a small problem.. How will I deal with the desire of blood?"  She looked at me and replied, " I dont know sweetie, we will have to figure something out ". My mom then left the room and let me eat my dinner. Afterwards, I laid down and drifted off to a deep dead-like sleep. 

After an hour or two, I woke up I heard a slight knocking at my door. My mother came in and sat on my bed taking a deep breath before speaking with authority, "Annette, till we move and I can arrange for someone else to allow you to feed, you will be feeding off of me." I scooted back, unsure and afraid, the last thing I wanted to do was to hurt my very own mother. She looked at me with such serious eyes telling me that for now there was no other choice and that if I didn't feed, unspeakable things could ensue. I let out an unsteady sigh and scooted back towards her, the only way I knew how to feed was from when that man fed off of me. So I held onto her shoulders, licking her neck and gently biting, my fangs piercing her skin. The taste of blood filled my mouth, and to my disbelief it tasted sweet unlike anything I have ever tasted before.. I wanted more. I took more, slightly clawing my mothers shoulder, trying to keep myself under control; I made myself stop ,licking the blood from my lips. Lifting my head and looking to mother, I heard her say ,"Annette, yours eyes.. they are blood red yet they are still mesmerizingly pretty. Its hard to look away." I got out of the bed and looked at my face, they were beautiful but terrifying all at the same time. Little veins were showing, starting from the bottom of my eyes onto my cheeks.

   My life was definitively going to be more challenging, but it also will be very interesting. And with all that has happened, I'd just have to find a way to move through life.

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