Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Wait what do you mean there is a historical legend about this?" I asked perplexed as I sat in the head masters office, still sore from what had ensued only a little while ago. Jonathan had his arms warrped around me protectively almost as if he were afraid I might disappear, we were surrounded by Julius and Alexander who were both looking at me worried and the head master who according to Jonathan knew all about this so called legend. "Annette," the head master began,

"A long time ago at the beginning of all vampire existence, there was a vampire princess who was beloved by her people. But as the years creeped by, conflicts and wars of great proportions broke out throughout her entire kingdom; sending her people into a time of unending darkness. She was unsure of what she could possibly do that would be capable of saving an entire kingdom, so she went to see a profound yet mystical vampire oracle who her father had allowed to live in the castle as a royal adviser. This oracle had guided him and his father before him through times of great strife, always bestowing knowledge which helped maintain the peace among the people of the great kingdom. When she arrived, she was told that she would be granted a gift from the Gods themselves, that the gift she was to receive would give her all the power she would need to save all of vampire-kind. He instructed her to return to her chambers and wait for the Gods to endow her with what she would depend on during this dangerous duration of conflict. And with the wise words of the oracle, she returned to her sleeping chambers and awaited the Gods. Late at night the Gods finally came, however when the princess asked them of what gift they had for her they did not speak a word. Instead they laid their hands upon her and as they did, she began to tremble and shake as an unbearable pounding consumed her ever though. A cold undying flame had consumed the princess's body, her eyes blazing with a nebulous spark and before long she fell into unconsciousness. When she woke up a few minutes later, she discovered that parts of her had changed. Her eyes were a bright captivating gold, her eye lashes had grown ever-so slightly, and her body was brimming with energy and power. She also discovered that with the changes she had gained new abilities: the ability to communicate with and control animals and the ability to control the elements of earth, fire, water and air along with the elements that came from combining 2 or more elements. With all this new found power she set out to save her kingdom, encountering endless challenges such as cursed vampires and vampire hunters-"

"Vampire hunters?!" I said interrupting the head master, "I didn't even know there was such a thing till just now.." The head master just gave a sad smile, replying, "They take care of rogue vampires, in other words vampires that are hunting humans." I just stared off into space blankly. Vampire hunters, huh?

"Anyway as I was saying, she was tasked with what seemed like impossible challenges and through each one she has used all of her abilities to succeed. However at the last task, she was met with a greater foe, the Demon King. She fought with all of her abilities and yet they didn't seem to be quite enough to beat him, and just as she thought she was going to be defeated she closed her eyes and gathered all of her energy. When she opened her eyes, they burst into flames and she gained amazing strength which could only be compared to the strength of the Gods. She truly was worthy of the title that was given to her as the first vampire with god powers. The Vampire Goddess. To this day no one is really sure just what the great power that defeated the Demon King Truly is, but we are greatful for having an ancestor defend us so." he finished with a big sigh of admiration, letting out a deep breath.

"A vampire goddess? Gods? Vampire hunters? My world has just become even bigger.. What does it mean now that I have undergone the same transformation?" I asked impatiently. "I'm not quite sure, to be honest, but its not a good sign.." the head master replied with a look of unease. I looked up to Jonathan before burying my face in his uniform jacket. 'What am I supposed to do now that my big world has become even bigger and more confusing?' I thought hopelessly.

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