4. Boo! Did You Miss Me?

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Tomorrow night=Halloween.

Not actually sure what I'm going to be, but all I know is that it has to be sexy or it'll put my group of "friends" to shame.

"So, what are you being for Halloween?" I asked Gillian, because she was the queen of Halloween. Every year she threw this wild costume party, and it was probably the highlight party of the year. So wild, I actually drank last year. Probably will this year too. It's one of the few nights I allow myself to let loose, because it's Halloween. Everyone does it. And usually, it makes a lot of good memories. I never actually drink to the point where I black out, because I want to remember the stupid shit some people do.

Don't get me wrong, I do some stupid things too. I think I flashed a group of guys once, but that's not the point.

"A Bunny, duh." She says in a snarky tone.

Oh, right. She's Queen B. Of course she'll be a bunny.

"You?" she asked me.

"Hum, I'm not sure yet."

"Are you serious? It's the eve of!" Angela panicked. "I'm being a mouse, like Karen from Mean Girls."

"I'm being a black cat," Ciara chimes.

And then I spaced out on the rest. Asking Gillian what she was going to be was not an invitation for the rest of them to tell me too.

"Hey, Lilypad." Brendon comes from behind me, resting his chin on my head.

"I hate that name," I mutter, as he proceeds to sit next to me. Lately the group of popular guys have been sitting by us. Simone is always by Gillian of course, but I see that annoyed expression on her face when Brendon sits to the left of me. If he sat to the right of me, Gillian would feel like a queen.

"What are you being for Halloween, Brendon?" I ask him.

"I don't think I'm going to be anything," He shrugs.

"Uh, yes you are." Gillian snaps. "You can't come to my party if you aren't going to be anything. And believe me, you are."

"Who says?"

"Everyone goes to Gillian's Halloween party, dude. It's the party of the year, anyone who misses it immediately regrets it the next day. Plus, you're part of the group. And we're all going." Simone makes apparent.

I really hated the way these people bossed others around.

"Yeah, even I go to that party. And I drink, too. One night a year I let loose, you can't miss it." I made puppy dog eyes at him.

"Okay fine, I'll think of something tonight." He replied as if he had been cornered. I don't blame him either. Simone and Gillian are practically forcing him to go.

A little while later I excused myself and left the table. Apparently, Brendon followed suit because when I started walking to class he caught up to me.

"So, even after Simone's party three weeks ago, you're gonna go?"

"Yeah. I mean, I don't want to grow older and realize I didn't have any fun stories from being drunk. That wouldn't be fun. I like to make memories. My Mom did. And she doesn't regret it either." I told him.

"Ah, I see. So you like to get a little frisky once a year," Brendon waggled his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up," I shoved his shoulder.

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