The Bet

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After a few hours of sitting on the couch reading Harry Potter, Matthew heard Alfred and his friends heading down the stairs again. Not really wanting to interact with them, he shoved his face further into the book and sighed.

"Yo Mattie we're going outside to play basketball if you wanna come." Alfred called out as he raced down the stairs, basketball in hand. Matthias had gone home a few hours ago, so the only people left in the house were Matthew, Alfred, and Gilbert.

"I'm good thanks." Matthew politely declined, peeking his head up from the book to see a disappointed frown on his brother's face.

"You sure Matthew?" Gilbert asked as Alfred walked outside onto the court.

I'm more of a hockey kind of guy." Matthew responded with a smile, resisting the temptation of playing basketball with one of the hottest kids in school.

"You do you." Gilbert shot back, winking as he walked away to go play with Alfred. As soon as Gilbert opened the slider and stepped outside, Matthew started blushing like crazy. Why was one of Alfred's best friends and one of the most popular seniors in school suddenly talking to him? He had no idea, but he wasn't complaining.


After a few more chapters in his book and an hour or so after being asked to play basketball, Matthew decided to make a cup of tea. Heading into the kitchen, he set a kettle to boil and got some chai out of the cabinet. As he waited for the tea to boil, he checked his phone. He debated texting Arthur to come over, even though Arthur had declined his offer earlier. Though he loved reading, too much of it could get a little boring. He kind of just wanted to hang out with his friend. Opening iMessage, he decided to give it a shot.

Matthew: Arthur can you pleeaase just come over? I am SO bored.

Arthur: No! As long as Alfred has his friends over I'm avoiding your house at all costs.

Matthew: But Mathias already left! It's just Gilbert.

Arthur: Ugh. What will you do for me if I come over?

Matthew: Well Alfred is playing basketball, shirtless, if that means anything to you.

Arthur: it doesn't mean anything to me you perv!

Matthew: Don't even pretend you don't have a crush on my brother.

Arthur: SHUT. UP.

Matthew: So are you coming over?

Arthur: Fine.

Matthew always knew he could get Arthur to come over if he mentioned Alfred. Arthur pretended that he didn't have a crush on Alfred but it wasn't believable at all considering that every time Alfred's name was brought up in conversation Arthur turned a dark shade of red. Matthew chuckled at Arthur's denial as he set his phone down on the counter.

"Who's so funny?" Matthew heard a voice ask as the slider door opened. Turning around to face the door, Matthew noticed Gilbert walking into the house, basketball in his hands. Matthew's face immediately turned red and his eyes widened when he noticed who it was.

"Uh- just a friend." Matthew stammered, embarrassed that he had been caught off guard.

"Just a friend?! huh... no girlfriend?" Gilbert questioned, staring at Matthew with a cocky smirk.

"I don't- I uh- girls aren't really my thing." Matthew stammered, coming out to one of the people he never thought he would have to come out to. Matthew nearly cringed as he saw Gilbert perk up, eyes-widening in surprise. Matthew hoped to god his brother's best friend wasn't homophobic.

"You too?! I knew I wasn't the only gay kid in the school!." Gilbert exclaimed with a chuckle. Matthew's mouth nearly dropped to the floor. He was about to respond but the water for his tea was boiling and the kettle was whistling. Matthew quickly shuffled over to the stovetop and turned the kettle off as Gilbert reached into the fridge to grab a water. Pouring the boiling water into his polar bear mug, Matthew thought of what to say to Gilbert.

"Hey Gilbert-"

"Yes Mattie?" Gilbert responded, taking a swig of his water as he leaned against the counter.

"I don't think we're the only two gay kids in the school." Matthew admitted, motioning towards the window where Alfred could be visibly seen shooting hoops.

"Wait really?" Gilbert suddenly asked, looking out the window as his mouth dropped open in shock. "There's no way... he never told me he was gay!"

"He never told me either. But if you stay for a little longer I can prove it." Matthew responded confidently, knowing exactly how he was going to prove that his brother was as straight as a squiggly line.

"I doubt it." Gilbert shot back, staring at Matthew with a raised eyebrow.

"Wanna make a bet?" Matthew asked, smirk forming on his face. Gilbert shot him a confused look but smiled anyway.

"Go on." Gilbert instructed, looking genuinely intrigued.

"Well you know my friend Arthur, that British kid who's always over here when you're hanging out with Alfred?" Matthew questioned.

"Yeah! The kid with the green eyes and weird accent!" Gilbert responded, his eyes lighting up as he pictured the kid i his head.

"That's the one! Well- whenever the two are in a room together the sexual tension is real. I invited Arthur over a couple minutes ago and he's on his way here now. If you don't believe me, just watch when the two are alone." Matthew explained, smiling as he concocted the brilliant plant in his head.

"But how are we going to get them alone?!" Gilbert questioned, suddenly looking super invested in the plan.

"Ok so I'll invite Alfred and Arthur to play Mario Kart. Then, a few rounds in, you pretend to get water and I'll pretend to go to the bathroom. We'll meet on the stairs and hide as we watch the madness unfold. You will never see so much flirting in your entire life." Matthew explained, an evil grin appearing on his face as he grew proud of his plan.

"Wow. You're good." Gilbert admitted, surprised at the sudden mischievous temper that appeared when Matthew talked about his plan.

"5 minutes until go time." Matthew joked, picking up his mug with a grin.

"I better get out there!" Gilbert exclaimed, gesturing towards Alfred, who had now been attempting to dunk the basketball for a solid 5 minutes.

"Go! Go! Go!" Matthew jokingly yelled, giggling like a schoolgirl as Gilbert ran out of the house frantically like a bat out of hell. Matthew couldn't believe that had just happened, but he was excited anyway. Gilbert was incredibly different than what he had presumed. Maybe tonight would actually be pretty fun.

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