Chapter 4

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Ok guys!  Enjoyyy


Chapter 4

_A month had slowly crept by_

    My mom came bursting into my room ranting on about how she found the perfect house. I was sort of relieved because I had already missed weeks of school. I turned back over to go to sleep cause I was extremely exhausted. Thats when she pretty much dragged me out of the bed and dressed me herself and grabbed my brush and shoes then handed them to me. Sleepily I asked, " Mom?.. Where are we going? I'm tired.."   "Annette, I am going to take you to the house so you can see it for yourself and see just how perfect it is"  "Oh.. um ok." I responded to her utmost optimism sighing and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. She then told me to meet her outside and dashed right out of the room. My goofy mother was really worked up about all of this, all this excitement over what she claims to be the perfect house.

    After I poured myself a nice, freshly-made cup of coffee, I bolted out to the car to meet her. I guess, even I, was sort of excited to see this 'perfect'  house that had gotten my mom all fired up. I got into the car and thats when I heard from my adoring mother just how far this house was. It was 2 hours away from where we were.. pretty much in the next city over.  I hated car rides, I always got sickening headaches  and ended up sleeping through them. But, for some weird reason , I wasn't getting sick even at the slightest sharp turn or large hill. My body was changed in ways I didn't understand yet but as soon as we got settled into a new house, I would find out. On the way over, I kept thinking about how painful it was to have to tell my friends I was moving away and changing schools. Telling your best friends you can no longer talk to them without being able to give a real reason was killing me. However it had to be done, there was no way I would be able to explain why my whole appearance changed within an instance or why my eyes are ember. I definitively wouldn't be able to explain what happens when I feed or get hungry.. A flash back of my crimson red eyes and veins protruding from my eye sockets appeared all so vividly on my mind. In the end it was for the better, breaking off our friendship which transcended the years was hard but I could never forgive myself if I had hurt them. I reached into my pocket for my phone and looked at the time, wishing we could get to this new house already.

      We finally reached our destination, and we both got out of the car. My mom was bouncing up and down with excitement and I couldn't help laughing. We both walked up to the house and met the  agent who was to be our guide through this massive house. There was something different about this agent though, her eyes were like mine.. a deep piercing ember. Was it possible that she is like me?  "Well, hello there. I'm assuming you are the Smiths. Am I right?" she asked, flashing me a stunning grin, allowing her fangs to catch my eye just for a brief moment before she turned and led us to the front door. Well I got my answer, she definitely is like me. My mom smiled at me like she knew it all along too then said, " We sure are! We are excited to see this house"   Thats when the agent introduced herself. " I am Jessica Arbor, I will be the one to show you this marvelous house. Right this way"  

      Jessica was graceful and sophisticated as she walked us through this massive mansion, showing us the bedrooms, bathrooms and even the massive library with a window seat. This house was as my mom had said, it was perfect. Both my room and my moms room had a beautiful balcony facing the delightfully large lake that graced our back yard. We each had our own bathrooms that had a huge bathtub that almost looked like you could go swimming in it and had a window that covered the whole outer fall that faced the front yard that was adjourned with curtains of silk.  All of this was like my dream house, it was too good to be true. What made this even better that it was true. I couldn't help it, I couldn't keep quiet anymore, " This house is AMAZING. Mom can we pleaseee get this house???"  My mom chuckled at the sight of me begging since I usually refrained from putting unnecessary strain onto her. " Annette, sweetie, would you believe me if I said that this house, was already ours?"  " Oh my god! Really?! I cant believe this" Once again she chuckled and said excitedly, smiling, "Yes, the title is already ours. We can even move in today. I signed all the papers and paid for our stuff to be moved so that it'd arrive a little bit behind us. This house is ours"  " Thank you mommy!" I exclaimed, hugging her. My mother was amazing. Somehow she just knew I'd love this house and that just made me love her even more so. 

        My urge to start my new life was kindled, the fact I'd be living in this glorious house made all sorts of emotions surge to the surface.That's when Jessica handed us our keys and said, " Welcome to your new house, hope you enjoy it"I couldn't help it, I was so happy. The only words I could manage were thank you. I went out to the garden and admired the red and white roses that surrounded the pond. I felt like my heart would beat out of my chest. It felt like what had started off as a nightmare was morphing into a fairy tale. Nothing could ruin this day. Absolutely. Nothing. On the wind, I heard engines approaching and I rushed back to the front yard, beaming with anticipation.When the big movers truck drove into our brand new drive way, I almost didn't even wait for the truck to cease moving to . My feet swiftly carried me to the back of the truck as I waited for the movers to climb out of the truck and work there way back to the big door.  My mom saw what happened , laughed and told me how silly I was. While I just eyed everything excitedly, my mom walked over and paid the movers for the help and asked if they would help us unload. The guy just smiled heartily and told her he and his men would be delighted to help us. Jessica came up to my mom and told her she'd help too.  Things were turning out perfect already.  I, Annette Smith, had the most breath-taking house, had a loving mother who understood me and I was a mysterious creature with beauty beyond compare.

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