Ch. 1

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"Earth to Kallie." Bella said as she snapped her fingers next to my head, pulling me out of my day dream.

"Sorry, I just, you know.." I stuttered, still thinking about my day dream

"Kal, you need to get over your crush on him. It's not right for you to like him." Khloe said coming up behind me.

I thought for a while then said, " I know, it's just, the way he looks at me, I can see it in his eyes" And his pants, I wanted to add.

" So you can only see it in his eyes, not anywhere else?" Ava said walking in from the left with a devilish smirk, since I told her literally everything about well everything.

"Yep just his eyes!" I said with tons of fake enthusiasm, before mouthing 'fuck you' so that only she could see. She smiled and mouthed 'love you too' at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I gotta go. I'm gonna be late for first hour." I said as I closed my locker and walked into social studies, already 4 minutes late.

"Hello, Kalise. I'm Mr. Horan, and since you are the last one to class you are going to have to sit at the front of the classroom." Mr. Horan said as he pointed out my seat, the very front of the room, then looking back down at his clipboard. I had never noticed before but I heard a small accent.

" Okay!" I said with a cheery smile that was 100% real. " Though as you may recall, I would prefer to be called Kallie." I added as I pulled out my chair and sat down, while still smiling at him.

"Sorry, I forgot. I guess even after living next to someone for 3 years you still don't learn their nickname." he replied, chuckling as he looked at me, with those blue eyes that were to die for.

I spent the whole class period day dreaming about Mr. Horan's blue eyes staring into mine, and thinking to myself about why they all thought I shouldn't have a harmless crush on him, it's not like I was day dreaming about him giving me a lap dance or something like that.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, meeting teachers and being forced to be social. Then finally, the end of ninth hour. As the bell rang, I quickly went to my locker and packed up my backpack.

As I turned around I ran into a very tall male figure. I murmured sorry and backed away, but I slipped and just about fell backwards. The male I still hadn't identified, caught me and pulled me towards him. It wasn't until then that I looked and almost died at the sight I saw.

"Umm, thanks. Mr. Horan." I stuttered and walked around him, towards Ava to tell her about the weird event that just took place.

"Wait, Kallie. I need to talk to you." Mr. Horan said as he followed me down the hall.

"'Bout what" I asked calmly, while slowly turning around.

"Your mother called me to tell me that she is going to be held up at work, and wants me to take you to your house." He said to me, smiling.

"Okay, but I don't have a way to get into my house. My mom always locks the door when I'm at school, but she didn't give me the key to get in." I said as I thought about how I would get into the house.

" Well, I'll have to call your mom but I'm sure she will be fine with you staying at my house for an hour or two." he said as we walked to his classroom to make the phone call.

After a 5 minute call to my mom me and my dream guy were in his red sports car heading to his house for the next 3 hours while my mom was at work. Thank you mom! I thought.

" So, Kallie, how's 9th grade going for you?" Mr. Horan said, obviously trying to make the awkward silence go away.

" Fine." I said quickly, then continued, " thank you for using my nickname, by the way."

"Your welcome, sweetheart." he replied chuckling and unknowingly making me wet, sadly, I feel that is going to happen a lot this year.

The rest of the short trip was spent in silence until we arrived at his house and he said, " If you want, you can go swimming in the pool."

I thought about it for a minute and then said, " I don't have a bathing suit."

"Well if you do want to I'm sure we can figure something out." He said, and I swear he was being seductive.

"Okay." I said with a smile.

After about 5 minutes of searching around his house for a bathing suit he ended up finding a bikini that his niece left there a while ago. Lucky me, I got into shape over the summer so I could wear a bikini during the school swimming week.

At first I just sat back in the beach chair in Mr. Horan's backyard but then I figured why not go swimming.

I waded into the shallow water and sat back against the the wall of the pool with my eyes closed, until a large figure blocked the sunlight. I opened my eyes to see a very shirtless Niall Horan standing in the way of the Sun." Is it okay if I come swimming with you?" He asked as I leaned up.

"Sure, it is your pool, after all." I said sitting back again and pulling my sunglasses over my eyes while smiling.

" Well, I didn't know if you would think it's weird going swimming with your teacher." He said as he walked through the water so he was a couple feet away from me and he sat down and leaned against the wall of the pool, smiling the whole time.

" Well it's not like it's the first time I've been swimming with you, we have been neighbors for 3 years." I said sweetly, yet the whole time I was thinking about his perfectly defined abs and the unmistakable bulge in his swim trunks.

"Your right." he said looking down and into the light blue water. "But I've always kept my shirt on."

I thought about it for a second and realized that he was right, he never was shirtless before. " Oh.. Okay." I wanted to ask why not but I didn't want to embarrass myself. After a couple minutes of awkward silence my phone rang from my backpack.

I quickly ran over and answered the call from my mom.


Thanks for reading! I'm just doing this book for fun, so I don't really care if you vote or even if you liked it, but I do want to see how I'm doing. You can comment ideas for the next chapter, though I have pretty much the whole chapter planned out In my head. <3

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