24. Mine

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If you are sensitive to blood and violence, I advise you not to read this chapter. You have been warned.

I exited the school, hurrying to my car. Today would finally be the day that I break up with Trevor, and nothing was stopping me. My confidence was as high as ever, and a bit of my happiness had been restored. It was a glorious feeling.

Another month had already gone by since I had surgery, and the following week was prom. Another month after that, it'd be graduation. Instead of a spring break that most schools get, we get an earlier release with three whole months of summer. I personally liked it that way, because I had more time to do stuff during the summer. I was ecstatic to get out of this hell hole, or, excuse me, high school.

I sped home, preparing my room. There was nothing to prepare for, but I wanted to seem cleaned up and strong. Trevor had been hurting me lately, and all I showed was weakness. Today, I was going to stand my ground, and face him head first.

I'm still afraid of him. He still scares me, and I don't think there's anything wrong with being afraid of someone who abused you. But it's time that I won't ever have to be afraid of him again. I shouldn't have to worry about what I respond when people ask me how I'm doing. I shouldn't have to be afraid of standing up for myself and others.

Moments later, the door burst open violently. I stood firm with my feet planted and a scowl on my face. As he neared, I titled my head up so my eyes would meet his. He's always expecting me to back away with fear, and the confused look in his eyes confirmed that.

He was very close to me, to the point where I was leaning my head back as far as I could. I couldn't break eye contact with him, I had to get my point across.

"This is over." I say with confidence. I didn't hang my head in embarrassment and I didn't mumble with fear. I said it loud and proud.

"What do you mean?" He cackled. "You listen to me."

"Not anymore. Our relationship is over. You can hardly call it a relationship at all, actually."

"You never get the point, do you? See, you answer to me. And if you don't, that will only get you more hurt than you already are. You are mine." He hissed.

"No, I'm not yours. I'm not anyone's, and I never will be. I belong to myself. My body is mine, and so is my mind. Nobody else can have it or have control of it, including you."

"Oh really? So what are you going to do about it?"

"I've done my research. I can get a restraining order anytime I want, and I will never get rid of it. That will permanently be on your record, and you'll have a hell of a time getting a good job in the future. You won't be able to see me, hear me, talk to me or hurt me ever again. And I'll tell everyone about what you did, that will get you in a shit load of trouble. And you can't do anything about it." I smiled slightly, proving that I'd outsmarted him.

He stared back at me with a blank expression. He then started to growl and back out. "Dammit!"

"Maybe you should have thought this through. I'm a lot smarter than you think." I grinned.

"Fine. I'll stay away from you, never even lay a finger on you again, under one condition."

"Anything." I smirked victoriously. Whatever he wanted, would be worth it. I certainly didn't want to have to go through getting a restraining order against him. That would mean I'd have to tell people about it and make it public, hire a lawyer, go to court, all of that stuff. It'd be so much easier if he swore to me he'd never touch me again if I did one thing for him.

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