Episode 9 pt. 2

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I'm drunk. Dangerously drunk. So drunk that Harry Styles is currently holding my hair back as I retch into a toilet. My clumsy hands fumble for the flusher, but after a moment I give up before resting my head on the porcelain bowl allowing Harry to flush the toilet with his much steadier grip.

"Gigi, Cara, and Kendall are going to murder me." He says, his accent taking on a tone of dread as he hauls my body off of my bathroom floor and into my bed.

"Why are they gonna kill you?" I ask my mouth twisting funnily as I slur and stumble over the simplest words. Harry paces the expanse of my room and let's out a nervous sigh.

"I was supposed to hang with you while they jetted off to god knows where a-"

"Oahu" I interrupt and he nods wearily

"Yes. There. Anyway I was not supposed to get you drunk" I shrug and toss a pillow at his head and he looks totally affronted,

"I'm glad I'm drunk Harold" he winces then pauses to face me.

"Why's that?" I beckon him to come closer with a crook of my finger and he begrudgingly complies.

"Kylie and Justin are going to makeout. I wanted to get drunk" I whisper sloppily, grabbing hold of his shirt collar.

" Why the bloody hell are you okay with that fact?" He questions with passionate disbelief and I can't help the giggle that bubbles in my throat.

" I couldn't be a hypocrite! Also, Kylie needs the exposure it'll totally blow up her line" he seems to semi understand before the door opens and Zayn walks in with his arms full of smoking paraphernalia.

"Since Gigi took Zara we can blaze how about it H-" Zayn takes a look at my drunk ass and sighs before marching over to Harry, dropping an array of blunts on the floor.

"You got her piss drunk?" Zayn accuses and I shoot him a thumbs up before examining my thumb and wondering why we have thumbs.

"It wasn't my fault mate. She started throwing back the shots so quickly and I lost count so-"

"Oi!" Another voice enters my bedroom and I sit up so fast that the world begins to spin around me,

" impeccable timing Lou" Zayn says with a scoff as Louis pulls his shades on to the top of his head before offering me a genuine smile.

"I know that look" says Louis and Harry starts to pick up the blunts that Zayn dropped.

"It's not even the evening yet love" Louis says as he pushes a strand of hair out of my face and gives me a sweet kiss to the forehead.

"It's dark somewhere love" I say in a surprisingly lit British accent. Maybe it's lit to me because the boys start laughing,

"Come on let's smoke in the studio" Zayn says and He and Harry begin to exit hurriedly,

"you bastards. We can't leave her here what if she drowns in her own vomit" Harry looks at me with resentment but Zayn gives a dejected stare before nodding in agreement.

"Lou's right Har" Harry mumbles under his breath before clapping his hands together,

"let's bring her with us"

"that okay with you Annie?" I fucking hate that nickname I think to myself but in actuality I'd said it out loud and Louis gives an expression of mock hurt.

"lead the way" I tell them and then Louis is picking me up bridal style.


"I'm going to be sick" I tell Justin as I eye my shaking hands and then his lips. He looks offended and then I shake my head to assure him that It isn't because of him.

"I'm just nervous. This is weird. This is weird right? Yeah I thought so bec-" Justin takes my face between his hands and squeezes it so I'm making a fish face at him.


"Yes?" I ask through squished cheeks, this makes him smile.

"Chill out" he demands and I nod slowly before taking a deep breath. the director signals for the both of us to join him on set and Justin offers his hand to me,

"ready?" I nod because I don't trust my voice and he places a sweet kiss to my nose.


Kissing Kylie Jenner is like kissing your little sibling, well in my case anyway. I can't vouch for Rakim. Her saline injected lips are surprisingly soft and pillowy against my own and the lipgloss that's painted on them doesn't even move when I move my mouth against hers.

"Tongue! I want Tongue!" Kylie pauses our kiss a little but I grab her waist tighter as if to let her know that if she pulls away now we'd have to do another take of this, and no offense to Kylie but that was the last thing that I wanted.

"Justin grab her butt!" Shouts the director and I comply even though I feel like the biggest perv to ever grace the planet. To my surprise Kylie actually moans and the sound isn't unpleasant but it's fucking uncomfortable. Her tongue meets with mine shyly and to encourage her I take her face between my hands and run my fingers through her ridiculous wig. We keep up the scene for a few more moments and then the music stops and the director yells 'cut'.

Kylie's lipgloss is still perfect and I rub my mouth to see if any had gotten on my lips but it hadn't. We look at each other for a few minutes before, at the same time opening out mouths to say,

"incest" this cracks us up off of our asses and then we hug.


I want to wash my mouth out with the most powerful brands of mouthwash after kissing Justin Bieber. I am probably the only girl who has ever dared to think those words but it's true. I just kissed my brother and though the kiss was decent the moral standpoint was terrible. Justin asks his assistant for his phone, most likely so he could call Rhi and I do the same so I can tell Rakim all about my day.


By the time Justin calls me I've sobered up drastically. I'm watching Louis, Harry, and Zayn smoke and take turns singing in the recording booth.

"Babe. I'm going to snag some of these lip glosses for you" Justin says with enthusiasm,

"are you?"

"Fuck yeah. That shit does not come off imagine how long we could make out for"I acknowledge his antics with a laugh.

"How was the shoot?"

"You mean the kiss?" He teases and I sigh because I'd been caught.

"I made out with my sister... Do you still love me?" A pang of relief echoes around in my chest and I sigh with mock disapproval.

"I don't know that's pretty nasty..."

"I'll show you nasty baby girl" I sigh again and lean against the couch.

"Guess you better hurry home then"

"guess so. Please be naked" he begs and I glance at the boys in the booth and feel sorry for what they're about to hear when he arrives.

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