Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
        After finally organizing and unpacking all of my brand new clothes, I was utterly exhausted. Julius had left the room and in came Jonathan looking at me. I sat up and pulled him onto the bed as soon as he got close, I just couldn't help myself. "Oh sweet Jonathan.. I have a little secret to show you" I said giggling dashing off the bed and into my huge closet to change. "No peeking my love." I changed into one of the new lingerie's I had bought today and opened the closet door. As soon as the door opened, I had stolen Jonathan's undivided attention. I walked over to the bed and gingerly pushed him down, straddling him, "Oh Jonathan, you look even happier to see me now than you did before, why is that?" He just placed his hands on my hips and pushed his manhood up against me, "You are just too beautiful Annette darling." I began to blush faintly and replied , "Thank you, but I'm the supposed to be teasing you." He suddenly began to grind against me, I tried to contain moans of pleasure. I looked down at him and blushed again, "We hardly have been together for so long and yet it seems all we've been capable of doing is make up for lost time and get to know one anothers' body." He pushed it up against me once again and said huskily, "Well I've been waiting an eternity for you, and at last I have you. I have been wanting to enjoy my loves' sweet embrace." I blushed once more and stared down at him lovingly, "Eventually we will get so tired of making love, that must have crossed your mind my prince. And tomorrow night is my first night of school, I cant be too tired and sore that I present myself poorly." He just smiled, sat up and began to kiss my neck as he whispered, "My dear, from what I have seen, it is honestly not possible for you to ever look poorly." I giggled a little and let out a sigh as I jumped from the bed and onto the floor giving him a flirtatious little wink. I was actually kind of nervous about starting this whole new life, the new school, my new responsibilities as a pureblood vampire princess and mostly all the new urges of blood lust that surged through me. I couldn't keep feeding off of my Jonathan forever, it felt unfair to him.

         I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and realized it was Jonathan. "Are you ok? You weren't answering so I began to worry." he asked concerned. I let out a sigh and replied, "I was just lost in thought, thinking about all the new things I have to face now. Like about how I have these uncontrolled urges of blood, I feel bad already by constantly feeding off of you without returning the favor..." He looked at me slightly shocked then gave me a tender smile and took me into his arms and hugged me lovingly. "I never expected you to do that for me but if you really feel that way then I'll partake from you as well. And you dont always have to partake from me, Julius would let you as well." Once he finished saying this, he called for Julius to come to us and he explained it to him then left. I quickly threw on a robe to cover the lingerie I was wearing, blushing from embarrassment and thinking that he's already accidently seen me naked but this is too much to bear. Julius bowed to me and beckoned me to him, "It is ok Annette, I don't mind." I came up to him and rested my hands on his chest, bringing my face up to his neck. I could feel his heart beat under my hands as I licked his neck and plunged my fangs in. He let out a grunt, making me blush a bit but the taste was too good to resist. I clenched onto his clothes and pulled him closer as drank his blood, my robe slipping off my shoulder.I could swear I saw him blush before looking away quite suddenly as it slipped lower. At last I had my fill and I let go, licking the blood from his neck, looking to Julius with embarrassed blood-red eyes saying," Thank you Julius for letting me feed." He bowed once again and just told me that it was quite alright with a smile, still blushing slightly, as he turned and left. Jonathan entered the room shortly after and came to embrace me. I looked up with him with the same blood-red eyes and he kissed me roughly, almost as if he had to once again claim me for himself. I kissed him back passionately and deeply, letting out a moan; I just wanted him so badly right now I couldn't help myself. 

When I woke up I found myself in the bed alone, I couldn't help but wonder where Jonathan went but before I could get out of bed I saw my phone blinking on the bedside table. I picked it up and unlocked it to reveal that I had a message from Alexander Bishop, one of my old friends. I wasn't sure if I wanted to open it or not because I had to leave them behind because of all the new changes that I have gone through. Despite my better judgement I opened the text and read the words,

"I know why you really had to leave us."

Speechless, I stared at the screen unsure of what to do. First of all was it even possible he really did know the reason?. I just sat in bed staring dead-on at the screen thinking of what I should say. Finally it was almost like my fingers started to move on their own,

Annette: "What do you mean that you know why? I told you why already."

Alexander: "Im not Lily or Natalie, I'm not that gullible. I know what you are now."

Annette: "..What I am? And what would that be ?"

Alexander: "Only reason I know what you are is because I am the same. I had to do the exact same thing as what you did. I'm a vampire just like you are."

Annette: "H-How is that possible you went to the same school as me, till like 3 months before I had to leave."

Alexander: "Thats why I had to leave Annette. It wasn't safe to be around you or the others."

Annette: "I understand now, better than I would have if you told me before."

Alexander: "I'm glad I can talk to you about all this now.. at last I dont have to be alone anymore."

Annette: " ^,^ Yes, I'm here for you. Well I have something I need to do. I'll text you in a little bit."

Alexander: "Bye for now."

I set my phone back on the side table and stretched before jumping out of bed, I really wanted to find Jonathan and I was almost certain he'd be in the office working on matters royalty related. Walking down the hallway , I just thought about what Alexander said.. He's a vampire too huh? I never would have guessed that is why he had to leave us. I reached the office door and went to knock but before I could Jonathan called out to me to come in. I always seem to forget that being a vampire comes with its perks along with its downsides. "Hi there my love, I see you are finally awake," he said smiling at me. "Haha yes, what are you working on this time?" He looked at me then looked down sort of embarrassed. "Oh come on tellll me, you've made me super curious now." He looked up at last blushing a soft pink, "Well you see, I have something I want to ask you but first I should explain the reason." I just nodded and sat down on the arm of a couch that was against the wall in the office. "Annette you are my born mate, born into the role of Princess. Well because we are royalty, now that I've awakened you, by vampire law we must be married.. However,  I was going to ask you to be my beautiful wife whether or not there was a law because there is no one I want more than you." I blushed when I heard this and smiled. "So will you be my wonderful and beautiful wife?" I blushed even more before jumping up and into his arms, kissing him eagerly. "Of course Jonathan, I was born to be yours and I'll be yours for all eternity, so yes I'll be your wife." And with that he carried me down the stairs and to the parlor where my mother and Julius were sitting enjoying tea. "Annette has agreed to by mine in yet another way, she has agreed to be my wife." Both Julius and my mother smiled happily for us, which made me even happier.  And with that he carried me back up the stairs and into our room, where he showed me just how much I meant to him with endless hours of pleasure and romance.

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