Chapter 3: You're My Star

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Third person POV

"Jieunnie~~~" called Sunggyu. Eunji glared at him. "How many times do I have to say it's Eunji, not Jieun, huh?!" she yelled. "Waaa. You don't like that nickname that much?" asked Sunggyu, pouting. "Ne! I don't!" Eunji said.  "Let's see... what other nickname should I give you then?" Sunggyu said, tapping his chin in thought.

While Sunggyu was thinking, Taekwoon entered Eunji's room with the most pokered face ever. "Eunji." called Taekwoon. Eunji looked up from her phone. "Neh, what is it?" Eunji asked. "Do you have a first aid kit?" asked Taekwoon. Eunji sat up, confused. "Yes, I do, but o-- I mean, hyungnim, why do you need a first aid kit when you're dead?" asked Eunji. "Shit. I almost called him oppa." thought Eunji. Taekwoon held up his hand, which was bleeding of... green blood. Eunji gasped. "Op-- no, hyungnim! How did that happen?!" asked Eunji, getting up from her bed and grabbing Taekwoon's hand, which was bleeding of gross green blood. "I was hanging out in the attic when I slipped and my hand fell on something sharp." said Taekwoon. Eunji grabbed a chair and made Taekwoon sit. "Stay there. I'll get a first aid kit." said Eunji.

Eunji came back to her room holding a first aid kit. "Taekwoon hyungnim!" she called. "I'm here." said Taekwoon. Eunji turned her head to see a perfectly still Taekwoon still sitting on the chair, not having budged ever since she left. Eunji blinked at how still Taekwoon was. Was he like that his whole life? Oh, that's right, the first aid kit.

"Ahh. Hyungnim, give me your hand." said Eunji and grabbed Taekwoon's hand. Taekwoon watched as Eunji disinfected it and covered it with a bandage. "There you go. Be careful next time, ok?" said Eunji as she put away the first aid kit. She looked at Taekwoon, who was just staring at her with an expectant face. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Eunji. Taekwoon zoomed in on Eunji's face, then stopped when he was too close. "Eunji." said Taekwoon. Eunji blushed and backed away. "Wh-what?" she asked, bewildered. "Are you perhaps related to Jung Jiyeon?" asked Taekwoon. Eunji blinked. "That's my aunt. Why do you ask?" said Eunji. Taekwoon nodded. "I guess that's why." he mumbled.

Taekwoon stood up and walked away. "Wait!" Eunji said. Taekwoon stopped walking and turned around. Eunji crossed her arms. "Where's my thank you?" she asked. Taekwoon cleared his throat and avoided eye contact with Eunji. "Kansamnida." he said in a low voice and flew away. Eunji blinker as she watched him fly away.

"Well, that was better than I expected."

"Jieun!!!" Sunggyu yelled happily as he flew back to Eunji's room. Eunji groaned and picked up the comic that was covering her face. "What?" she asked.

"I've come up with a new nickname for you! Since you're from Busan... your new name is Sansan! Cute, right?" asked Sunggyu. Eunji didn't answer. "Hey, answer me, Sansan!" yelled Sunggyu. "I DON'T CAREEE!" yelled Eunji as she pulled the covers over her head. "Anyway, Sansan, do you want anything to eat?" Sunggyu asked as he flew over Eunji's bed. "Molla. What, are you gonna buy something?" asked Eunji, hiding behind the covers. "No, I'm gonna steal~~" stated Sunggyu. "Go ahead, get arrested. See if I care." said Eunji.

"Whatever you say, Sansan! I'm off~!" said Sunggyu as he flew to the convenience store.

"Eunji..." called Taekwoon. Eunji got up and yawned. "Neh, Taekwoon hyungnim?" she said. "Where did Sunggyu go?" he asked. "He went to get some food." said Eunji, scratching her hair. "Ah.. I see." Taekwoon mumbled.

Awkward silence.

"Taekwoon hyungnim!" Eunji suddenly called. Taekwoon jumped up, startled. "Neh?" he asked in a soft voice. "Um... how does this house even have an attic? And how do you get to it?" asked Eunji. "Ah.. well, nowadays, me and Sunggyu get there by being transparent. But there has always been a way in this very room.." said Taekwoon. Eunji blinked. "This very room?" she asked.

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