Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

      The sun had started to set as we sat in the branches of the oak, wrapped up in one another arms. Colors of crimson, dark orange and a light yellowish orange painted the sky, making it look as if someone had turned an ordinary canvas into a work of art. Merely looking at it felt surreal, like at any moment we would wake to find that the beautiful sky we were both gazing upon was nothing more than a dream. I found myself lost in the sky, my mind wandering somewhere in a land far away from the one i was on. At last I heard Jonathan's voice ring through to me, "Annette, where does your mind go when you zone out like that?" I blushed a little bit from embarrassment replying, "I imagine a amazing place filled with beauty, but it seems this world has started to become more and more like that one. That's mainly thanks to you my love." I looked up at his face to find that he wore an embarrassed smile, to me his smile was almost as warm as the sky and filled me with happiness. I looked away and started to smile, I didn't feel as nervous anymore when I was with him. In his embrace was the spot that i felt the safest and most loved, I blushed a bit when I realized just how much I cared for him. While I was once again lost in my thoughts, Jonathan stood up and stretched before picking me up, which rather surprised me, and jumping down to the ground. 

He carried me into the house where my mom was in the kitchen making dinner, the room smelled of freshly cooked meat, making my mouth water. "I'm making one of your favorites hun, Salisbury steak covered in gravy with baked potatoes made up with butter, cheese and tiny chives. I wanted to make something you'd enjoy before your first night at school." I smiled at her and asked Jonathan if he would set me down, once he did I sat down at the table where he joined me. My mother set the food onto the place mats in front of us, the smell of my mothers amazing Salisbury steak wafted right by my nose making my mouth water yet again. She smiled as she watched me pick up my fork and scoop some of the steak up before putting it into my mouth, "Mom this is delicious as always, it means a lot to me you'd make this for me." Jonathan soon followed me and ate some as well, expressing his gratitude towards my mother for her excellent cooking as she sat down and started to eat as well. "Jonathan," my mother set down her fork before continuing, "Will you be attending the school with Annette?" he looked over and replied, "Its not really required since I have already finished my years of night school but they wouldn't refuse me if I tried coming with her, in all honesty I was planning on accompanying her for at least a week then sending Julius to protect her whenever I cant make it." She nodded and agreed that it probably was a good idea, I just watched them quietly as I ate kind of happy that I wouldn't be going to be all alone. I know that as soon as I actually get to the school, I would have felt extremely nervous and probably would have a hard time getting through the first night alone. A weight lifted off of my chest after hearing that, just knowing he'd be with me made my heart skip a beat and i couldn't contain how happy i was. 

However when I thought about it a little more I noticed that Julius wasn't here with us and I stood up abruptly, which caught both of their attention. "Where is Julius? Is he ok , I know earlier he wasn't because of me, please tell me ." I couldn't help but be worried, he was hurt because of my lack of control. "Hes in his room resting, he's ok now just a little weak" Jonathan replied, looking at me concerned and i cant say i blame him, i could only imagine what my facial expression was like. "I wanna take care of him, would that be ok? It is my fault he is in that state.." He just smiled at me slightly and nodded, with  that I darted up to his room and knocked at the door, "Come on in" said a muffled voice that came from inside. I opened the door slowly and looked inside, Julius was sitting up in the bed underneath the covers with a book. His eyes were glued to the pages, I cleared my throat before asking, "Are you feeling ok? " walking into the room, sitting on the edge of his bed. Looking up and seeing me, his face turned a bit red as we placed his hand on mine before replying, "Y-Yes i'm doing a lot better, dont worry Princess it wasn't your fault. You were only turned recently, not to mention you've been dormant for a while so losing control was to be expected." I looked down sadly, out of no where I heard his stomach growl and he looked at me embarrassed trying to laugh it off, "I haven't eaten yet, I apologize." I scooted closer and moved my hair out of the way, "If you are hungry, you can feed off of me and being hungry is nothing to be embarrassed about Julius." He hesitated at first but I reassured him that it was ok as I scooted even closer, he grabbed on to me weakly pulling me closer before licking my neck and biting into me, making me let out a quiet pained moan. "Its ok, it doesn't hurt anymore Julius, you dont have to stop." With my words he seemed to relax a little and continued to feed, holding onto my shoulders slightly squeezing and pulling me closer. Being this close to someone other than my love made me blush a bit, especially since it was Julius, a man that has seen me naked accidently and helped me buy all of my clothes including the sexy lingerie I bought for Jonathan.  He finally released me licking up the little bit of blood that oozed down from the bite marks and to my collar bone, I let out a tiny embarrassed moan which made him look up to see my blush-stained face causing him to scoot away and apologize profusely. I smiled before climbing further on to the bed to hug him, "Don't worry, there was no harm done I promise, I'm just a little sensitive plus I'm still not use to fangs piercing my skin." He hugged me back and thanked me for letting him feed off of me, he looked down to where he bit me and brushed his fingers across it. "The mark is gone already Princess, are you sure I didn't hurt you?" I shook my head no, saying, "I'm a tough girl, I'm in one good solid piece aren't I?" His eyes wandered over me then nodded, "You sure are haha." I stood up and just laughed, I was overjoyed that he was feeling better and with the kind reassuring words he had said to me I felt better and less guilty for losing control, nonetheless I wouldn't let myself hurt him or anyone else close to me.

I walked out of his room and closed the door telling him to get some rest and I'd see him after school, he just wished me luck and told me to have a good night. Walking down the hall a bit I finally reached my room opening the door where I found Jonathan waiting with a uniform which he told me to put on. I picked it up and put it on, tying the strings in the back into a nice neat bow. I had to sit down to pull up the knee high stockings which also had bows, slipping my feet into the high heels that Jonathan laid down by the bed for me. Pushing myself up and off of the bed, I walked over to the mirror on the wall and looked at myself, "Oh gosh this uniform is so pretty, at my old school we never had to wear uniforms so this will be different," I fixed the front of my shirt to where the buttons were undone a little to give me some more appeal. "You look so beautiful Annette, I cant take my eyes off of you." he said standing up and coming to me, twirling me into his arms. I started to blush scarlet as he looked down at me, pulling my chin up to kiss me, "I love you Annette, are you ready to go" I smiled and replied, "I love you too Jonathan, as long as you are by my side I'm ready to brave into anything."

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