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When Matthew got home from his flirtatious afternoon with Gilbert, Alfred immediately started interrogating him. "Why are you home so late Mattie?" Alfred asked, sounding slightly more aggressive than usual.

"I was painting the set and I spilled some paint. It took a while to clean up. Why are you freaking out?" Matthew shot back coolly, trying way too hard to sound calm.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because of THIS!" Alfred yelled, shoving a phone up to Matthew's face. Matthew backed up to allow his eyes to focus before dropping his mouth open in shock. There, on Alfred's phone, was a picture of Matthew and Gilbert kissing in front of the paint-covered set. Matthew immediately shoved the phone out of his face and knocked it to the ground.

"Where did you get that?!" Matthew yelped, taking a step back as Alfred picked his phone back up off the ground. 

"Kiku was taking yearbook pictures after school, but when he went into the auditorium to take a picture of the set, he found you two sucking faces!" Alfred explained, incredibly flustered from interrogating his brother. 

"And he sent it to you?!" Matthew questioned.

"OF COURSE HE SENT IT TO ME! IT'S MY BEST FRIEND AND MY LITTLE BROTHER MAKING OUT! HOW IS HE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEND IT TO ME!?" Alfred screamed, looking more surprised than angry as he held the phone back up to Matthew's face. Matthew's eyes widened as he tried to process all the information that was being shot out at him. He mentally slapped himself as he realized how careless he had been. How had he not seen Kiku enter the auditorium? 

"Well- I'mgoingtogoupstairsnowbye!" Matthew blurted, pushing past his brother in an attempt to escape the yelling. Matthew had no idea what was going on in Alfred's head, and he didn't want to know. He was way too overwhelmed to process all the things going around him at the moment.

As Matthew sprinted up the stairs as swiftly as possible, his brother quickly followed. Being the athletic one in the family, Alfred ended up running right past him and blocking Matthew's path to his room. 

"What's going on between you two?" Alfred questioned, blocking Matthew's bedroom door. 

"Nothing! It was just a kiss. Why are you freaking out!?" Matthew defended, trying to victimize himself. 

"Do you know how weird it is seeing a picture of my little bro and my best friend kissing with absolutely warning?!" Alfred asked, obviously upset.

"Well it's not like we planned it or anything! It just happened..." Matthew explained, trying to calm his brother down.

"Have you guys kissed before?! Have you been dating behind my back!? Matthew, I hardly know you anymore!" Alfred exclaimed dramatically, eliciting a giggle from his little brother. 

"You're overreacting. How about we sit down in my room and talk. I promise I'll tell you the truth. Okay?" Matthew suggested.

"Fine. No avoiding questions though. I want the truth and nothing but the truth." Alfred declared.

"So help you God?" Matthew teased.

"Shut up." Alfred shot back playfully. Matthew giggled and Alfred opened the door to reveal Matthew's pristine room. Heading over to the bed, the two sat down to have their first serious conversation since the night their dog Sparky died in middle school. 

"Okay. So, you remember that day we played Mario Kart with Gilbert and Arthur, right?" Matthew started.

"Yeah. I kicked Arthur's ass that day." Alfred recalled, zoning out as he remembered the eventful afternoon. Matthew nearly burst out laughing as he remembered Alfred and Arthur's awkward first kiss. Alfred still hadn't spoken to him about it. 

"Well, Gilbert and I kind of bonded over getting you and Arthur to kiss. Then we started flirting, I guess." Matthew admitted, revealing their plan from that day for the first time.

"YOU SAW ME KISS ARTHUR?" Alfred yelled, his face turning a deep shade of red.

"We literally planned the entire thing." Matthew confessed, laughing as he watching Alfred's mouth drop in shock. "Anyway. After that day, we started talking in chemistry class and then that whole thing at Antonio's house happened. Then today he happened to have detention and was sent to the auditorium, where I was working on the set. We got into a paint fight and then one thing led to another and... yeah.. I guess you know the rest."

Alfred sat in silence for a full minute trying to absorb all the information that had come out of Matthew's mouth. He was absolutely dumbfounded. Now Gilbert's outburst at Antonio's made a lot more sense. 

"So are you dating?" Alfred suddenly spoke up, his voice sounding squeakier than usual as he asked the question he wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer to. 

"I'm not sure. We didn't really talk about it. It was just one kiss." Matthew admitted, suddenly feeling really awkward saying this to his older brother. Thankfully, Alfred wasn't the awkward type of sibling. Leaning over, Alfred wrapped his brother in a hug. 

"Sorry I freaked out. I thought Gilbert was ruining your innocence. Little did I know, you weren't that innocent in the first place." Alfred joked, patting his brother's back before pulling away. Matthew let out a little giggle and blushed. All this relationship talk was embarrassing him.

"So, Arthur..?" Matthew uttered, raising his eyebrows in anticipation for Alfred's answer.

"He hates me." Alfred mumbled, hanging his head sadly. Matthew had never seen him look so glum. Especially over the kid who he constantly teased and made fun of. 

"Trust me Al, Arthur does not hate you. You two talk about each other constantly. It's obnoxious. It's obvious that you're both in lOoOove." Matthew teased, stretching out the "love" in a sing-songy voice. Alfred punched him on the arm before lifting his head up and smiling.

"Thanks Mattie. I can always count on you to cheer me up. Also, if Gilbert ever hurts you, I will literally beat him to a pulp. So let me know if he breaks your heart and I'll grab that Russian kid Ivan to break every bone in his body." Alfred spoke, sounding a little too aggressive.

"A little harsh there Al. We'll be fine. I'm going to make myself some dinner and do some homework now so I'll talk to you in the morning. Goodnight." 

"Night Mattie, don't let the Gilbird's bite."

"The Gilbird's?!"

"Don't ask."

OKeedokee kiddos. Sorry that literally 99% of this chapter is dialogue and that I haven't updated in a month but the end of the school year was a mess and a half. At least I survived. #StayinAlive. Anyway, thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed :D

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