The BTT plays TOD

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"HEY GUYS!! LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Francis shouted over the music, setting his phone down on the table as a devilish smirk appeared on his face. Matthew knew the BTT got up to these shenanigans in their meantime, but he never expected to be a part of it. He was not ready to be a pawn in their crazy game of Truth or Dare.

They all sat in a circle on Antonio's floor and Francis let out a delighted laugh as he subjected them to the torture of his scandalous game of truth or dare.

"My rules for all of you who haven't played: Basic truth of dare with a bit of a twist. First: if you refuse to answer the truth question you are given, you have to do a dare instead. Second: if you refuse to do the dare you are given, you have to spin this bottle and you have to kiss whoever it lands on. Refuse to do anything and you are kicked out of the basement. Now, let's begin." Francis explained with a grin. 

"Roll these dice. Whoever has the highest number ask the one with the lowest number first" Antonio explained, holding up a pair of dice in his hands. Everyone rolled and Alfred had the highest number of 11 and Lovino had the lowest number of 3.

"Ok Lovino, truth or dare?" Alfred asked, looking at the Italian. 

"Dare." Lovino responded, looking incredibly apathetic as he took on the challenge of the dare. 

"I dare you to lick whipped cream off of Antonio's stomach." Alfred challenged him, a huge smirk appearing on his face as the room erupted in laughter. Gilbert gave Alfred a high five as both Antonio and Lovino's faces turned bright red. Francis happily got up and skipped over to the fridge, taking out a bottle of whipped cream and heading back to the circle. 

"I'm not doing that you freaks!" Lovino protested, crossing his arms as his face turned even redder. 

"Would you rather have to spin the bottle?" Francis questioned, raising his eyebrows in curiosity. 

"No." Lovino mumbled, uncrossing his arms in defeat as he realized he would have to lick whipped cream off of his crush's stomach. Everyone laughed and Francis forced Antonio to lay on his back and lift up is shirt, revealing an incredibly muscular torso. Lovino could feel his face getting hotter as Francis squirted out a line of whipped cream across the Spaniard's abs. Reluctantly crawling over to Antonio, Lovino lowered his head and quickly licked the whipped cream off of his abs, immediately jumping back to his seat once he was finished. Everyone cheered him on, laughing at his fuming expression. 

"How'd it taste?" Gilbert teased as Francis put the whipped cream back in the fridge. 

"Shut up." Lovino grumbled, shooting him a death glare. Antonio awkwardly folded his hands in front of his crotch to hide the embarrassing excitement he got from that dare. 

"Next one! Lovino it's your turn to ask." Francis directed.

"Gilbert, truth or dare?" Lovino asked, wanting to get back at the white-haired boy for teasing him. 

"Dare, of course. Who do you think I am?" Gilbert shot back. 

"I dare you to jump off the roof and land in the pool."

"You're on." 

Suddenly everyone was outside waiting for Gilbert to make his way to the roof. Antonio let him wear one of his bathing suits and he was maxing his way up Antonio's balcony and onto the roof. Everyone stood by the poolside, looking up as they saw him appear at the top. The pool was pretty deep, so there was no risk of injury, but it was a high jump. Matthew blushed at the shirtless German but grew fearful at what he was about to do next. As Gilbert made his way to the ledge, all 6 of them counted down from ten. When they reached one, Gilbert jumped off of the roof, war cry piercing all their ears. Everyone watched as he dropped and slammed into the pool, water splashing over all of them as they cheered happily.

Gilbert got out of the pool, a huge red mark on his side from hitting the water so hard. He triumphantly cheered and everyone laughed as they headed back into the house. As soon as Gilbert got changed again they sat back down in the circle and continued.

"Gil, it's your turn." Francis informed him as Gilbert ruffled his wet hair. 

"Uh- okay. Matthew, truth or dare?" Gilbert asked, looking over at the Canadian. Matthew froze, not knowing what to do. He hated truth or dare.

"Dare." Matthew responded, not wanting to sound like a baby by saying truth. He hoped Gilbert wouldn't go too far but he knew it was going to be bad by the smirk on his face.

"I dare you to run down the street naked and run back without getting caught." Gilbert dared, eliciting an "ooOooOo" from the crowd. Matthew froze, not knowing what to do. He was way too shy to run around naked in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. 

"I-I can't" Matthew replied, disappointed in himself that he wasn't daring enough to live up to Gilbert's expectations.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to spin the bottle." Francis said, pulling the bottle out from behind him and putting it in the middle of the circle. Matthew reluctantly nodded, hoping that it would land on Gilbert and that he could get it over with. As Francis placed his hand on the bottle, time seemed to slow down for Matthew. The Frenchman spun it, each second passing more excruciating than the next for the Canadian. Everyone watched as the bottle slowed down, stopping perfectly right in between Francis and Gilbert. Everyone looked up at Matthew. It was a dead tie. 

"Um- I think that's a tie." Alfred spoke up, not wanting his innocent brother to kiss either of the members of the BTT. Alfred was super protective of Mattie and was not about to let one of his friends kiss him. 

"Eh... Personally, I think it's leaning more towards me." Francis spoke up, looking at Matthew with a smirk. Matthew nodded in protest and let out a yelp as Francis tackled him to the ground and planted a sloppy kiss on his mouth. Struggling to push him off, Matthew let out a small cry and both Alfred and Gilbert shoved Francis off of him. 

"NOT COOL FRANCIS." Gilbert shouted, his red eyes filled with rage as he shoved Francis away from the group. 

"What? It landed on me!" Francis defended himself. 

"No it didn't." Gilbert growled, growing angrier. Everyone was surprised at how tense the German had gotten. Even Alfred hadn't gotten that overprotective. Matthew's face grew red as Gilbert defended him.

"I think I'm going to head home." Matthew suddenly spoke up, not wanting to be the damsel in distress. Rushing out of the basement, Matthew ran outside and began his walk home. Replaying the scene over in his head, he felt a little angry. Why did Francis have to ruin it? 

At least Matthew had a knight in shining armor to save him.

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