Episode 12

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I wake up feeling like I'm  in a pop-star sandwich. I'm wedged in the middle of the tanned and toned bodies of two of the most famous girls in the world.  Visions of last night come flooding into my mind, making my cheeks turn an embarrassing shade of pink. I look to my left and smile.

Rhiannon is using her arms as a pillow and her long blonde hair covers her naked back while a sheet rests dangerously low on her hips. I turn to my right and see Selena, she's clutching a pillow to her face and ever so often a tiny snore escapes from her still perfectly painted red lips. She must be wearing some of Kylie's shit.

I close my eyes again and attempt to fall back asleep but whenever my eyes close I'm hit with the image of Rhiannon with my dick in her mouth and Selena riding me like her life depended on it. We'd gone well over three rounds last night and I glance at the girls again to see the familiar shape of my fingers bruised onto their shoulders.

At risk of sounding like a typical guy I'd have to say that my favorite part of
the whole event was when Rhiannon and Selena would kiss. It was a work of art the way that plump lips moved against plump lips and just thinking about it was getting me hard again.

I spread both arms and stroke both girl's hair and collectively, they moan. My erection is straining now, creating a tent underneath the pale blue covers of Taylor's guest bed. I coil an inky black curl from Selena's head around an index finger and watch in delight as it springs back in to place against her forehead.

I do the same to Rhiannon's hair but instead of the curl bouncing back to its position it cascades down her face creating a golden ribbon against her cheeks.

Rhiannon stirs a little in her sleep before her brown eyes flutter several times and land on me. She looks confused, totally lost until she seems to remember where she is and a relaxed expression graces her face.

"Good morning beautiful" I whisper and she blushes a dark red and buries her face into the crook of her arms. I trace a pattern on her arm and urge her to look up,

"You don't regret last night do you?" A stab of panic takes control of my heart. What if I truly had pressured her into the threesome? And now she'd be filled with regret and-

"Justin. Stop thinking so hard" she demands and I wonder how she knew.

"Last night was... Fun"  Rhiannon admits with quiet voice and a slow wink, I'm about to reply when Selena yawns loudly and stretches wildly.

"Just fun? Ouch" Selena says from my left and the two of us sit up to look at her,

"Fine. More than fun. Try fucking amazing" Selena sits up and does a fake bow before climbing out of bed and scavenging for her clothing.

"I've got a conference for that Netflix series I just commissioned, it started a few minutes ago and my manager hates when I'm late." She stretches a few times, completely nude before throwing on last nights pajamas.

"See you guys later?" She poses it as an unsure and confused question and I offer her a smile,

"Yeah, you could come to the house some time!" She smiles and then exits with a tiny wave. Rhiannon plops not her back and reaches aimlessly for her cellphone.

"Are we going to... Do that again?" I wonder and she turns to look at me, ignoring the series of dings, and buzzes her phone emits. Who could be blowing up her line this early?

"Do you want to?" I reach for my phone which has started to blow up as well before answering.

"It was an experience. One I didn't think I'd enjoy so much but I think I like having just you" she grins and strokes my chin before pulling me in for a kiss. I pull away suddenly and smile at her with a mischievous smirk.

"Unless like, Beyoncé wants in on this"

"Oh, yeah, of course" Rhiannon says with horribly masked sarcasm. 

"I just got an email. Apparently I'm trending on Twitter..." She says after picking up her phone again and scrolling through her emails. I check mine and see the same notification,

"So am I, what's the tag called?"  She scrolls and clicks away and then her eyes widen and her mouth drops.

"#Justiannonelena?!" I open the app for Twitter and click on the tab and immediately I'm met with gifs of Rhiannon and Selena making out in the hallway outside of Taylor's guest room. Another picture is a meme with the three of us and a stupid caption.

I click on a video and regret it as soon as I do.
Once it plays, the loud moans and blurry image of Selena groping Rhiannon as I take her from behind takes over my screen.

"Who the fuck did this?" Rhiannon whispers as she watches the video over my shoulder. The video stream pauses for a moment and then the word 'Scooter' blares across phone.

"Don't answer it" Rhiannon pleads and I can tell that she's close to crying.

"Baby. He's our manager. All he can do is try to help" she seems to see my point and then nods, as she does so a few tears escape from her eyes and she focuses once again at the explosion of Twitter mentions.

I sigh and press the answer button.


Is the first thing I hear from a livid Scooter Braun.


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