Chapter 18

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Nicoleeeeeeee wake up your Ganna be late for school then I said ughhhhh 5 more mins.
5 mins later...........
Ok sweetie it's been five minutes time to get up I "said" fine ok.So I hoped out of bed and took a quick shower.

Then I put on a cute paternish bra crop top and a gray long sleevless shirt on top and some Jean shorts and for my make-up some mascara and baby lip balm in red then I put my hair in a bun and put some really cute earings

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Then I put on a cute paternish bra crop top and a gray long sleevless shirt on top and some Jean shorts and for my make-up some mascara and baby lip balm in red then I put my hair in a bun and put some really cute earings.Then I walked down stairs and ate some blueberries and oatmeal with some orange juice.Then Zachary said your not in good luck little sis then I said what how then he said you'll find out in school then I said hmmmm.......
I hope it's not about Jacob again I don't wanna be heart broken again I love him from the bottom of my heart he's my everything I can't live with out him❤️.
Later that day at school morning...
So I arrived at school and apparently Kimberly was with some other girls that I didn't know and i said hi and she made this confused face and waved like I don't know just so weird then I didn't see Jacob coming and we bumped into eachother and are lips locked for like forever and he pulled away all rosy and shy saying hey babe I want you to come with me after school to my song sessions of that ok then I said yeah of course Jacob then he said yessss thanks beautiful.Then we started walking to our lockers and Jacobs was besides mine and I was lucky cause I could stare at him the whole time I grabbed my things and he would blush and smile☺️💖.Then Kimberly came up to me and said Nicole we need to talk but alone without Jacob here then I said ok and Jacob I'll meet you in class then he said ok bye cutie.
Narrator:mean while.........
So Kimberly said well you see Nicole I was never your real friend I was faking and she gave an evil laugh then I said wait what how what why????then she said I was only acting to be your best friend so I can always see Jacob and be close to him cause I like him oh and also I never loved Cameron I was only dating him because he's Jacobs bestfriend and Cameron was most of the time always with him but I broke up with Cameron and told him I was faking like I never cared about you or cameron😈and I was fake crying at Violet's funeral I'm so happy she's gone then I said😱what Kimberly how could you do this to me I loved you like a sister and I can't believe you messed with Cameron's feelings and that's just messed up what you did at the funeral then Kimberly said whatever do I care no so bye whimp.Then I just sat there in front of my locker by myself all lonely thinkin about what Kim had done🙍🏼.Then I saw a white shiny big thing coming close to me then I looked closely and it was violet and she sat by me and said I saw everything that Kimberly said to you but don't worry she'll pay for what she did oh and your not lonely you have Jacob your everything and he doesn't want you to be sad he wants you happy and full of joy you have a mom and dad and your brother who care for and you have me and even though I'm not here anymore I could still always talk to you then I said thanks violet and i have to go to class I'm already 10 mins late then violet said bye Nicole.So I started walking down the hall and I saw Jacob coming and he said ms.lorey sent me to get you cause your 10 mins late then I said Kimberly was faking the whole time to be my bestfriend and she never loved Cameron she was just acting to be my friend and act like she loves Cameron to see you and be close to you then Jacob said whatttttt I never
Thought she would do that but she'll pay for what she did Nicole she will.So we walked into class and ms.lorey said ohh there you are Nicole where have you been then I said umm just had some trouble with something then she said well hurry up and sit down so we can continue so i sat down.
Lunch time.........
So I sat down and Jacob said babe remember you have to come to my song sessions than I said yeah I know I can't wait to here it than He said I'm sure you'll love it😎❤️.
After school...............
Nicole I'll pick you up at 4:05 ok than I said ok Jacob I'll be ready.Then I walked in my house and thought to myself hmmmmm maybey I'm not lonely after all well anyways I better take a shower and change cause I feel disgusting.
10 mins later..............
I was ready And I heard Jacob knocking on the door so I put on my Jordan's and grabbed my phone then my dad stopped me for a sec and said sweetie where are you going than I said dad may I go with Jacob to his song sessions than he said sure but remember come early than my dad opened the door for me and said Jacob take good care of my beautiful daughter lthen Jacob said of course I will Nicole's father.So I said bye to my dad👋🏼.
Then we started walking and Jacob
Was bored so he put some
Music on and we started singing
And kinda dancing a little bit than I said catch me if you can than I stared
Running and he caught me he ran so fast That Jacob wasn't even out of breath like damn😦😦.
At song sessions.......
So I entered in and Jacob said well this is where I record my music and today I'll be showing you my music sweatshirt then I said ohh the one everybody's been talking about then Jacob said yea so are you ready to here a little bit of it than I said yea.
So he grabbed

So then Jacob finished and I was pretty impressed then Jacob said well did you like it than I said of course I did I'm so proud of you babe then i kissed him for 7 mins and we pulled away and he was red as a tomato😂💁🏼🍅and he was blushing and smiling then he said thanks cutie.Than I asked him what is the meaning of sweatshirt then he said you the meanings you so the song is about you Nicole cause i will let you where my sweatshirt whiches you have many times and I love you✨💖then I said awwww really Jacob thanks and that's why I wondered why it was about I would let you wear my sweatshirt girl.
So then it was time for me and Jacob to leave so we started walking and I checked my phone and it was 7:05 so then I said Jacob we better get home my parents don't want me late for dinner then Jacob said don't worry babe where almost there.
12 mins later..............
Bye Jacob see you tommorow sleep tight sweetcheeks then Jacob said you too precious see ya tommorow.
So then I entered and sat down and talked with my parents
About Jacobs new song and they
Where proud of him✨😊.
10 mins later after dinner.........
It was 9:30 so I had to go to sleep for school tommorow so then I set my alarm and tried falling  asleep but I couldn't so I looked out the window and I saw Jacob in his bed sleeping and I whispered I love you so much Jacob I'm so lucky to have somebody like you in my life💗💗💗goodnight babe💟☪.So then I fell asleep.

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