Antonio's Casa

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After school, Matthew and Arthur waited for Alfred to find them in the parking lot. They were all heading to Antonio's house to hang out and Matthew was incredibly jittery.

"Calm down Matthew. What are you so anxious about?" Arthur asked, crossing his arms as he waited for an answer from his antsy best friend.

"Nothing. It's just- we don't usually hang out with all these people." Matthew responded, a little nervous to be hanging out with his brother and the most popular trio in school.

"We sort of do though! We hang out with them individually, just not all together. If you think about it, this friend group was going to happen at some point. You'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about." Arthur reassured, placing a hand on Matthew's shoulder to comfort him.

"I guess you're right.. Hey! There's Alfred." Matthew uttered, waving his brother down as he drove into the parking lot. Matthew hopped in the passengers seat and Arthur made his way to the back.

"You lost the shotgun game Arthur? Wow, you really do suck at everything." Alfred teased from the driver's seat as Arthur threw his backpack into the trunk and slid into the back.

"Git." Arthur mumbled, frustrated with his face's ability to get red so easily. Matthew turned around and looked at him to notice his face was as red as a tomato. Those two really liked to tease each other.

Alfred drove through town, occasionally making a comment about Arthur's eyebrows or inability to play dodgeball correctly as Matthew awkwardly sat through the sexual tension. When they finally arrived, Arthur was acting grumpy but secretly liked it and Matthew was rolling his eyes into the back of his head. Knocking on the door of Antonio's house, they heard some music playing from the inside. When the door swung open, the three were met with a bright smile and a wave from the green-eyed Spaniard.

"Aye glad you guys could make it! Gilbert, Francis, and Lovinito are in the basement if you wanna come join." Antonio explained happily, moving away from the door to let the three blonds inside.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT YOU JERK!" Lovino shouted from the basement, earning a chuckle from Arthur and Matthew. Lovino was the third member of their trio of sarcastic smartasses and he constantly complained about Antonio calling him "Lovinito".

Heading downstairs, Alfred, Antonio, Arthur, and Matthew were met by a grumpy Italian, a dancing German, and Francis being Francis. Lovino was sitting on a beanbag in the corner of the basement, grumpily folding his arms as he fumed about "Lovinito". Gilbert was dancing along to the music and playing air guitar like a total dork. Francis was laying on the pool table like a supermodel, taking selfies as he bobbed his head along to the music. Arthur and Matthew both shot each other an oh god what have we gotten ourselves into kind of look before Antonio turned the music down.

Gilbert immediately frowned and pretended to put his air guitar away, turning to see who could possibly be there that would make Antonio shut the music off. Looking back, his eyes lit up as he noticed Alfred, Matthew, and Arthur standing by the radio in total silence. The scene they had walked in on was a tad difficult to digest.

"MATTHEW! ALFRED! ARTHUR!" Gilbert yelled happily as if the music were still on full blast. Everyone cringed at his volume and he chuckled as he greeted his friends. Matthew blushed a bit at the fact that Gilbert said his name first. He knew it meant nothing, but it was still nice.

"Matthieu?" Francis questioned, pulling his attention away from his phone to look at the junior he often tutored in French.

"Hey Francis." Matthew smiled, waving a bit at the senior from across the room. Francis looked genuinely surprised to see him there. Since they never really hung out outside of school, it was interesting to see his favorite "student" at a BTT hangout. Then again, no one ever expected Lovino to be there either.

"ARTHUR?!" Francis shouted, even more surprised to see the Brit than he had been when he had seen Matthew.

"What, Francis." Arthur deadpanned, looking at the Frenchman with an annoyed expression. Francis and Arthur had been really good friends since they were little and were also neighbors, so Arthur had no idea why he was shouting. They hung out all the time.

"THAT SHIRT, WITH THOSE SHOES?" Francis cried, acting as if the fashion faux-paux was giving him chest pain. Arthur face-palmed at his friend's idiocy and walked over to Lovino, plopping himself down on the beanbag next to him. Francis giggled at Arthur's annoyance and went back to his phone. Antonio turned the music back up and starting talking to Alfred about the football team. Though, neither of them knew which "football" they were talking about. Finding everyone else in conversation with each other, Matthew naturally gravitated towards Gilbert, wondering what the white-haired boy had been up to since chem class.

"Hey! How'd the rest of your school day go?" Matthew asked, leaning against the pool table that Francis was laying on.

"It was okay but nothing compares to that chem class. It was really fun." Gilbert admitted, smiling as they reminisced on their mess of a lab.

"You nearly spilled corrosive acid on my skin!" Matthew cried jokingly. Gilbert made a "pssshhhh" noise and flicked his wrist to make it seem like no big deal.

"The only thing that really sucked about my day is that I got a detention for tomorrow afternoon." Gilbert admitted, looking down at the ground in annoyance.

"How did you manage to get a detention?" Matthew questioned curiously. He knew Alfred got them all the time, so it wasn't really surprising that Gilbert would get one.

"In English I used the Shakespeare poster as a dartboard. I made the darts out of pencil led and eraser caps. I nearly got slaughtered by Mrs. Smith." Gilbert explained. Matthew laughed at his ridiculous story. The Canadian has also felt the urge to throw darts at Shakespeare after having read Othello, so it was pretty understandable. Matthew was about to respond when he was interrupted by Francis.


Filler chapter AF but the next one will be more interesting I promise. Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it because it's really fun to write!

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