Chapter 17

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So apparently I woke up with the news that my mom told me  that
One of my bestfriends who's a boy is moving by us and I'm so excited I miss Tyler so much I can't wait to see him
I better get" ready" so I changed into some casual cloth a cute red sweater that says Kisses to Jacob I made it myself then I put on some jean shorts and my aloha vans and I straightened my hair and for my makeup some mascara and lip balm.Then I ran down stairs and grabbed my phone then I hopped in the car and said ready mom and dad then they said ok let's gooo.So then I just started jamming to some music.
Narrator:apparently Nicole forgot all about Jacob and Jacobs at home thinking why didn't Nicole text him or something????
So we got out the car and I saw Tyler's house and he was outside then i jumped out the car and ran up to Tyler and hugged while "saying Tyler i missed so much bro then Tyler
Said me too and wow you seem
More beautiful then I blushed a lil
And said thanks.
So then I blurted out "Tyler" you
      have to meet Jacob my boyfriend then Tyler thought in his mind boyfriend😕😕😕😕😕😕??????
So we hopped back in the car and
Tyler kept asking me about how much
Did I miss him and things like that.
12 mins later.......
We arrived at Jacobs house and I knocked on the door knock knock!!!!!
Then he answered and said hi babe and who's this guy then I said oh this is Tyler my best friend who's a boy then Jacob said ohh nice to meet you Tyler then Tyler said nice to meet you Jacob.So I walked inside and sat down by Jacob and Tyler so I was in the middle.
Narrator:Nicole leaves Jacob left out and Jacob.....we'll see what happens!!!!!
Nicole hasn't even bare talking to me it's like I'm not here she just keeps talking to tylerrrr😔😔💔💔.
Tyler it's so cool talking to you again like we use to back then,then Tyler said yup and Jacob whispered very quietly mmmhmm.Then Nicole and Tyler had to leave and Nicole said bye Jacob maybey you can come to my place in 3 weeks because I'm Ganna be busy then Jacob said sure with a sad face.
3 weeks later........
So Jacob and Tyler came and I hugged Tyler and said heyy and I hugged Jacob and said heyy sweetheart.Then we sat down and Tyler started talking to Nicole and making her laugh a lot with her jokes on and on like forever.And Jacob got so pissed off and red that he said nicole you've hadn't talk to me like for 3 weeks and bare look at me you've just been with Tyler the whole time then Nicole said Jacob are you jealous and I'm sorry I just wanna spend more time with Tyler cause he's my best friend then Jacob said well maybey I am jealous okk and where done I'm breaking up with you sorry but i just can't take it anymore😣💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔then Nicole said noooo Jacob i love you i didn't know you felt that Way I'm sorry😢😢😢😢💔💔💔then Jacob said well you should have thought about my feelings before you messed up bye Nicole👋🏼😪.Then Jacob left running with tears falling and then Tyler left and said sorry Nicole its probaly best for me too go then Tyler left and shut the door.And Nicole ran to her room and sat on the floor and cried and cried and said what have I done now I understand Jacob needed me I should have never left him out and ignore him😭😭😭😭.
Back to school.....
I really don't wanna go to school but u have too so I was pretty lonely and I walked into class and Jacob wasn't there.Then the next day Jacob wasn't here again i miss him so muchhhh.
1 week later........
Jacob hasn't come to school for a week I need him I need his smile I miss his hugs.
Im so depressed my hearts broken I hadn't come to school for a week like I can't I'm so stressed out.
Then Jacob ran to the bathroom and grabbed a piece of glass.........I need to go to Jacobs house I need to apologize so I ran and knocked on the door and his mom opened it and I said hi Jacobs mom can I see Jacob then she said sure so I ran up stairs and he wasn't in his room then I heard crying in the bathroom.I opened the door and Jacob was on the floor bleeding from scars on his wrist and I said Jacob stoppppp don't hurt yourself then I hugged him tight and washed his blood of with a clooth and kissed his scars and whipped his tears off and said Jacob I'm sooo sorry I need you I miss your hugs smile and kisses and I found out Tyler tried to break us apart but I cut him off.Then Jacob stranded up and said ni-col-e I'm sorry too I was depressed without you babe will you go back out with me then I said yesssss Jacob I love youuuuu then we kissed for 16 mins and I pulled away and Jacob was blushing and smiling and I love that so much.Then we walked down stairs holding hands and Jacobs mom said Jacob I was so worried about but I see now your back together then Jacob said yeaa I couldn't have done without Nicole being there for me.Then we went to go get some ice cream and he was making me laugh so much with his funny voice that he does and we kept walking intill we got home and Jacob said bye qtiepie🙈❤️❤️✌🏻️then I said bye sweetie sleep tight then Jacob said you too princess.Then he went inside his house and me too and I said I'm so glad where back to together💕💕💕💕.
Description:now I'm Ganna start doing a thing of what the narrator says to give y'all a clue while reading and omggggggg thank you guys so much for 1k reads you guys are awesome 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉.

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