Episode 14

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That Afternoon-RKKG Mansion-Rhiannon-

"Madison Beer?" Kendall asks from her place on the couch I nod and lean into Selena, the day's events suddenly taking a toll on me. Selena strokes my hair and I can't help the shiver and blush that happens simultaneously. Kylie, who sits comfortably on Rakim's lap eyes the two of us with careful suspicion.

"Who the fuck is Madison Beer?" Gigi asks from where she and Zayn sit on the floor trying to build
Some kind of toy for Zara.

"She works for Justin"

"not anymore" Justin says carrying a six pack of beer into the living room.

"So she's fired?" Selena presses and the two of us look up to him for confirmation,

"Yeah. I'm letting scooter handle it. He's going to null and void her contract."

"So will you sue her? Or sue Cameron?" Fredo asks and I reiterate what I'd heard in the PR Meeting.

"We can't sue Cameron since he wasn't the one who took the video," the squad groans and sighs.

"However, if they do another trace and find the video being distributed from the Internet via his phone...-"

"Then we can take him for all he's got" Selena finished and Justin takes a sip of his beer before answering,

"Which isn't much but it's the thought that counts."

"You lot should take his money and use it to buy Vine them kick his sorry arse off of it" Cara laments and then she shares a high five with Harry.

"I could buy Vine right now and do the same shit" Justin says and Zayn points at him,

"It wouldn't be nearly as satisfying mate" Justin purses his lips and gives an agreeing nod.

"So what we all just sit around and wait?" Kylie pushes I'm about to start moping when an idea pops into my head.

"Selena?" She sits up a bit and looks at me,

"Yeah what's up?"

"Jack Gilinksy doesn't know you but he does know me" she nods and seems intrigued

"Keep talking"

"Well. If I tell Jack that Madison is fucking with Cameron he'll think it's just me being petty" Selena gives a Cheshire grin, her lips, which are purple today, pull over her sparkling white teeth.

"Basically you want to turn Jack against Cameron"

"then after seeing what Cameron did to Jack the rest of his vine 'posse' will, if the bros before hoes concept is true, will turn on his sorry ass"

"So he'll be broke, friendless, and ugly" Kylie reiterates and we all look at her in mild confusion.

"Why ugly?" Za asks and Kylie cracks her knuckles and her neck,

"Because I'm going to beat the shit out of his fuckboy face" Rakim chuckles behind her like she's the cutest thing and soon we're all joining in.

Five hours Later - Jack Gilinsky's loft- Selena

Jack Gilinsky is tall. taller than me, which, now that I think about it isn't a huge accomplishment. Even Rhiannon was taller than me. huh.

He opens the door with a serious case of bedhead and a trail of dried drool crusting on the corner of his mouth. I'm shielded in one of Gigi's hoodie and a pair of Kylie Jenner's sunglasses, both items I'd been thinking about copping by today's end.

"Look. If you're a fan I'm sorry, but if you don't leave I'm going to have to call security"

"this place has security?" He looks super offended as I blatantly survey the loft complex that isn't necessarily five stars. I push past him and he stumbles backwards with a shout,

"hey!" I roll my eyes and spot a couch that calls to my butt, I'd taken the stairs since the elevator was busted.

"Ok, this is ridiculous I'm calling security"

"while you're at it get me some water... With lemon!" Jack Gilinksy sighs and runs a hand through his messy hair before fumbling for wha tI assume will be his cellphone. I decide that my tormenting should end so I take his momentary fit of anxiety as a chance to reveal myself.

"Selena Gomez?"

"Could I get that water with lemon now? I'm parched dude" his mouth starts opening and closing like a fish and I'm so annoyed that I stand up and make my way into his little kitchen.

"Glasses?" He follows behind me at a healthy distance and when he doesn't answer I shoot a look of pure attitude that snaps him out of his trance,

"uh, top shelf to the left" I grab a cup and walk to his fridge to get some water.

"Am I dreaming?"

"More like a nightmare who doesn't have fresh lemon in their house?" I ask before closing his refrigerator and downing my lemon-less beverage.

"Jack? Can I call you Jack?"

"What else would you cal-"

"anyway Jack I'm going to tell you some very upsetting news and I wish I could be more sensitive about it but your little girlfriend... Mason?"


"ah, Madison, released an extremely private video of myself and my friends" he looks confused.

"Do you check twitter?" He shakes his head and I'm suddenly confused by this kid.

"What about the tabloids?"

"Madison prefers that we don't look into that stuff" figures. I lean over the granite of his counter and catch the collar of his shirt.

"Madison is fucking one of your best friends. It's been in a few tabloids but not the prominent ones since, regrettably, they're both Z-listers." Jack's face experiences a series of twenty five different emotions in three seconds. He looks a little pale.

"You okay there Jack?"

"Who?" His voice is raspy and he's clenched his eyes shut, his left fist is shaking against the countertop and I can honestly say that I feel bad for the guy. I should just focus my anger on Madison, he obviously had no idea.

"Cameron Dallas Ring a bell?" My (now empty) cup flies across the room and smashes against one of his walls. I don't even flinch. I was still kinda thirsty.

"Why... Why are you here? Why are you telling me this?" I walk out of the kitchen and walk to face him. I place my hands on his heaving shoulders as he breathes out angry, hot breaths.

"My friends and I want to strike up a deal of sorts with you. It'll help you get back at Cameron and Madison. Sound good to you?" He stops panting long enough to answer me,

"explain" he says simply and I pat his shoulder comfortingly and lead him to the couch.

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