Episode 19

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"Whatever you're looking for Bieber I guarantee that you won't find it there" Selena says wryly as Justin searches for something avidly on the bed lifting her up in the process.

"My bad Sel."

He flips me over next and I land face down onto a pillow with an unattractive 'oomph'.

"Sorry Baby," he comments distractedly before lifting up all of the covers and flinging them off the bed.

"What the hell are you looking for dude?"

"My phone!" Selena groans in annoyance and points to the nightstand where a rose gold iPhone charges in peace.

"Not that one" he argues and I roll my eyes and point to the nightstand on my side where a gold iPhone sits also charging Justin sighs and continues to flip the hell out of the bed.

"The black one! The black one that I only use for snapchat!"

"You make me sick!" Selena yells playfully and then we're both falling into a fit of giggles,

"Sel, you have what, five phones?"

"Six, but this isn't about me!"

"I found it!" Justin calls from the end of the bed waving a black iPhone like he'd found treasure.

"Great. Now will you shut the fuck up? I love this show" we all turn our attention towards the screen where Selena is holding a wand and saying a spell.

"Why the hell are we watching Disney Channel?"

"This is who I am guys. If you don't like it well, then, you can fudge off"

"fudge?" Selena shrugs,

"the Disney me came out. Sorry." She focuses on the tv and the show is great, in a kiddy way, but I get pretty bored pretty quickly.

Justin is too preoccupied with his phone to realize that I've crawled from my spot on the bed to straddle Selena.

"Hi" she whispers playfully before tapping the bridge of my nose.

"Hi" I respond and she shrugs off the light Nike jacket I'm wearing to look over my tattoo. It's considerably red but no longer taped and wrapped, just slathered in a coat of ointment.

"Justin?" Selena coos trying to capture his attention, but it does nothing and he focuses even harder, it seems, on his phone. I place my index finger over my lips and give a slow wink. Selena's face brightens up and she nods, catching my gist.

"I'm bored" Selena sighs with a pout, reaching for the remote and clicking off the tv.

"Me too" I say settling myself more comfortably on her lap. My knees placed on either side of her thighs.

" Go to the pool," Justin mumbles absently and I decide that that's the last straw. I lift off the flowy white top I'm wearing and toss it to the floor. Selena raises her arms in the air with a brilliant smile and I help her tug off the top that she's wearing. I toss her shirt at Justin's head and he groans.

"What the fuck are you two-" he's interrupted when I lean in to give Selena a soft peck on her coral painted lips.

"Did you have a mango earlier?" She asks and I shake my head and bite my lip.

"Try again," I tease and she places her hands on my face and pulls me back down for a kiss. Her tongue sweeps the inside of my mouth and she pulls away with an impressed gasp,

"pineapple mango flavored hookah from the bar downstairs?" I nod and kiss the tanned skin of her neck.

" This isn't fair you two. I have a snapchat Q & A to do can we postpone this?" Justin's tone is pleading and Selena lets out a dulcet moan.

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