Ch. 15

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Niall's POV

I woke up at quarter to three by the annoying ring of my cell phone. I picked it up and answered it as I walked out of the bedroom.

"Hello?" I said as I was out of earshot of the bedroom.

"Hi." an all too familiar voice chirped through the phone.

"Louis? Why are you calling me at 3 a.m.?" I snapped.

"Umm, I was wondering if I could crash at your place? My roommate kicked me out." he told me.

"Not the best timing Lou." I mumbled. "Yeah you can come over, as long as you're quiet."

"So, are you still with that one dude?"

"Actually, no. I'm with a girl.." I could hear him gasp in fake shock.

"Really, my little ex boyfriend likes girls now?" Louis asked in a sinister voice.

"Dude , I told you when we broke up that we would never speak of it again. And no I don't like all girls, just a girl." I replied, sitting down on the couch. "So, when will you be here?"

"I'd say just open your door in 30 seconds and you'll see me soon enough." I replied with a short okay and hung up the phone, opening the door 30 seconds later. I almost went back to the bedroom to put on something when I assessed my naked state, but decided against it.

True to his word, Louis come in after no more than a minute.

"Hey." I said from the couch.

"Why aren't you wearing pants?" Louis asked.

"I dunno," I shrugged, still groggy from just waking up. "You've seen me naked before,"

"Yeah, I guess so." he smirked. "Remember that time I had my dick so far up your ass that cum shot out of your nostrils (A/N Your welcome Lizzy:)) and you sneezed semen for a week?"

"I have literally told you a million times, I don't want to talk about our previous relationship." I replied, shuddering at the memory.


Kallie's POV

I woke up when I heard Niall's phone ringing, I just stayed quiet. I could see him leave the room and quietly got out of bed, seeing that it was about 2:30 a.m. and thinking who the hell calls at three in the morning? Don't people sleep?

I sighed and put on some clothing, figuring it would be a better idea to have something on, just in case whoever called Niall was going to come over here. After I got dressed I was heading to the bathroom, but stopped in the hallway when I heard the door open and close. I walked closer to the living room, but stayed out of sight. I couldn't see what was happening but I could hear.

"Hey." I heard Niall say to whoever came in.

"Why aren't you wearing pants?" an obviously male voice said.

I didn't like snooping on them so I just continued walking to the bathroom, I would go in there when I didn't have to pee.

When I was walking out of the bathroom, Niall was walking out of his room.

"Good morning." Niall said with a bright smile. He put on pants.

"Good morning." I said back. He grabbed my hand an pulled me into his chest, I looked up at him and smiled, then he placed his lips lightly over mine.

"I want you to meet someone." Niall said and he pulled me into the living room with his arm around my waist.

When we walked in I could now see who Niall was talking to a few minutes prior. The man smiled as we walked in.

"So, this must be the girlfriend." The man said. I must say that he is quite attractive.

"Yes it is. Louis this is Kallie, Kallie this is Louis, the one that I told you about." Niall said pointing to Louis. 

"Hi." I waved at him and smiled. He smiled back.

For the next about hour we made small talk and laughed, Louis was really funny! Though Niall seemed kind of tense, I wanted to figure out what was wrong.

"Niall, can you come help me with something?" I asked.

"Yeah." I led him back into the bedroom.

"What do you need help with baby?" he asked.

"Nothing, just. What's wrong?" I asked looking straight in his eyes.

"I don't know. It's just that Louis, I kind of have a history with him and he's like my best friend and-"

"I see no problem here." I cut him off.

"It's just.. I don't know, I'm just paranoid I guess." He looked down at his hands that were resting on his lap.

 I sat down next to him and put my arms around his shoulder. "Paranoid about what?"

"That you wouldn't like him, or maybe that he'd tell you something about me and you wouldn't like me anymore.." I actually laughed when he said that. "What?"

"Niall I love you and nothing is going to change that, no matter what I learn about your past." I said, "And he seems like a great guy."

"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better." Niall replied and pulled me into a hug. "How much longer do you think we have in here before Lou suspects something is up?"


Yay, new chapter! It took longer than expected to write though:( Hope you liked it.

Okay so I have a few serious questions to ask alongside the chapter question.

1. How long should I keep writing this? It seems like if I keep going it's just gonna keep repeating the same stuff (like sex, for example) and I don't want this to be all the same stuff. If you guys want me to continue could you maybe think of some ideas? I think I'm fine right now but in the future.

2. How many of you guys actually read the end A/Ns?

Chapter Q: What is/ was you favorite/ funniest school memory?

Mine is kind of weird but yeah. So I was in Social Studies class and Mr. G had to leave. After he left I randomly remembered that I wasn't wearing my ring that I had been wearing up until math class. I remembered that it was in the bathroom because I had to clean glue off of a bunch of shit and I didn't want my ring covered in glue. So I asked the teacher person that was in there with us because of a dude in my class if I could go and get it and she said I could, and I went to go get it. The girls bathroom is kind of far away from the Social Studies classroom so I had to walk really fast to get there. After I got it and was walking back I passed the copy room and at that same time Mr. G walked out of the copy room. We were just passing the boys bathroom when he said "Were going to the same place, what are the odds in that?" and since I may or may not have the smallest crush on him I got really nervous and said "Well there's nine class periods so I guess one in nine" and he laughed. Then we walked back into the classroom and class went on as it was supposed to, until there was like ten minutes left of class and my ring broke..

Or when a really cute guy in my grade said his hands were "Lethal weapons"

<3 ya Thanks for reading!:)


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