Episode 6 Pt.2

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"This is nice, it's like, the ultimate bachelor pad" I observe. Whilst walking into Justin's loft, the smell of egg rolls, fried rice, and other asian delights assaults my nose.

"You don't have to lie I can tell that you hate it"

"hate is a very strong word Mr. Bieber"

"are you trying to get me to roleplay with you?"  I push against his shoulder and head for his kitchen table where all of the food sits in boxes.

"Mr. Chengs?! Fuck yes!" I say and my stomach growls with thankful approval before he dumps a heap of vegetable fried rice onto my plate.

"We always used to go there after-"
"after red carpet events... Ugh god I missed them" I moaned taking a bite of the food and reaching for a wanton.

"What about me?" I pick up my chopsticks and swirl a noodle around before holding out for Justin to eat. He wraps his lips around the chopstick and slurps down the noodle,

"I guess I missed you too, but mostly your ability to always feed me"

"Prince William doesn't let you eat?" He teases and I toss a fortune cookie at his face.

"Louis is a vegan, he guilt trips me whenever I eat non vegan things! It's the worst" Justin takes a hearty bite out of some orange chicken before offering the remaining piece to my greedy mouth.

"Zendaya is a vegan too, our fridge is full of coconut water oh and get this, tofu."

"You hate coconuts"

"not yours" another fortune cookie is aimed at his face.

Two Hours Later


I sit on the couch next to Justin holding the television remote high above my head in a futile attempt at keeping the channel on 'Squad Goals'.

"You don't think that this is a teeny bit vain?" I shake my head and continue to keep the remote out of his grasp,

"it's for educational purposes only!"

"I bet you're just trying to see how your butt looks in each camera frame" I  blush and stuff the remote into my bra and to my shock he reaches right in and pulls it out.

"I've motorboated those things thousands of times what made you think I wouldn't go for it?" He had a point. I try for a few minutes to snatch the remote back but suddenly he straightens up and turns up the volume.

"Louis Tomlinson and Zendaya were seen with Tomlinson's infant son looking ever the happy family in a small LA Cafe. What does this mean for Louisiannon and Jendaya?" Justin turns to look at me with a serious expression before a slow laugh erupts from his throat.

"Are you feeling okay?" He chokes on his laughter but keeps going shaking his head in disbelief and clapping his hands like he's just heard the funniest shit ever.

"K a r m a" he enunciates and I turn my head to the screen and examine how at ease Zendaya and Louis look.

"They look happy."

"We look happy too."

"What now?" Justin sighs, before pulling his phone out of his pocket and typing something rapidly. He shows me the screen and the words can we talk? Are in the subject line and the recipient is Zendaya.

"You're going to break up with her?"

"You aren't going to break up with him?" He asks the question so nonchalantly as if he's trying to decide what to wear.

"It's not that simple Justin..n I can't just-"

"Do you love me?" I look away from him and my hair, which is in a messy bun tumbles over the side of my face. He reaches for the fallen locks and pushes them behind my ear.

"You know that I do" I mumble but that is hardly enough for him.

"Say it then" he demands and I take a deep breath before looking at him for a long while,

"I love you. I've loved you everyday of this new year and I'll love you for every day after"

"See. That's perfect because I love you too. Only you and I'm tired of this bullshit." He clicks send and holds out his hand,


"You're phone" he says pointedly with a secret smile. I shake my head and keep it in my pocket,

"He lives with me Justin"

"She lives with me too!" I shake my head again and crawl over to him and settle myself on his lap.

"He and his three moth old son live with me, he's got a pretty solid custody agreement with his baby mama" Justin rubs at his chin for a minute before kissing my cheek noisily.

" Prince William could live here" I look around the apartment and have a sudden, renewed appreciation for it. I grab a throw pillow from his couch and scream into it. He pats my back accordingly.

" We're finally getting our shit together baby, think on that" 

"are we really going to do this again?" 

"Don't you want to?"

"God, yes." He puts his hands on my ass and pulls me closer.

"So you go to your prince and tell him it's over and I'll handle things here" 

"we're terrible people" I murmur as his lips move closer to mine 

"the worst" he whispers, catching my lips and taking my hands in his. 

"I'm excited" I mumble and he slides a hand up my dress and over my panties,

"I can tell" he says smugly and then the lock at his door starts to click and I'm settling myself on the edge of the couch. I look behind me and try not so gasp as Zendaya walks in. Louis, and Freddie trailing behind her. 





And so it begins. 

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