Pre-Formal Shenanigans

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"Matthew, pass the aux, I want to play something" Arthur called out from across the room, holding out his hand, waiting for Matthew to give him permission to play music. The Brit was over Matthew's house with Lovino, getting ready before the dance. Alfred was out with Gilbert, Antonio, and Francis, so the three had the house to themselves.

"There's no way I'm handing you the aux. We're not listening to your punk music before the dance" Matthew shot back as Arthur scoffed from behind him.

"At least I don't listen to opera..." Arthur said, grinning as he glared at Lovino, who was in the corner trying to tame the curl that always popped out of his hair. Lovino grimaced from the corner and threw the comb at Arthur, who shrieked as he felt the hard plastic whack him in the nose. Matthew cackled from across the room and plugged his own phone into the aux.

"I'll just play my music because its the only music we can all agree on" Matthew exclaimed, plugging in his phone and immediately hitting shuffle on the Hamilton soundtrack. As "The Schuyler Sisters" started playing, the three immediately forgot about their little roasting session and began singing along. Every time the three hung out they always played this song, and had even choreographed a dance and assigned parts to each other one night when they were bored out of their minds. Lovino was Angelica, Matthew was Burr/Eliza, and Arthur was Peggy. Though Arthur despised the story of the musical itself, he couldn't help but admit that it had some catchy music.

As the three danced around the room, singing and rapping about historical figures, they heard the doorbell ring. Matthew immediately shut the music off and checked what time it was. Only an hour or so until the dance! It must've been their dates at the door. His speculation was confirmed as soon as he got a text from Alfred saying "I can hear Lovino screeching from your room, please come downstairs and open the door". Matthew chuckled and headed downstairs and opened the door to Alfred, Gilbert, and Antonio standing on the doorstep, freezing their butts off in the December wind.

At the sight of Matthew, Gilbert immediately shoved past Alfred and ran into the house, tackling Matthew to the ground, to the dismay of both Alfred and Matthew. Matthew shrieked as he hit the floor and Alfred furrowed his brows as Antonio chuckled from behind the scene.

"Get off my brother before I kill you" Alfred threatened, eliciting a laugh from Gilbert, who stopped hugging Matthew and rolled off of him before getting up. Using Gilbert's hand to hoist himself up, Matthew wiped the dust off the pajamas he had been wearing all day.

"Wow Alfred, why so tense?" Matthew joked, wrapping an arm around Gilbert's shoulder in an attempt to make Alfred uncomfortable.

"I'm not tense, I just don't like seeing my best friend on top of my brother" Alfred stated, scrunching his nose up as Matthew placed a kiss on Gilbert's cheek.

"Just like I don't like seeing my brother on top of my best friend!" Matthew shot back with a grin, proud at his comeback game. Gilbert high-fived him and Alfred blushed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he realized Matthew was right.

"Speaking of Arthur, where is he?" Alfred asked, getting over his embarrassment rather quickly as he remembered that the Brit was hanging out with Matthew.

"Arthur and Lovino are upstairs getting ready" Matthew explained, "I'd suggest staying downstairs." Alfred groaned and Antonio frowned, both wanting to see their dates. Matthew laughed at them and proceeded to jog up the stairs by himself, leaving the three on the first floor to wait.

"Your boyfriends are here" Matthew exclaimed as soon as he reached his room, where Arthur and Lovino were tying their ties in Matthew's mirror.

"He's not my boyfriend!" the two yelled back in unison, immediately receiving a disbelieving look from Matthew as he judged them from across the room.

"Can you two put aside your pride for three seconds and just admit that you have a boyfriend? It's not that hard. Look, watch me," Matthew responded, "Hi, my name is Matthew. I have a boyfriend named Gilbert with whom I am going to the dance tonight." The two at the mirror rolled their eyes and Matthew returned the gesture, annoyed at their weird denial of being in relationships.

Heading into his closet, Matthew grabbed the suit he was planning to wear and the bow tie Gilbert had given him for their first date and put them on. As soon as he headed out of the closet he heard Arthur whistle at him, and Matthew returned the whistle with a little twirl, eliciting a laugh from Arthur and a groan from Lovino. Matthew looked at himself in the mirror and smoothed out his blazer before fluffing his curls up a little bit.

"Ready?" Matthew asked the two, who had been patiently waiting on the bed for Matthew to finally be ready. After the three checked themselves out in the mirror one more time, they headed downstairs, where Antonio was juggling a soccer ball like a pro and Alfred and Gilbert were watching on with amazed stares. It wasn't until Nova jumped up on Antonio that the ball slipped out of rhythm and hit the ceiling fan, causing all six of them to gasp simultaneously. As soon as the ball hit the ground again they all laughed, and the three on the stairs joined the three in the living room.

"Awww look at my little Lovinito~" Antonio cooed as he reached out his arms to hug Lovino. Lovino immediately slapped his arms away and shot him a glare.

"Call me Lovinito one more time and I'll rip your vocal cords out of your throat" Lovino shot back, eliciting a laugh from Antonio proceeded by another attempt at a hug. This time, Lovino simply rolled his eyes and allowed the Spaniard to hug him, making the other four in the room tease him with a chorus of "awwwww"s. It took Lovino a solid 2 seconds of teasing before he shoved Antonio off of him and crossed his arms in embarrassment. The other four simply laughed at the scene in front of them, not really suprised at how harsh Lovino was acting.

"Anyway, we should get going" Matthew suggested as he looked at the clock on the wall.

"Agreed" Gilbert chirped, smiling as he wrapped his arm around Matthew's waist. Matthew smiled and Gilbert gave him a kiss on the cheek, much to the displeasure of Alfred. Gilbert heard Alfred groan from behind the two and Gilbert turned around and winked at the American. Alfred's mouth immediately dropped open as he realized his best friend was teasing him and using his own brother to do so. Alfred immediately scoffed and shot Gilbert an "it's so on" kind of look before the six headed out the door and into the Jones-Williams family's minivan. A little friendly competition never hurt anybody... right?

Filler chapter because I needed to updaaaaaateeeeeeee...sorry. Anyway, I'm on break in 2 weeks so this book will probably be finished then... only a few more chapters left!! AHHH. Anyway, thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed <3

(also this isn't edited so if there are mistakes you're going to have to deal with it)

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