Chapter 20❤️

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Today's the meet greet so hype to meet my fans but got to get ready and pick up Nicole.
Well better get ready to head to the airport with Jacob to New Jersey so this will be the 3rd meet and greet I've been to with him.
10 mins later......................
So I said mom dad Zachary come on or where Ganna be late then they all said sure.Then Jacob came and said Goodmorning Nicole's mother and father then they said Goodmorning Jacob then Zachary said ayeeeee Jacob then Jacob and Zachary did the hand shake and the patting in the back thing and Jacob said nice to see you again dude then Zachary said yeah.Well we better get going before we miss the flight Jacob said.
5 mins the airport.....
Nicole's/pove:well now it's raining great and now I'm cold oh well🌧🌧🌧.We ran inside the airport before we missed our flight.We sat down and waited for our flight to be called.After 10 minutes it finally came and we grabbed our bags and hopped on.So I was on my phone before we toke off and i was on my phone on google I don't know why but I saw Jacob sartorius exposed for asking for nudes to a fan and I froze and dropped my phone😧😧😧then Jacob said Nicole hellooooo what's wrong then I said oh nothing with a confused face then I picked up my phone and decided to forget about the thing but hmmm I don't know.Then Jacob said look babe lets go on snapchat and play around with the filters then I said ok we where on snapchat for like an hour.Then Jacob fell asleep on my thigh and after a couple of minutes I fell asleep too.
5 hours later we landed.........
My mom and dad had to wake me up then I woke Jacob up and whispered in his ear baby where here come on then Jacob woke up and said okkkk.Then we grabbed our stuff and got off the plane and hopped on the car that we rented.Then we arrived at our hotel and the first thing we did was take a shower and change and get ready then after about some minutes we left.
At the mall..........
We entered and I heard screams from far away and I was just like woah they must really love Jacob.
Oml can't wait to meet all these cutiesssss❤️❤️❤️😊😊✨✨.
When we got to where the meet and greet was Jacob was running touching fans hands and I was just there awkwardly walking😂and people starting screaming saying nicoleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I was just like damnnn.Then we got on stage and Jacob gave me his phone to take videos on snapchat and take photos with his fans.Then the meet and greet started and Jacob started singing sweatshirt but before that Jacob said I want the beautifulest girl in the world to come sing with me on stage then all his fans where like awwwwww.
Jacobs so sweet well here goes nothing to go on stage with him.
We turned the song on and started singing and his fans as well.Then I started calling up some lovely girls up stage to sing with us.Then it was time to meet the fans.
We toke pictures with fans and I was suprised they wanted photos and videos and musicl.lys with me too they where all so nice.Then Jacob started singing a song to me and everyone was shouting kiss herrrrrrr😘😘😘.Then I smiled at Jacob and said I love babe then Jacob said I love you more baby then he kissed me out of no where so I did back and his fans where shouting awwwwwww there's so cute couple goals then Jacob pulled away and I was blushing and Jacob was rosy red and smiling then he hugged me and kissed me again but on the cheek.
Who's that girl over there she looks familiar then I looked closely and it was Jasmine.
Then I shouted jasmineeeeee come on stage then Jacob said huh is that your best friend then I said yup can she come on stage then Jacob said of course she can and everyone froze.Then I told Jacob I was going back stage with Jasmine then Jacob said ok and Jacob started singing "welcome to my house".Then I said Jasmine what are you doing her at Jacobs meet and greet then I said well I looked at your snapchat and saw you where at the meet and greet so I came and I wanted to suprise you then I said ohh well let's go back on stage and get hype🙃🙃🙃🙃then jamsine said okk.
6 hours later............
All Jacobs fans left cause the meet and greet was done so we went in the car and went to the airport we waited for our flight for about 29 mins.Then our plane finally came and we toke our seats I quickly fell asleep on Jacobs chest without a word and I felt Jacob kiss my lips and whisper sweet dreams beautiful I hope you have sweet dreams.
She's so cute when she's asleep she's so adorable❤️❤️😊😊✨✨🌸🌸.
Then Jacob fell asleep.We slept like for 3 hours then we woke up from a very loud noise and it was thunder then I looked out the window and there was lighting and I was cold so I hugged Jacob and put my head on his chest then Jacob said you seem cold babe here where my sweatshirt then I said thank you.
Hmm should I ask Jacob about the thing earlier that I saw about asking for nudes thing I guess I will.
Umm Jacob can I ask you something then Jacob said yeah what is it then I toke my phone out and showed him and Jacob had a confused face and said whattt I never asked a fan for nudes why would I do that then I said so how did this come up everybody's talking about on Twitter then Jacob said I don't know look you can even check my phone and I barely use Facebook so I checked his phone and he was right then I went to his photos and there was no nudes of a fan so it must have been that the girl just faked it and just wanted to make rumors then Jacob said I swear I never asked a fan for nudes I'm not the type of person who would do that then I said true Jacob I believe you not because I'm your girlfriend  whiches some people might think but because I know how you are then Jacob said thank you Nicole for believing me☺️.
5 hours later...... We landed......
We finally landed so we grabbed our stuff and headed out the airport.Then we got in the car and left home then I said bye Jacob see you tommorow love ya😚then Jacob said bye princess I love you more😌.

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