Quite Informal

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As the three couples stepped into the gym where the formal was being held, their ears were immediately attacked by the blaring music and the sounds of their classmates chatting near the DJ at the front of the dance floor. The gym was decked out in winter-themed decorations, which had been set up and organized by the group of Nordic kids that Matthew didn't really know well. There was a food and drink table on the right of the gym, and on the left, a photobooth. Matthew was impressed by how nice it looked, even though the gym was dark and the DJ's lights were blinding.

Their eyes fixated on the waves of students who had flocked to the dance floor for a few moments before Kiku appeared in front of them, camera in hand. The six of them didn't even have the time to say hello before Kiku snapped a picture, blinding them with the bright flash of his DSLR. "Sorry, I need these for yearbook" he apologized, giving them a polite smile as he snapped another shot, this time with the six actually smiling. After getting the shot, Kiku scurried off to snap a picture of the next set of kids walking through the gym doors.

As soon as the senior left the six snapped out of the trance of the LEDs and decided to join the rest of the school on the dance floor. In an attempt to outdo Gilbert and Matthew as the cutest couple, Alfred immediately grabbed Arthur's hand and began dancing around with him ridiculously, eliciting a fit of giggles from the Brit. Matthew and Gilbert both watched on in surprise as Arthur dropped his usually cold, sarcastic demeanor and unapologetically enjoyed himself.

Matthew looked at Gilbert with a baffled expression and Gilbert returned the gesture, not having a single idea what had gotten into Arthur as he cheerfully danced around with Alfred. Looking around, Matthew noticed Lovino and Antonio had vanished.

"Well I guess it's just you and me now" Gilbert shrugged, chuckling as Alfred and Arthur dissapeared into the crowd of students.

"That was like watching dog walk on two legs" Matthew responded, still staring at the space where Alfred and Arthur had been dancing a few seconds before. Gilbert laughed at the thought and grabbed Matthew's hand as they inched farther into the crowd towards the music. As the two slipped through the crowd Matthew noticed Ludwig and Feliciano a few feet away from them. Wanting to say hello, Matthew tugged on Gilbert's hand and the two headed in their direction. Feliciano immediately squealed when he saw them and hugged them both as Ludwig gave an awkward wave.

"Dance with us!" Feliciano yelled, trying to be heard over the blaring music. Gilbert and Matthew both nodded and began dancing to the rhythm as Ludwig stood there, not exactly wanting or knowing how to dance. As Ludwig awkwardly bobbed up and down beside them, more people came to join their little dancing cluster until a dance circle was formed. As more and more people joined their circle, Feliciano hopped in the middle and danced for a while before hopping back out to give someone else a chance. Feliciano seemed to start a trend as kid after kid hopped in the circle, pulled their best moves, and hopped back out.

Matthew hysterically laughed as Gilbert forced himself into the circle and pulled the most ridiculous dance moves known to man before hopping back out with a grin on his face. Matthew continued laughing until Gilbert shoved him into the circle, where everyone's eyes were immediately drawn to him. Matthew stood there for a moment with his eyes wide in fear before quickly running back into his place at the perimeter of the circle.

"Oh c'mon Matthew!" Gilbert exclaimed as Matthew glared at him angrily, "Show them your moves!"

"I'll actually kill you" Matthew shot back, his face red as the kids who wanted to see him dance began chanting his name. Before he knew it, the entirety of the circle was cheering his name, and Matthew realized he had no choice but to give in to their demands.

"Don't be a party pooper Birdie!" Gilbert cried, using the cute nickname he had given Matthew as leverage. Matthew continued blushing as he took a deep breath to prepare himself for what could possibly be the most embarrassing moment of his entire life. With his palms sweaty and his face red, Matthew made his way back into the middle of the circle, earning cheers from the crowd that surrounded him. Matthew took one last deep breath before he began dancing. He was only about a second or so into dancing before he was shoved back out of the circle and into the arms of his boyfriend.

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