Episode 15 Pt.2

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" Justin Bieber, his ex fiancé and current girlfriend Rhiannon St. John,  and ex flame turned lover Selena Gomez have yet to make a public appearance or statement about the events that took place at Taylor Swift's LA estate. Sources say that they are 'waiting out the storm' before issuing a public and, well deserved apology"

Justin clicks off the television and Selena lets out an aggravated sigh before standing up from her place on the couch so quickly that some of her mimosa splashes onto Jack's (thankfully black) T-shirt.

"We get recorded during something extremely intimate and it's our job to apologize?"

"Selena's right. Why are we at fault here? " I pitch in and Justin only grips the remote control tighter in his palm.

"Did you text Cameron yet man?" He asks Jack and the vine nods and waves his phone a few times,

"we're going to grab some food at In N' Out then watch some movies at his place. Shouldn't be too hard to swipe the SIM he sleeps during movies anyway." He says this with a shrug and Selena sits down again before patting his back.

"You're doing the right thing Jack, this means a lot to us I- um... I know that they're your friends and-" Jack interrupts, his shoulders suddenly tense and his jawline sharper than usual.

"Madison and Cameron aren't shit" his voice leaves little room for argument. The cameras start to arrive and at Scooter's request, the Squad leaves the house. Scooter and a few of the show's producers thought it best that Selena, Justin, and I not be in the next few episodes. The last thing we anted was for the 'scandal' to be the basis of our show.

That Evening - Justin - The Studio -

A studio artist named Franco sits in front of the soundboard as Madison sings a few notes. She's really in the zone, her eyes are closed and she's moving to the beat.

"Hey man," I say clapping Franco on the back and offering a warm smile he returns it and pulls of his enormous headphones before reaching for a handshake.

"Bieber! No one told me you were having studio time, I figured with all that shit in the media you'd want to lay low..." I shake my head and ignore the media induced assumption.

"Scooter told me that Madison was recording and I just wanted to see if I could vibe with her so-" Franco takes off the headphones and hands them to me,

"say no more! I'm tired as fuck anyway and my girl keeps texting me that she's 'hangry' like, the fuck does that mean?" I shake my head in amusement and clap him on the back as he walks out.

"Appreciate you Franco!" He nods and closes the door behind him. Madison is still singing away and she hasn't looked out of the window once. I do a quick scour of the room and spot her purse on a wooden stool, but just as I reach for it the track comes to an unceremonious end.

"Justin?" Her voice echoes through the sound system and I scoot myself right back into the chair that I'd inherited from franco moments before.

"Hey, I hope this is okay Franco left and I was in the building" she smiles widely and I wonder how she can act so innocent.

"This is more than okay! I'd started to think you didn't care about my music" she pouts and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes and yell out 'BOI'.

"Nah baby girl, I've just been busy" she looks satisfied with my answer and starts to exit the booth. I eye her purse from my peripheral and begin to panic.

"Ay, Maddie girl" Madison bats her eyes at the nickname and it lowkey makes my stomach churn because of the clumps of mascara that line the lashes. Cameron must be into that just woke the fuck up look.

"Yeah JB?" I suppress a shudder and lean closer to the mic so she can hear me as clearly as possible.

"Why don't you record another song for me? I know you got more" I say sexily and she blushes and waltzes out of the booth. Dammit.

"I've got tons more!" She exclaims and I give a fake smile as my heartbreaks because she's reaching for that fucking purse. Madison retrieves an ugly green notebook that looks like it's been shit on a few times and in her clumsiness and desperation to show me her songs her phone slips out of her purse and onto the carpeted floor. She has no clue that it's fallen.

"Franco recorded a beat for this one! Press 76" I press at the soundboard distractedly, eyeing the phone like it was about to walk the fuck away from me. I click 76 and a sick beat comes through but it's marred by Madison's fucking terrible lyrics. She gets into her zone once more and I literally dive onto the floor and snatch her phone. I pop out the SIM card with ease and slip it into my pocket with a satisfied sigh.

"Hey babe, I'm going to go to the restroom" she nods and shoots me a thumbs up and I grab all of my shit before rolling out. Come tomorrow she'll be fired and I'd be in Puerto Vallarta with my baby.

That Evening - Jack - His Apartment -

"Bro. Tell me why you have the gayest movie collection known to mankind" Cameron says as he scans my vast DVD collection.

"Can you just pick something man?" He raises and eyebrow and picks up a movie before shoving it into the player.

"What's got your panties in a knot JG?" The fact that you're fucking my girlfriend maybe? But I bite my tongue and allow him to make himself comfortable on my couch.

"You better not fall asleep you little bitch" Cameron says to me and the irony of his statement is not lost on me when an hour later he is curled into a ball drooling on my couch pillows.

"Cameron. Where's your phone?" He stirs in his sleep so I nudge him hard in the ribs. The asshole snores louder and drools even harder on my couch.

"Cameron!" I hiss and this wakes him up a bit.

"What the fuck? Where am I?" I roll my eyes and repeat my original question.

"Where's your phone? Mine died and I have to ask Nash something."

"fucking lame. It's in my hoodie over by your door. Now shut up so I can watch the movie" after saying this he falls asleep. I hop off the couch and reach for the navy blue hoodie that hangs by my front door, sure enough his phone is on the front pocket.

He has a suspicious amount of mixed messages and calls from his 'mom' I click on one out of pure curiosity and see texts that he probably would never send his own mother, so I assume 'mom' is Madison. 

I pop out the SIM card and put it in my shirt pocket before walking back to the living room. I shoot Selena a quick update and she responds with the same emoji she'd put by her name in my phone. A heart. 

*Episode 16 was made Private (rolls eyes)*

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