Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

   I  awoke fully clothed and in my bed with a dazed feeling floating in my head. The sky was still dark, stars being the only sign of illumination. Was what happened only a bad dream?. I surged out of my bed and to my mirror with uncanny speed. I lifted my hair to discover fang marks exactly where the strange, mysteriously dark man with ember eyes and a solid body had bitten me.. What happened wasn't a bad dream, it was worse, it was my new reality. I had been raped and bitten by this vampire whose name I didn't know and whose reason was unexplained. I broke down to the floor, whimpering and sobbing with my head in my hands. What was I supposed to do?. Who would believe me if I explained what had happened anyway?

   I heard footsteps approaching my room, and my door creaked open to reveal my mother, who stared at me and asked me if I was alright. I couldn't tell her what happened, she probably wouldn't believe a word of this.. I gazed up at her, after wiping my eyes and told her I had just had a bad dream but I was ok now. She sighed, knealed down and hugged me, kissed my forehead then left, leaving me on the floor with my thoughts. Crawling to my bed, I pulled myself up and curled into a ball, holding my knees to my chest and thats when the pain started to consume my body, filling every limb and muscle with an agonizing pulse. My blood started to pound as it moved through my body causing me to break out into a sweat, almost burning up from the shear heat. Trying to keep quiet so I wouldn't draw my mother back into my room, I held a hand over my mouth, tears filling my eyes. Suddenly everything started to spin and I had lost consciousness.

     When I came to the next morning, the sun was harshly blaring in through my window. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and combed my fingers through my tangled hair. Hoping to god that last night was only apart of a wretched dream, I scurried to the mirror and looked upon myself to realize something rather shocking.. My eyes.. my eyes were burning ember! My face was more fair and my body was more refined, lengthy almost; but more importantly, the bite mark was sort of faded but still there.. My neck was sore to the touch, but none of that mattered, the question that had haunted me now was simple. Was I a vampire like that man was? I opened my mouth to reveal the thing I had feared the most. Fangs; ivory and pointed into a fine point. I touched my finger to them feeling just how strange they felt in the process I had accidently pricked myself causing my finger to bleed, the sight causing my head to pound. They were unbelievably sharp.. I still couldn't believe that everything that had happened was in fact real. I slipped out of my clothes and began to explore the rest of my body eagerly, looking upon my breasts and every other inch of my body.  Only to discover, that my body was faint and dead-like but unlike before it was fair and smooth. I ran my hands over every part on me and sighed slightly, unsure just how i felt to discover that my body was beautiful and changed. My hair was softer almost like fine silk and not as frizzy as usual. I was absolutely drop- dead gorgeous. Suddenly a quick pain surged through me, leaving my head throbbing. I was hit with a hard truth, which left me confused and uneasy. I was hungry... I needed nourishment suitable for a vampire, which of course was blood. Just the thought of the substance appalled me and made my mouth water. I was filled with uncertainty just thinking about what everything that had happened and what all of those events had caused. Feeding was going to be difficult, since I wasn't even sure how my mother would receive this.. 

    All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and my mom's voice asking if she could enter. I hurriedly put my clothes back on and bid her to enter. I could smell the uncertainty that stained the air as she entered my room, walking up behind me and placing a hand on my shoulder.  "Honey" she whispered rather unsure.  She stared at my reflection in the mirror and continued. "Are you what I think you are?."  "What do you think I am mom?"  "A vampire." she replied. At this I turned around, heart thumping in my breasts and stated, "Yes.. I am." My heart felt lighter as the words slipped past my lips. Just how would she take this new, and how did she even know that vampires existed in the first place?


I edited this. I hope its somewhat better !

Tell me what you guys think if you read this, I hope you guys can support mee :D

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