Ch. 4

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Kallie's POV

I woke up early with an arm around my bare chest. I knew exactly who it was and why it was there.

I stayed in bed for a little, then I remembered about my mom. I was supposed to go home yesterday. I shook his arm and he stirred, " What sweetheart?" he mumbled.

"We fell asleep. I was supposed to go home." I said quietly.

"I can tell her you fell asleep here, and I didn't want to wake you." he replied calmly, sitting up and stretching.

"But what about school, how am I going to change?" I questioned, looking toward where he threw my clothes last night.

"When does your mom go to work?" he asked, ignoring my question.

I looked at my phone, it was 3:27 A.M. "5:00" I replied.

"Well, we can go now and see if she left the door open for you. Or we can wait till five and get in then.

"We should go now, so if she is not up yet we can just talk to her later."

"Okay, let's go." he said moving to get dressed.

Mr. Horan's POV

"Dammi- I mean dang it" I said, trying to open the door for the fourth time.

"We can just come back at five, it's okay." she told me looking into my eyes.

"Okay.." I replied, looking away.

Just as we turned to walk back to my house, there was a voice from behind us, " Kalise?"

We turned around. behind us, in the doorway of her house, was a large, muscular man. "What?" I replied for her.

"I was talking to the girl." the man said, sounding clearly pissed.

"Okay then, what do you want?" Kallie said, sounding more pissed than him.

He cleared his throat," I'm afraid that your mother has, umm.. passed away." he said sounding sort of sincere.

"Then why the fuck are you in her house?" I asked, getting angry, myself.

"Because, since Kalise-" he started.

"Kallie." she corrected, coldly.

"Since Kallie is under 18 and technically a minor, she can't legally live on her own." he stopped, but soon continued, " and since she has no relatives close by, she will have to- "

"You're not taking her" I cut him off and hugged her protectively. She was tense though, as if she knew something. " she will live with me." I finished.

"And who are you, exactly?" He asked cautiously.

"My name is Niall Horan, I am her teacher." I replied, glaring at him.

"Don't most teachers not hug their students?" he asked.

"Well, I am not most teachers, and I'm glad of it, too. Otherwise I wouldn't do this.." I said right before I kissed her.

After I pulled away there was a moment of awkward silence before Kallie said, "What about my father?" she said it so quietly it was barely a whisper.

"Umm. Can we speak inside?" is all he said. She nodded in response and they walked into the house, leaving the door open.

My curiosity got the best of me and I walked silently into the house, to the living room where they were at. I stopped at the door frame, so I was just out of sight, though I could hear everything they said.

"But, Jimmy, I can't not see him anymore." I heard Kallie say.

"Well, you can either not see him or go live with him, it's your choice." Jimmy said, quietly.

"Can't I just see him like a few times a year?" she pleaded.

"No!" Jimmy protested. (A/N yes I had to do that..)

"So I can't see my dad ever again?" she asked. I could hear the pain in her voice.

"I didn't say that, you can either go with your dad or stay with him." He said, sounding disgusted as he referred to me as him.

"But I can't leave Niall..." she trailed off. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went back to the front door.

I figured she wouldn't mind if I didn't stay so I headed back to my house. I left a note on the porch, it read:


I went back home. If Jimmy lets you stay with me ( that is if you want to) you can grab your stuff from my house and I'll drive you to school.

~Niall <3

Once I got home I decided to take a shower, so I didn't smell like sex at school, and take care of the boner that had progressively gotten bigger as I thought about the fact she said she couldn't leave me.

After a 20 minute shower, I hopped out and cursed under my breath when I realized I didn't grab a change of clothes.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out into my bedroom.

I could tell that Kallie had already been here since her bag was gone from the spot she put it last night. I wonder when she'd gotten there. Had she heard me? There was no doubt in my mind that I had been moaning her name.

I quickly dressed in a pair of jeans an orange button down, then calmly walked into the living room. Oh god I hope she didn't hear me.

Kallie's POV

"But I can't leave Niall.." I trailed off, bit eventually continued, "I-i love him" when I said it I could see the shock in his eyes.

"You what?" Jimmy asked.

"I love him." I said more confidently.

"But what about your father, you're just going to stop seeing him over a guy that is like 10 years older than you?" he asked. I nodded.

"What about Paul? He'll miss you." Paul is my dad's bodyguard in training.

"You don't understand, Jim. Yes, I will miss Paul, and you too. I'll even miss Tay, but if I go, then, I will be miserable. Because I'll miss Niall." I explained.

"Well, you should tell Mr. Horan that you will be staying with. Goodbye.." he said as he rose from the couch.

"Tell daddy that I will see him at Madison Square Garden." I call after him.

"Okay Kallie." he replied back to me.

"And tell Tay I will see her there, too." I yelled as he walked out of the door.

I waited until Jimmy was gone until I went back to Niall's house. When I got there I could hear the shower running, so I decided to get ready for school.

I quietly grabbed my bag from his room and walked back I my house to change.

As I walked into my doorway I saw a small slip of paper in the porch. I grabbed it and walked in.

After I read the note I quickly got dressed and headed back to Niall's house, I need to tell him that I get to stay.

I got dressed so quickly that I barely saw what I was wearing, I examined my outfit. I had on a short dark colored skirt, black tank top, and my heels.

When I got back to his house he was out of the shower and sitting worriedly on the couch. I went over to him.


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